▸ 4


Underage smoking

Unlike the previous day, Hanamiya wasn't found at the school gate like you were almost expecting him to be. You had initially been walking slowly as to make sure none of his little doggies didn't decide to literally kidnap you before you realised that none of them were actually around. After a moment of confusion, you had been reminded that he was, in fact, the captain of the basketball team and hence that meant basketball practice and what not.

With a quick burst of confidence, you had made it out of school with no interruptions and found yourself in front of your favourite old man in the neighbourhood when you handed him a five hundred yen coin in exchange for a small packet of cigarettes.

"You're my best customer, you know that, [Lastname]?"

You couldn't help but smile, mentally questioning whether it was from how pathetic that sounded or how prideful you could be from what you could've taken as a compliment, "You know it, jii-san, you're the only one who's nice enough to get a girl like me some smokes."

He chuckled lightly, taking the cancer stick from his lips before he straightened up to grab the lighter from his pocket when you began unwrapping the packet, inhaling the scent of tobacco from the box before taking one of them out and holding it to your lips when he lit the end of it, "I'm only here for the money, even if it's a little." His voice was raspy, thick with toxins from the years of smoking and you couldn't help shrugging in agreement, "I'm only here for the smokes, thanks, jii-san."

At that, you walked away and made it to the local playground, throwing your bag to the ground beside the swing set as you inhaled the tobacco and exhaled a small cloud by your lonesome as you moved backwards, both of your hands grabbing the chains beside you as you allowed yourself to get higher on the swings before a sudden figure startled you.

You choked, the figure smiled as he came closer, grinning at your pitiful appearance as smoke clouded around you when you had sucked the poisonous smoke before finally taking a breath of air when Hanamiya relaxed beside you on the swing as your own began to slow down to a stop.

You sighed to yourself, cringing internally from being startled so badly and you refused to make eye contact, the only sounds heard being the slight burning of the cigarette when you breathed in the fumes.

"I didn't know my little [Name]-chan smoked, that shit is gross." He didn't look at you with judgement nor disgust but his tone still suggested one of superiority - it had been that way since the moment you had the displeasure of meeting him.

"Don't say that until you've tried it." You were half expecting him to say that he had but he surprised you by holding his hand out, awaiting the cancer stick and you shrugged, taking the one you held between your lips towards him to take before he wrapped his fingers around your wrist and pulled you into him.

You yelped, almost tripping from where you sat on the swing and he chuckled lowly before it was silent again and you felt your hand come into contact with skin from when you were looking down at your feet so you didn't fall.

His grip loosened on your wrist and you were unbelievably graced with the sight of Hanamiya holding your fingers to his mouth with the cigarette in between his two lips as he stared into your eyes. He inhaled slowly, almost as if this wasn't his first time and you sucked in a breath when he released your hand to blow the air slowly towards you, you could smell it clearly and it almost blurred the sight of his calm face in front of yours, watching your eyes before his sights lowered to your lips.

At that, you had subconsciously licked your lips but you had managed to grow a small smile when his face twisted in slight disgust, "Taste like shit, stop it."

He was quick to swipe the smoke from your loose fingers and your shock wore off as you grew even more bewildered by his behaviour, "Dude, are you serious?!" His only answer was to stand up, towering over you and to step on the sizzling cigarette as he twisted his ankle, looking down at the ground with a smug turn of his lips, "Can't have my [Name]-chan tasting like smoke, now can I?"

"E-excuse me?"

He heard your stutter, mildly satisfied at the sound before nodding to himself in appreciation of his own words. His sadistic grin only matured when you remained frozen on the swing and you were tempted to grab another from the packet in your bag before realising it would probably end up like the murdered one on the dirty floor of the playground.

"You heard me."

"Um~" You drawled out sassily and he awaited your next words with an excitable grin, waiting for you to say anything just for the sake of hearing your sweet honey-like voice fueled with fiery so he could shut it down quickly and hopefully cause that pink hue to come to your cheeks again.

"I don't do relationship so, not-sorry to burst your bubble bu~t I'll take my leave now."

He watched you quietly and you took this time to hastily grab your bag from the ground to leave the playground before he spoke up again, watching you from behind and by the sound of his voice, you could tell he was grinning, "Who said anything about relationships?"

You paused momentarily and that was one of the many mistakes you had been beginning to make since meeting this sadistic creature when he took that moment to his advantage by quickening his steps to walk beside you, placing a freakishly-large hand over your head when he spoke down to you patronisingly, "Let me walk you home, who knows what kind of dangerous people are out at night now."

To your amazement, you hadn't realised it was night until he said so and you didn't even know how much he was invading your thoughts but it had to be bad if you didn't even realise the giant flaming ball in the sky was now almost completely gone. You sighed as the words he spoke sounded nothing but ridiculous and you replied quickly, muttering the first thing that popped into your mind, "I think you're the only dangerous one I should be looking out for..."

A malignant grin crossed his face as he looked down at you adoringly but almost just as you had expected it, he didn't reply and practically confirmed your statement.

Holy moly, me oh my, this guy is a dick but he makes my heart go doki doki
