▸ 2


Contains swearing

A few weeks after that whole shebang, you had been walking through school when somebody decided they could slam their body into yours during your lunch break. Ridiculous, right?

The person, male, from the sound of their groans after pathetic falling to the ground when you managed to shift your weight to one side so they slid from your back and fell to the dirty floor, looked up at you with a deep blush but their eyes held malice - it was enough to make you lick your lips in joy.

"Oh, you're that Mizumi-chan's boyfriend." He disregarded the fact that he had completely embarrassed himself in trying to knock you down because of the sheer anger and frustration he felt and you were almost tempted to squat down to his level to chastise him before you figured that you liked looking down at him like this, "Wanna tell me why you wanted to knock me over?"

He opened his mouth but you continued, "Might want to hurry before I start charging you for wasting my time." There was an undertone of dark intentions in your voice and he sucked in a breath, swallowing quickly before he stood, taking the sand and dirt with him before racing to get some off of him as his eyes never left yours.

"You-.. You're the reason I broke up with Mizumi!"

"Oh, she's single now?" You grinned and he paled.

"N-No, she's m-mine!" He stuttered and you neared him in confusion and anger, "What the fu- why're you here? Leave me alone you bastard." He almost tripped and you saw; in the corner of your eyes, the way his fists clenched when he was at a loss, "I told you before, didn't I? Mizumi played with Kei before I played with her, why're you still being lead along by a girl like her, huh?"

His eyes wandered to the features of your face, moving quickly as he didn't know how to answer and you almost felt sorry for him, feeling that was stupid though because how could that do anything to benefit you?

"Oh~ you loved her, but oh no! She's grabbed your affection and threw it in the toilet, whoop-de-doo - get over it, idiot." He sputtered something incomprehensible but you were getting annoyed and when you were annoyed and hungry at the same time, it wasn't nice for anyone around you. You growled under your breath and you actually hoped he'd hear it just so he could apologise and leave you alone.

But that didn't happen, well he did leave you alone but he did it quickly and silently after seeing something over your shoulder and you were actually grateful. You turned around with a silent prayer in thanks but paused again when you saw the captain of the basketball team standing there alone with a short smirk along his lips.

The sight, although tantalising, was sketchy and you merely walked around him to head to the vending machine before his hand reached out to grab your forearm. You stopped and glared up at him, eyes narrowed at his height when he was closer so it made him seem so much taller, "You know.. I don't really like being ignored."

His voice, deep and smooth and the same time, spoke quietly and you just wanted to pull away if not the tightening of his grasp on your upper forearm. He could feel the way you wanted to escape and he made sure it wasn't possible.

"And... as you can see, I don't really care."

You smiled up at him mockingly, tilting your head cutely with a closed-eye smile that you hoped made him falter, by the way his fingers twitched, you could say he had and you felt a tiny amount of pride coming from within you before sighing again, "Let me go, you ape."

"Not until you tell me your name, you little witch." He was quick to reply and it was a breath of something fresh when he hadn't looked at you with fear in his eyes, unlike that other boy who had the audacity of blaming you for breaking up with his own girlfriend, a disloyal one at that.

"The name of this witch is [Lastname] [Name], now leave me alone. I'll take my leave to go find you some fucking chivalry." He grinned, accomplished and the siren rang as you tried to step away to go to your class. Except, you couldn't when his arm let go to move further across your body until he was grabbing your opposite hip, to bring you closer to him as his antagonistic grin turned to a smile, one of impure intentions but a smile no less.

"Hanamiya Makoto and I'll make sure to be there when you do, [Name]-chan."

The name made you frown in distaste, cringing slightly at the sound of your first name coming from his lips with that honorific, it was gross and displeasing but the way he said your name had you pausing for half a second before you recomposed yourself and disappeared to breathe fresher air.

Holy moly, me oh my, this guy is a dick but he makes my heart go doki doki
