Yandere Rejecting Team RWBY X Ultraman Geed OC X Yandere Sister Ryoko (Belial)

(Sora Asakura is the brother of Ryoko Asakura, who used to have a crush on Team RWBY, but got rejected by them. What they don't know is that Sora is the current Ultraman Geed. Unfortunately his sister does as she is the host of Ultraman Belial.)


(Sora is seen at Beacon's courtyard along with Team RWBY.)

Ruby: So? What did you exactly want from us?

Sora: We have been friends for too long, and the truth is that... I'm starting to like you more than friends.

Weiss: (sighs) Nice try, but I don't feel the same.

Blake: Sorry, but I'm a faunus, and you're a human, there's no way our relationship could work.

Yang: Too bad, Sora. But I've got eyes for someone else.

Ruby: I'm flattered, but I don't feel the same. Sorry.

Sora: (sighs) Well, It was worth it. I guess.

(Then Sora leaves the courtyard. Unbeknownst to them, Ryoko was watching them, and wasn't happy at all.)

Ryoko: The nerve of those whores, why would they do this to Onii-chan? Grrr, I want to kill them so badly.

????: Then do it.

Ryoko: What?

????: Do it. Accept my power, and you can have your vengeance.

Ryoko: Who's there?

(Then the figure shows up, revealing itself as Ultraman Belial.)

Belial: Join me, and you will get the power beyond your imagination.

(Suddenly Ryoko's eyes glow red.)


(Sora is seen wandering around Beacon, when he suddenly sees a grimm kaiju.)

Sora: Of all times for a kaiju to attack. Well, like I always say: Standing around doing nothing, won't get me anywhere!

(Sora prepares to transform.)

Sora: You go!

(Ultraman appears)

Sora: I go!

(Ultraman Belial appears.)

Sora: Here we go!


Sora: Time to get ready!

(Sora then finishes his transformation.)



(Ultraman Geed appears and fights the Grimm Kaiju. Meanwhile, Ryoko watches him.)

Ryoko: So you're Geed, onii-chan. We'll have lots of fun now.

(Ryoko's eyes glow, and suddenly she pulls out a capsule.)

Ryoko: Gomora!

(Gomora's roar is heard, and then Ryoko pulls out another capsule.)

Ryoko: Red King!

(Red King's roar is heard as well, and suddenly she pulls out her transformation device.)

Ryoko: Now I shall mark the end.


(Ryoko then transforms into Skull Gomora.)


(Skull Gomora shows up, and Geed notices that.)

Geed: Ultraman Belial and Salem together? This is getting dangerous. I'd better take action before it's too late.

(Inside of Geed, Sora switches capsules.)

Sora: You go!

(Ultraseven appears)

Sora: I go!

(Ultraman Leo appears)

Sora: Here we go!


Sora: Time for my courage to burn bright.

(Sora finishes changing forms.)



(Ultraman Geed changes forms and prepares to fight.)


(After managing to defeat Skull Gomora and the Grimm Kaiju, Sora is seen returning to Beacon, when he suddenly bumps into someone.)

Sora: Ow. I'm sorry, are you okay?

????: Yes, I'm alright... wait, is that you, Sora?

Sora: Velvet?

Velvet: It's... good to see you.

Sora: Yeah... could you call Nora, Pyrrha and Coco here, please?

Nora: (comes in) We're already here.

Sora: Well, I would like to ask if... you would want to hang out with me...

Pyrrha: Well, I'm getting nowhere with Jaune. He's too dense.

Nora: The way Ren responds to me, I got sick of his emo attitude.

Velvet: Well, you saved me from Cardin, so...

Coco: Just to let you know, I always found you very cute.

Sora: So that's a yes?

(They nod in agreement. Unfortunately Ryoko was watching them.)

Ryoko: Oh, onii-chan... it looks like you didn't learn...

(Meanwhile with Team RWBY, they are seen saddened by something.)

Ruby: I don't understand, I thought they loved us.

Weiss: I should've known they wouldn't give us such attention.

Blake: Yeah, not like... Sora...

Yang: (sad) Yes, I guess we broke his heart with a yang.

Ruby: Yang, don't make us feel worse than we already are!

(Suddenly they hear some familiar voices.)

Nora: I hope Sora likes our outfits.

Coco: Trust me, Nora. They were designed by the best fashionistas.

Pyrrha: Let's just hope we don't attract much unwanted attention.

Velvet: Well, here we go.

(Then Team RWBY gets shocked.)

Ruby: Did Sora...

Weiss: It's not possible.

Blake: No no no!

Yang: Just when we were about to...

Ruby: Please, not another pun.

Weiss: Alright, I know he still loves us. Those four are simply trying to poison his mind.

Blake: But what should we do now?


(Sora is seen eating some pancakes and cakes with Nora, Pyrrha, Coco and Velvet.)

Sora: (muffled) You know... these are the best moments in my life.

Nora: Ours too.

Pyrrha: How about we buy you some clothes after that.

Sora: Well, I'll pay.

Coco: No, Sora. I'll be the one paying.

(As they talk, Ryoko is watching them.)

Ryoko: Time to interrupt onii-chan's date.

(Her eyes glow red again as she pulls out a capsule.)

Ryoko: Eleking!

(Eleking's roar is heard.)

Ryoko: Ace Killer!

(A thunderclap is heard as she pulls out her transformation device..)

Ryoko: Now to mark his date's end.


(Ryoko transforms)


(Then Thunder Killer emerges and starts rampaging. This catches Sora's attention as he turns to the four girls.)

Sora: I'll go there, and I'll be right back.

(Sora then hides and prepares to transform.)

Sora: Standing around doing nothing won't get me anywhere!

(He pulls out an Ultra Capsule.)

Sora: Yo go!

(Ultraman Hikari appears.)

Sora: I go!

(Ultraman Cosmos appears)

Sora: Here we go!


Sora: Time to give you something shocking!

(Sora finishes his transformation.)



(Ultraman Geed rises again, and sees Thunder Killer.)

Geed: Let's go!

(Start at 8:20)

(After defeating Thunder Killer, Sora reverts back to normal, but then he sees Nora, Coco, Velvet and Pyrrha heavily bruised.)

Sora: What the hell?

Velvet: (weakly) Sora...

(Suddenly someone shoots her in the head, and Sora turns to see Team RWBY as Blake holds her Gamble Shroud, implying that she was the one who killed Velvet.)

Sora: (stern) You're going to pay for this!

(Suddenly a knife hits one of his legs, and he turns to see Ryoko.)

Sora: Onee-san? Why?

Ryoko: If I had confessed that I loved you more than a brother, I wouldn't have to put you in such situation, Onii-chan... or should I say... Geed.

Sora: (shocked) How do you know that?

Ryoko: I didn't. He showed me.

Sora: He?

Belial: It's been so long, Geed.

Sora: (glares) Belial.

Belial: Your sister was generous to turn to me for help. She wanted to kill those four for rejecting you. Then I thought it would be a good opportunity to show those fools of Light of Land, including but not limited to Ozma that all light is fated to fade out.

Sora: You won't get away with this.

Belial: I already did. And besides, it's not like you can stop me. But first...

Ruby: Wait.

Belial: Huh?

Weiss: It's true that we rejected your son, Belial. But we regret having done this to him.

Blake: Let us be with him.

Belial: And what do I get in exchange.

Yang: Our loyalty to you, Belial-sama.

Sora: (shocked) No...

Belial: Are you willing to cast your own humanity aside?

(They nod in agreement.)

Belial: Very well.

(Then Belial starts corrupting Team RWBY, transforming them into their evil selves.)

Belial: And now, to celebrate, I'll let you live to see Remnant being destroyed. And I'll enjoy it very, very much.

(Belial laughs maniacally as Sora falls into despair since he realizes that he failed to protect Remnant.)

Sora: (sobs) Professor Ozpin... I'm sorry.

(These were Sora's last words before he tried to fight back, but he was in disadvantage and ended up losing. Now he became a toy for four evil huntresses and a psychotic sister.)
