Dollhouse (Darkiplier x AntiSepticEye)

Darkiplier PoV

This is my life.
Slowly turning Mark mad.
Making his life hell.
Killing innocent fans.
Yep. Fun.
Except for when he locked me up in this empty mindscape.
Now I don't even get to talk to Wilford or even Yandereplier.
And forget glitch, he was locked up in a mental asylum mindscape. Well, at least he had some company.
I used to call the mindscape we used to live in dollhouse.
Mostly because dolls and mannequins are creepy.
Even I will admit that.
So, they're fine with me.
But another reason, whenever I think of that word, I don't think fun, I think mad house. Prison. And that is what it felt like. Now, I am directly connected to his mind and imagination. And could tell whenever he was raging, his most mentally vulnerable moments. And try to get out. I almost did once, but failed unfortunately. I felt a vibration in the... What do you call the floor of an endless void of nothing? Well that. It started turning white and glowing. Then it got bigger. And bigger, until it shattered.

I was out.

I chuckled evilly. Now was my chance to regain some control. Wait.. Am I in his... Recording room. Am I... Corporal? Wow, great, let's have some fun. Mark was on the ground, passed out. I glowered at him. I went to the computer, I wanted to get Anti. He was the only one who I knew how to get out. It was easy. Skype jack, that's it. If he sees my face, he'll lose control and anti will be let out.

All I had to do was click a few buttons and-... What? Skype was already up? Did... Is Anti already out?

*Anti PoV*

It's been fun but it's time to get out.


'No Anti.' His voice came out firm as if he already knew what I was about to say. He probably did. It was just about routine.

"C'mon Sean, it's so boring here!" I whined and stomped on the floor with my arms crossed.

'I don't care. Leave me alone I'm on with mark right now.- Wait forget I said that!'

I smirked. I felt him slip. He was worried. Great.

"C'mon you let me out some this Halloween, you can't expect me to follow orders anymore can you?"

I smirked again as I felt his grip on his mind slip again. Just a few more threats.

"You can't protect them forever you know."
He slipped more, I could start to see from his view now.

'You okay man? You're being awfully quiet."
Mark asked looking quite concerned.

'I'm fine Mark.' Sean said to the screen. I chuckled and it made Sean do the same.

'Jack?...' Mark looked at the screen even more worried.

I gave an amused look to the camera. And spoke two words that I know would let my only friend and fellow phantom out.

'Not anymore...' And then a chuckle.

I watched his shocked expression as he fell to the ground. Then watched as something black oozed from his eyes, and turned into a figure. The figure then turned into Dark and I looked at his facial expression change.

'God,  why are you so damn cute sometimes. Rugged bastard' I almost blushed but fought it. He was confused. Then shocked. Then he looked at Mark. A smirk crossed his lips. A smirk that sent shivers down my spine.

I helped him escape the dollhouse. He sat down in the computer chair and clicked a few times, then looked confused. 

"Hello again old friend." I Stated catching his attention and pulling him from his thoughts.

"Hello Again." He greeted with a smirk. I once again had to fight the urge to blush. And jump through the screen and kiss him. It was harder than it should have been. Damn Sean and his stupid human feelings. Damn Mark for making him feel that way.

"So...How'd you manage to separate me and Mark?" He asked. I gave him a confused look.

"What are you talking about? I just helped you take control." I said, still confused. He stopped smirking.

"Then why do I have my own body? How do I have my own body?" He said, mostly to himself.

"I...Don't know. How do you have your own body?..." My voice trailed as I started making up theories in my thoughts.

"Maybe it's because I was in my own space." He said.

"Well if that's the case wouldn't we both have our own bodies?" I smirked at him.

"Well you should really take a look around." He smirked back. I looked around at the ground and noticed a passed out Sean just laying there. 

"Well then." I said and made a clicking noise with my tongue. He chuckled.

"So whose goin' where?" He asked, still smirking. Knowing I'd be eager to get to him.

"Me to you of course." I smirked and fought my pounding heart.

_~Timeskip Because I Don't Know How To Write This~_

I brushed myself off while glaring at Dark. He was currently laughing his ass off because in my rush I had faceplanted into Mark's hardwood floor. He sounded just like Mark when he laughed. Which made those stupid "Septiplier" feelings pop back up. 

"Oh ha ha. Very fucking funny." I said rather irritated at both myself and him.

"Very-" He paused to catch his breath,"-Very funny." And then had calmed down enough to just chuckle a bit.

God damn you Dark. You rugged bastard that drives me crazy.

*Dark PoV* (A/N: So Many Changes Sorry)

I inwardly smirked at how cute Anti was when he was angry. Which is half the reason I loved annoying him so much. He punched me lightly and crossed his arms pouting. 

Damn it you adorable Irishman stop it.

"Okay, Okay. I guess I owe you an apology." I said, then turned and started making my way downstairs without saying anything else. Chuckling quietly as I heard him growl. I Heard his footsteps coming down the stairs as I made towards the couch.

"What are you doing?" He asked, since we usaully always started with a video to "Warn" the watchers. 

"Just relaxing. Taking in the scenery. With my own eyes." I smirked and looked at him. His hands were on his hips and he looked quite irritated. Then i realised something.

"What color are they?" I asked, looking into his eyes.

"What?" He asked, sounding confused.

"My eyes dumbass." I stated becoming quite impatient.

"Red. And black." He informed me and I raised a brow at him.

"Like two different irises?" I asked slightly confused. His hands left his hips and he moved to sit next to me.

"No, Red irises on a black scerla." He said simply.

"A black what?" I Asked turning to look at him. He sighed.

"The normally white part of your eyes is black jackass." He put his chin in his hand and looked rather bored. 

"I'll show you jackass." I said and tackled him.

"Hey-!" He yelped slightly as I pinned him to the floor. He looked quite flustered and I chuckled. He growled at me.

"Get off me." He said sternly. I just shook my head.

"Dark..." He warned. I Shook my head again.

"Dark I'm serious get off." He raised his voice a little.

"No." I Simply stated "What are you gonna do?" I asked. Staring at his face. He still looked flustered. God he was so cute. 

"This." He simply stated. I was about to ask what when his lips collided with mine.

*Anti PoV*

I couldn't take it anymore! I have to kiss him!

"This." I simply stated and used what little strength I could to push myself forward and smash my lips against his. He tensed and his grip slipped and I could move slightly. I wanted to pull him closer but he broke away. 

"A-Anti..." His voice trailed and he was the flustered one this time. 

"Hey it's Your fault for pouncing on me." I stated not bothering to hide my blush and smirked. He stayed silent. Then after a moment of me worrying I ruined my only friendship his lips met mine again. 

"So... Should I just leave you two alone?" A deep voice asked and We broke away and looked toward the voice, even more flustered. Our gaze was met with a very confused Mark at the top of the stairs. 

Both of our eyes widened as Mark chuckled.

"I'll take that as a 'Yes'." As he went back into his recording room. Me and Dark chuckled awkwardly.

"S-so..." I Stuttered out.

"Sure, why not." Dark said as I was dragged into a more passionate kiss.

_~What Happens Next Is Left To Your Imagination~_

_~Word Count: 1,407~_

_~Edit:How many of y'all want me to write a smut for a part 2 of this?~_
