Male Godzilla-Shifter Reader X Yandere Akagi

(Y/N is believed to be just a normal human, but he can shape shift into the King of Monsters himself, Godzilla. He had already defeated King Ghidorah, Kong and other monsters, even though he had Kong's help against Mechagodzilla. This caught the attention of both Azur Lane and Crimson Axis, especially the leader of Sakura Empire.)

(Y/N is currently walking though the town as he sees it completely destroyed. He sees the guilty of the attack: the sirens.)

Y/N: Those sirens can be such a pain in the ass. I guess I'd better scare the shit out of them!

(Y/N shape shifts into Godzilla and roars loudly.)

Y/N: (roars)

(His roar catches the attention of the sirens as they charge at him, but he holds his own against them, easily defeating them all with his atomic breath. Suddenly he sees Arbiter the Empress III.)

Y/N: (scoffs) So you're the leader of these bitches, Arbiter the Empress III.

Arbiter: And you will die at my hands.

Y/N: Well, I guess we'll see about that.

(Arbiter charges at Y/N who shoves her with a tail swag, making her crash into some remaining buildings. She then tries to shoot Y/N, but her shots don't faze him at all.)

Y/N: Do you think you can hurt me?

(Y/N then hits her with his atomic breath.)

Y/N: Many before you tried to kill me before. But not even an atomic bomb could stop me!

(Y/N stomps Arbiter before finishing her.)

Y/N: They don't call me the King of Monsters for nothing!

(Y/N pulverizes Arbiter with his Atomic Breath, killing her. Suddenly he feels someone approaching him.)

????: Hello, my love.

(Y/N turns to see a girl with fox ears and nine fox tails, besides wearing a red mini shirt with knee-high tights and a long red and black overcoat with gold trimmings. She walks towards Y/N while swaying her hips.)

Y/N: Who are you?

????: I am Akagi, but you can call me your queen, sweetie.

Y/N: (monotone) Begone THOT!

Akagi: Ow, that's not nice to call your future queen a thot...

Y/N: If you breathe, you're one.

Akagi: Well, I'll make sure you submit to me!

Y/N: Many tried, many failed. But if you wanna try me, go ahead.

(Akagi smirks and dashes at Y/N while kicking his stomach, but he still stands.)

Y/N: Is that supposed to bring me down?

(Y/N tries to hit Akagi with his tail, but she grabs it and throws him down.)

Akagi: Please, my Y/N. It pains me to hurt you. Just give up and accept my love.

(Y/N ignored what she said and barely got up. He tries to use his atomic breath, but Akagi dodges it and hits him with missiles, eventually bruising him, but he wasn't ready to give up yet. He tries his last move, but then Akagi uses her strongest move and hits the back of his head, knocking him out.)

Akagi: Now you're finally mine, and no one will take you from me!

(Akagi laughs maniacally, and then she sees Y/N reverting back to normal before carrying him away. She then injected a drug which prevented him from transforming for a while and had her way with him until she broke his will. Y/N no longer considered himself as a king.)
