
Narrator POV

Sophia was baking when her roommate, Leah, wanted to help but that help turned quickly into a playful 'friendly' composition.

Sophia POV

I was baking and it was going absolutely horrible at the moment I've been trying to figure out this recipe but I just can't and to make it worse its only get this.

A chocolate chip cookie recipe.

I know I'm a noob at this.

But as I was going to start over I heard my roommate, Leah, come into the kitchen curious as to what I was doing.

"What are you doing?" She asked as I looked at her and then back at my multiple failed attempts of cookies.

"Trying to bake cookies." I answered making her laugh and I flustered as she did so.

"You don't know how to make cookies?" She asked still laughing as I just stood there.

"No. I know how to I'm just having a hard time.. understanding the recipe." I replied as she looked at me, chuckling.

"So you don't know how to make cookies." She said as I playfully glared at her as she chuckled.

"You know what leave me alone at least I'm trying." I huffed as she chuckled once again.

"Would you like help?" She asked as I looked at her, surprised.

"You would do that?" I asked.

"Yes I would and you clearly need it." She said hinting to my failed pans of cookies.

"Ok, ok I get it now come help me." I said as she chuckled rolling up her sleeves and began helping me.

She began to explain how everything worked, how to measure everything, and what to do step by step making us able to put a pan in the oven.

Then she turned around doing something as I looked at the flower and then back at her before I grabbed a handful of flower throwing it at her, making her freeze.

"You did not just do what I think you just did." She said slowly turning to look at me.

"Did you, a newbie to baking, just throw flower at me?" She asked as I chuckled.

"Yes, yes I did and what are you going to do about it?" I asked teasingly as she laughed.

"Oh it's on." She said grabbing a big hand full throwing it at my face but I turned fast enough making it hit my shoulder.

After awhile of chasing one another throwing flower I grabbed a little bit of cookie dough rubbing it on her face.

She grabbed me pulling me closer to her as she rubbed some on my face as we both laughed.

"That was fun." I said still laughing as she smiled.

"Yeah it was but I totally won." She said making me roll my eyes, our eyes meeting she slowly started to come closer to me I did the same until we heard the stove go off.

The cookies were done.

"I guess your victory kiss has to wait." I whispered as she looked at me her breathing slow.

"Oh come on just one." She whispered back as I shook my head.

"Nope, I want my cookies I worked hard for." I said making her chuckle putting her head on my shoulder.

"I guess I can wait then." She said as she turned around, pulling out our finished batch of chocolate cookies.
