New Years (SonTails)

Sonic PoV

Okay. Tonight was the night.

It was New Years Eve. Once the clock hits 12 I'm going to confess to the love of my life.

I hope.

I'm so nervous. I bought flowers, a card, and just about anything else I thought of, just to throw it all away thinking he wouldn't like it. Which was probably wrong of me. Tails would probably love everything I bought him. 

This isn't like me.

I've gone over all scenarios over in my head. He accepts, we live a happy life together.

If he denies...

I don't want to go into it.

Either way, I'm going to man up and confess.



I sat on a bench, completely nerve wracked, and fiddled with the bouquet of roses in my hands. 

'You can do this Sonic. Have some confidence.' I nodded in determination and watched the park entrance. Then he walked in and looked around. He spotted me then smiled and waved.

He was so cute.

I waved back and forced a smile. I was way to nervous to have anything to smile about. The sinking feeling of fear settled it's way into my stomach, and with each step he took closer I felt more and more like curling up into a ball and shaking.

"Hey Sonic!" He greeted and sat next to me. I smiled wider. Just hearing his voice made me feel instantly better.

"Hey Tails." I said back,he craned his neck back and looked at the stars, It being in the middle of the night, almost 12.

"Its so pretty out lately. Don't you think?" He looked at me smiling still. And at that moment I knew that if he rejected me tonight, I'd be even more crushed than previously anticipated.

"Y-yeah..." There was a nervous stutter in my voice, and I looked at my watch. 11:50. 10 minutes. I drew in a deep breath and then let it out, trying to calm my nerves. I felt some of the feeling at the pit of stomach lessen.

We stared at the stars for a while, a comfortable silence falling between us. I check the time again. 11:59.

"Hey Tails..." I kept my voice low, and turned to him.

"Yeah Sonic?" He turned to look at me and I realized how close our faces were. He turned back to the sky as quickly as I noticed it, and even in the dark I saw the hint of a blush on his cheeks.

"I...h-have to tell you something..." I let my voice trail and looked back to the sky as he looked at me with confusion. Suddenly all the confidence I had gathered had drained.

"What is it?" He asked quietly, obviously concerned.

"I-I...r-really l-like you...m-maybe...even more then just f-friends." I paused to regain my composure several times during the statement.

"Sonic..." He stayed quiet. I almost flinched.

"Sonic look at me..." He said, his tone a bit more firm. I did as told and felt his lips crash onto mine. My eyes widened, not expecting this at all from him. He pulled back, a smile covering his face. The blush very much apparent on his face.

"Love you too Sonic." 



This is finally done Jesus! I know. Its SO SHORT. I was just inspired by...I can't even remember. I just thought this would be cute.

And yes I am well aware It's no longer new years okay? I just love stories like this. Even though I probably ruined it for some people. *Bleh*

ANYWAY! See ya in the next oneshot. I'mma go eat some cookies and listen to Steven Universe songs. BUH BYE
