
Narrator POV

Zara works at her boss, Victoria's club tonight was rather stressful as it was one of the biggest nights of the club but with that being said that means people like to flirt with her but her boss finds out and isn't so nice about it.

Zara POV

Music is loud tonight. People are loud tonight.

"Hey Zara can you take over the bar, nobody else wants too." My coworker asked as I sighed and nodded.

"Sure no problem." I replied with a smile as they smiled back leaving me to myself as I finished what I was doing before I went to the bar.

As I started at the bar many people flooded around me ordering different drinks and leaving as they got them.

Then there were the people that stayed at the bar after they got their first drink which most likely meant they came here alone.

"Bartender, over here!" A man yelled making me walk over to him.

"Yes, sir?" I asked as he looked up at me then a smirk came into his face.

"What's a pretty thing like you doing over there when you could be talking to me?" He asked in a somewhat slurry voice.

"I'm working sir." I said with a straight voice making him roll his eyes before he spoke again.

"I can pay you better then the person that you work for now." He said smirking, confident with himself.

"I'm sure you can." I said as I made him another drink per his request, chugging it down in an instant.

He slammed down a 20$ and then made eye contact with me, smirking.

"What's that for, sir?" I asked.

"How much will it take for you to work for me?" He asked as he pulled out another 20$ as he started to rub my arm, slowly.

I immediately got uncomfortable but before I could say something someone's hand pulled his hand away I looked to see Victoria.

"Get your filthy hand off of her." She said coldly making him annoyed.

"What are you, her girlfriend?" He asked chuckling.

"Try wife asshole." She said clearly angry I need to get a hold of the situation.

"And to be clear you can't pay her more than I can because deep down you know I'm better than you ever will be." She finished with glare kicking him out of the club.

"Are you ok Zar?" She asked checking to see if I was ok in which I nodded.

"Yeah I'm ok no need to worry, my lovely wife." I said jokingly which made her smile as she pulled me closer.

"I like the sound of that." She said softly making me chuckle.

"Can you take me on a date first?" I asked laughing making her smile.

"I'll do anything you like." She said smiling making me smile as she continued to hold me sweetly.
