One Week.

Cw- Homophobia, blood mention, slurs

About a week after this stupid disease began, Kenny was only coughing more and more petals. Now, he was coughing up 2 or 3 petals each time, rather than just one.

It was bloodier, and it hurt more.
Kenny's throat hurt more. It was more painful to cough up flowers.

And Kenny had also realised recently that his option of 'Get a Surgery' was completely gone because his family couldn't afford it.

Today is Saturday. Kenny wasn't going to do anything today, but nor was Tweek, so they decided to meet up.
Kenny doesn't have a phone, so they had to plan it all at school.

10:02 AM at Tweek's house went a little like this.

Kenny knocks on the door.
Tweek's mom opens the door.
"Well hey C- Oh... hello... you... haha..."

"Mph mphm mhm?"
Kenny mumbles back.
He asks if Tweek is home.

"...What? I-If you're asking for Tweek, uhm.... he's upstairs in his room."

Kenny says 'Okay!', before running upstairs and looking for Tweek's room. After accidentally opening a random door to Tweek's parents' room, he opens Tweek's door.

The sudden creak of the door causes Tweek to scream.

He turns around to see Kenny.
"O-Oh, it's just you... ack!"

Kenny nods, and zips his parka down a bit.
"Yeah, hi. So... we should probably plan out what I'm gonna do now about this stupid disease, right?"
The boy in the orange parka mumbles out.

"ACK! Oh, r-right... b-but first, t-take a tissue i-i-if you need to cough."
The jittery kid hands Kenny a tissue.

Kenny takes it, prepared to use it if he needs to cough up more flowers.

"Okay, so... let's get talking..."
Kenny tells Tweek, sitting down on the edge of Tweek's bed, while Tweek sits at his desk.

12:38 - Butters' house.

"Loo loo loo, I've got some apples, loo loo loo, you've got some too-"

A recognisable voice calls.

"Well, heya, Eric!"
Butters replies, standing up from the grass outside his house and dropping the My Little Pony dolls he was playing with.

Obviously, he had Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, because he has taste.

"Butters, listen to me carefully. Take your phone out and look on Eavesdropper RIGHT NOW!"
The rather round boy yells.

"W-Well, okay, jeez!"
Butters rushes inside his house, grabs his phone from his room, and opens up the new school story on Eavesdropper.

New post.

《Shocking News! Kenneth Mc'Whore'mick isn't as straight as he seems!》

Thats the title.
Butters was confused. Kenny always had girls on his mind, and every other thing that came out of his mouth was a sexual innuendo. About GIRLS. Y'know, boobies?

"That is SO fucking funny, dude. Like- Like, seriously; I refuse to believe that! But it's on Eavesdropper! So it's gotta be true! Wait- Wait, press that, they got ahold of the conversation between Tweek, Kahl, and Kyinny!"
Cartman laughs uncontrollably as Butters plays the recording. It's a rather noisy sound note, and it's hard to hear the conversation, but Butters can make out...
"Jesus, I don't mean to judge, but the kid known as Kenny McWhoremick likes the most innocent kid in class? And for someone who loves thinking about girls, a boy? That's a bit of a plot twist, huh?"

It seems to be Kyle's voice.
There's other stuff, referring to whoever Kenny's crush is as a 'he', but Butters nor Cartman end up hearing who Kenny says he likes.

The recording ends.

"Don't'cha think that's a lil'... y'know... Homophobic? To put a kid's face everywhere because they're gay?"
Butters quickly mumbles out.

"Butters, stop defending the newly-born fag or I'm gonna call you a fag too."
Cartman threatens.

"B-But you already call me a fag, Eric!"
Butters spits out, causing Eric to glare at him.

"Okay, okay, Jesus, fella'! I'll stop!'
