The Perfect Dress

"In Alfea, classes are over, and finally, after a year full of adventures, dangers, and spells, summer break is here. For Bloom, Asia and their friends at the Winx Club, it's time to say goodbye,"said Narrator.

*At Stella's Dorm*

*Stella's packing her clothes, dividing it up, deciding which clothes to bring to her mom and which to her dad*

"I'll take this blouse to Mom's and that dress to Dad's. No wait! I need the blue top for Mom's picnic. Oh, but then I'll need the red dress for Dad's royal parade,"said Stella. "The red dress is really pretty, Stella...,"said Amore. "True. I should probably wear it to Mom's garden tea party, too. Do you know how to clone a dress?,"asked Stella. "Nope. Sorry,"said Amore. "Stella, stop worrying, and just split your stuff in half. Then wear whatever's with you,"said Musa. "Wear whatever? Have you lost your mind?,"asked Stella.

*At Flora and Bloom's Dorm*

"The aromatic potions go in the big bag, and the floral potions go in the small one,"said Flora.

*Chatta hands the talking plant a potion*

"Alrighty, no problem, Flora,"said Chatta. "I just said goodbye to Sky,"said Bloom. "Vacation will go by really fast, Bloom,"said Flora. "I know it won't be that long, but we just had a fight, and I don't want to leave things like that. Maybe I should call him,"said Bloom.

*At Musa and Tecna's Dorm*

"22.4% in this suitcase, and 78.6% in that one. Magisend!,"said Tecna.

*Her clothes go in her suitcases*

"Two perfectly packed suitcases,"said Digit. "Technology has done it again. Come on, let go,"said Tecna.

*Tecna leaves the room with Digit, with her suitcases floating behind*

*At Alfea's Central Courtyard*

*Stella, Flora, Musa, Bloom, Asia, Aisha and Tecna head outside. Chatta giggles*

"Hey, Musa and I can give you two a hand with all of your stuff, Bloom and Asia,"said Aisha. "No need. Check this out. Luggage, follow us,"said Bloom and Asia.

*Their luggage with Lockette, Jolly, Kiko and Sara on it come out*

"So what are you and Musa gonna do here all summer?,"asked Stella. "Well, today we're heading to the beach for a swim,"said Aisha. "It's perfect day for it,"said Musa.

*Bloom and Asia notice luggage are going haywire*

"Whoa! Watch out!,"yelled Bloom. "Oh boy!,"yelled Asia.

*Kiko falls off but Lockette catches him. Sara land down on the ground with Jolly on her back*

"No worries. I got it,"said Aisha.

*Aisha catches Bloom's and Asia's suitcases*

"1... 2... 3...,"said Aisha.

*Lockette drops Kiko on her*

"Whoa!,"yelled Aisha.

*Kiko falls on her face and she knocks Stella's bags open. She groans and moans*

"Oh no, it took forever to split my clothes between my mom's bag and dad's bag,"said Stella.

*Bloom, Aisha, Flora, Asia, Musa and Tecna laughs*

"Chill out, Stella. We'll help you re-pack,"said Bloom. "Yeah don't worry Stella,"said Asia. "Stella, look!,"said Amore.

*A message comes out from the sky*

"Cool,"said Aisha. "It's a message from home: Solaria. "The Royal Court of Solaria is please to announce our official princess ball,"said Messenger.

*The message shows a picture of Stella.

"A princess ball for me? I didn't think they would have one,"said Stella. "Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!,"said Amore. "We don't mean to sound totally clueless, but what's a princess ball?,"asked Bloom and Asia. "It's a huge party and a big deal. It means a princess is officially a part of royal society,"said Aisha. "In the old days, when they had arranged marriages, that's when they announce who you gonna marry,"said Musa. "And still do in some kingdoms,"said Aisha. "Ew, can you imagine?,"asked Stella.

*Stella's dad appears on the message*

"I can't wait to see you honey. I'll be making a big announcement that I'm sure will make you a happy princess,"said Radius. "Change of plans, you're all coming to Solaria,"said Stella. "But...,"said Bloom and Asia. "No and's, if's, or but's. A princess ball is a once-in-a-lifetime event and I want to share with my best girlfriends. My first princess ball!,"said Stella.

*Outside of the Omega Dimension*

"Don't steer any closer to that planet, or the ship will freeze,"said Crew Member. "Please tell me you're not sending us to the Omega Dimension, are you,"asked Prisoner. "Nope. You're not nearly evil for that,"said Crew Member. "It's so cold there, your heart freezes into solid ice. Huh. Sounds rough. Sorry, ladies,"said Crew Member 2.

*They send down three pods, which turn into icicles. After they hit the ground, one of them bursts open to reveal... Icy*

"They thought they can freeze my heart? Don't they know it's already so cold, that it's a block of ice? *laughs*,"said Icy.

*At Stella's Room*

*The Winx helping Stella repack, talking about the princess ball*

"I've uploaded all the data into the magic port so all your friends will definitely get an invitation, Stella,"said Digit. "Perfect,"said Stella.

*The images of friends appearing*

"There's Timmy's...,"said Digit. "And there's Sky's,"said Lockette. "And there's Scott's,"said Jolly. "It's so cool that your dad is throwing a princess ball for you. Not a lot of dads know how to do that sort of stuff,"said Musa. "Mine doesn't, my mom's the party planner,"said Stella. "Well maybe she's helping him... Clothes sort,"said Bloom and Asia.

*The clothes sort themselves*

"Hey, I bet your right, Bloom and Asia!. The invitation said it was from the royal court and the royal court is the two of them mom and dad. You know what, I think there getting back together! Oh oh! I bet that's the surprise announcement! Oh this is fantastic news! My parents are finally going to be my parents again and I get to have a princess ball! Yes! Now I only need one bag,"said Stella.

*The clothes go into one bag, but Asia feel something isn't right about the princess ball or the surprise*

"You okay Asia?,"asked Stella. "I'm fine,"said Asia. "I need a new dress pronto, so Winx, we are going shopping,"said Stella. "Shopping? Oh, sounds good to me,"said Musa. "Me too, Stella,"said Bloom. "Me three,"said Asia.

*At the Omega Dimension*

"Wake up, sisters!,"said Icy.

*Stormy and Darcy are freed by Icy*

"Wh-Where are we?,"asked Stormy. "The Omega Dimension,"said Icy. "Whoa, that's the big leagues,"said Darcy. "Yep. Only the worst of the worst get sent here,"said Icy.

*Stormy laughs*

"Sweet, I bet everyone's talking about us!,"said Stormy.

*Ice snakes pass overhead*

"Hello. Looks like we're not alone,"said Icy. "Ice snakes. They must guard this place,"said Darcy.

*A bat like bird flies by, and the ice snakes freeze it. It falls and shatters on the ground*

"They think they mean business,"said Icy.

*At Magix*

"Here are the latest RSVPs for the ball. Riven's coming, and Helia,"said Tecna. "Yay!,"said Flora. "...Brandon...,"said Tecna. "Of course he is!,"said Stella. "... Timmy, Mirta...,"said Tecna. "Did Sky RSVP?,"asked Bloom. "And did Scott RSVP?,"asked Asia. "No, not yet,"said Tecna. "Ugh, if they gets home before they sees their invitations, their parents will never let him come!,"said Bloom and Asia. "Let's get some pizza! It'll give us the energy we need to stop 'til we drop!,"said Stella.

*At the Pizza Shop*

"One pizza pie,"said Server. "Yum! Thank you,"said Stella.

*Someone takes the pizza from the counter. Stella gasps and slams her hand on the counter*

"Excuse me but that's our pizza!,"said Stella. "Not anyone. Huh,"said Chimera. "Sorry, but the next one won't be out for at least ten minutes,"said Server. "Well, she can just wait,"said Chimera. "Hey, I ordered that pizza!,"yelled Stella. "Yeah? Well guess what? I grabbed it first,"said Chimera. "Then I'm grabbing it back!,"said Stella.

*Stella grabs the pizza box, but Chimera doesn't let go. They start fighting over it*

"Hey! Give it to me,"said Chimera. "No, it's mine!,"said Stella. "Let go!,"said Chimera. "You let go!,"said Stella.

*The pizza box opens and pizza splatters over both girls, who have fallen on the floor*

"My favorite sundress!,"yelled Stella. "Huh, looks better with pepperoni,"said Chimera.

*Chimera stands up*

"Stain vanish,"said Chimera.

*The stain disappears. Then, Stella stands up and waves her hand over the stain*

"Stain disappear,"said Stella.

*The stain vanishes*

"Are you fairies from Alfea?,"asked Chimera. "Yeah, so? Where are you from?,"asked Stella. "Huh, Beta,"said Chimera.

*Chimera's friends start singing*

"Just in case you haven't guessed, Beta fairies are the best!,"said Chimera's friends. "Where's Beta? In the realm of bad dancers?,"asked Stella. "Huh, at least we're not from the land of nerd,"said Chimera.

*Chimera's friends snap their fingers*

"Snap, snap, snap,"said Chimera's friends. "Let's try to get along. Shopping today?,"asked Bloom. "Chimera's having a princess ball!,"said Beta Fairy 1. "That's awesome! So is Stella!,"said Bloom. "We're shopping for dresses,"said Beta Fairy 2. "That's funny, so are we! It's really nice to meet fairies from another magic school,"said Flora. "And why are you so smiley? Careful, or I'll wipe that smile off your face,"said Chimera. "Hey! Don't talk that way to my friend!,"said Stella. "Yeah? Or else what?,"asked Chimera.

*Chimera and Stella growl at each other, but Bloom and Asia pulls Stella away*

"Let's go find that dress now Stel. Nice to meet you, Beta ladies,"said Bloom. "Bye, Beta ladies,"said Asia. "Here's some advice. You know, pizza thief, tomato sauce red is a fantastic color for you. You can thank me for that,"said Stella.

*Bloom and Asia pulls her towards the door*

"Whoa!,"said Stella. "Guys!,"said Tecna. "We're coming!,"said Bloom. "Let's go!,"said Tecna. "Yep!,"said Bloom. "We should go now,"said Asia. "Whoa!,"said Stella. "C'mon!,"said Tecna. "And don't follow us!,"said Stella. "Bye!,"said Flora.

*Outside of the dress shop*

"Ooh! They're so pretty!,"said Stella.

*Musa laughs*

"I have to go meet Aisha at the beach!,"said Musa. "Bye!,"said The Winx. "Later,"said Musa.

*The shop's doors open*

"Please step inside the virtual dressing room,"said Electronic voice. "This place is awesome!,"said Bloom and Asia. "Wait 'til you two see their dresses. "Tecna and I are gonna go look around upstairs,"said Flora. "See ya!,"said Tecna. "Okay! Have fun you guys!,"said Stella.

*Stella steps into the center and magically changes into a yellow dress*

"Ooh, virtual dresses!,"said Bloom. "Incredible!,"said Asia. "This thing is amazing. It lets me try on as many dresses as I want, and I don't even have to move. Next!,"said Stella.

*Stella changes dress again*

"So what do you two think?,"asked Stella. "Ooh, that's nice! I wanna try,"said Bloom.

*Bloom steps up to the center and changes into the a dress too*

"Whoa! You look fabulous!,"said Stella. "Really beautiful Bloom,"said Asia.

*Stella and Asia applauds. And Bloom looks in the mirror*

"Why, of course, Sky. I'd love to dance with you,"said Bloom. "Ooh, let me join,"said Asia.

*Asia step up to the center and wears a beautiful golden dress*

*Stella and Bloom applauds*

"Asia you look fabulous!,"said Stella. "Very gorgeous!,"said Bloom.

*They giggles and they try on more dresses*

"Fancier!,"said Stella.

*Dress changes*

"Sparklier!,"said Stella.

*Tries another dress*

"More glamorous!,"said Bloom. "More gorgeous!,"said Asia.

*Tries another dress*

"Super models,"said Stella.

*Tries another dress*

"Rock stars!,"said Bloom and Asia.

*Stella laughs*

"Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous,"said Stella.

*Stella stops changing and Bloom and Asia are not in their normal clothes*

"Oh wow!,"said Bloom and Asia.

*Stella is now wearing a red dress*

"This is the one. This is the dress I'm wearing to the princess ball,"said Stella.

"You look beautiful,"said Bloom. "Very beautiful and gorgeous,"said Asia. "Oh Bloom and Asia, I can't to show it to everyone!,"said Stella. "Pick up your dress at 'Boutique Fantastique',"said Electronic voice. "That's right over there, c'mom!,"said Stella.

*Chimera was wearing the same dress as Stella*

"This one is perfect for me,"said Chimera.

*The Beta fairies giggle in delight, and Stella runs past them, but stops*

"That's my dress!,"yelled Stella. "Oh no. It's mine,"said Chimera. "Well, there's only one, and I'm going to get it first,"said Stella.

*They both change into their normal clothes*

"Look at that. Your shoe's untied,"said Chimera.

*Stella looks at shoes*

"Huh? No it's not,"said Stella.

*Chimera pushes Stella over and runs away*

"Ouch!,"said Stella.

*The Beta girls push Bloom and Asia over too and Asia growls at them*

"Have fun in the dressing room, Alfea losers!,"said Chimera.

*The dressing room starts to change Bloom, Asia and Stella, and the doors close*

*At the Omega Dimension*

*The Trix was running from an ice snake. Stormy attacks it, but it freezes the beam*

"Stormy, let's go!,"said Icy.

*They run onto a slipper slope which Icy slides down easily*

"Whooaaa!,"yelled Stormy and Darcy.

*At the end of the slope they fall down a gorge. Icy walks over to a frozen prisoner*

"Hey, check this out,"said Icy.

*She wipes the ice, revealing the prisoner's eyes. There is a sign reading 'Valtor' on the front of the ice*

"That guy got sentenced here for eternity. He must of done something really bad,"said Stormy. "You think he's awake?,"asked Icy. "Yeah, it sure looks like it. Let's try to find out,"said Darcy. "Frozen dude? Blink once if you can see us,"said Icy.

*She waves her hand in front of his face, but he does not react*

"Don't think he heard you,"said Stormy.

*The ice snake appears behind them*

"What now?,"asked Darcy. "Maybe, if we give them this guy, the ice snake will leave us alone,"said Stormy. "Fabulous idea,"said Icy.

*Icy frees the prisoner and two more ice snakes show up. Icy pushes the prisoner towards them*

"Sorry, buddy. It's you, or us,"said Icy.

*The ice snakes attack, but the prisoner shatters the first one, and then does the same to the others over his shoulder*

"Nice work, ice man,"said Icy.

*The prisoner cracks his wrists and neck*

"Thank you,"said Valtor. "How long you were frozen?,"asked Stormy. "Seventeen years,"said Valtor. "Were you awake the whole time?,"asked Icy. "Yep,"said Valtor. "Ugh, sounds boring,"said Darcy. "Gives you time to think,"said Valtor. "About what,"said Stormy. "About how you're going to get your revenge,"said Valtor.

*Icy picks up the sign from his prison*

"Valtor, huh? Whaddya say we break out of this walk in freezer together, Valtor?,"asked Icy. "Follow me,"said Valtor. "Hold on, mister! You're cool, and you've got some nice powers, if we join forces, I know we can get out of here. But DO NOT tell us what to do,"said Icy. "Yeah, that be a big mistake,"said Stormy. "Of course. I would never, ever dream of it,"said Valtor.

*at the Dress Shop*

*The changing finally stop and release Stella, Bloom and Asia*

"C'mom Bloom and Asia. Let's go get my dress,"said Stella.

*The leave the dress shop and see Chimera leaving and running away*

"Let's cut through there, the boutique is that way!,"said Stella. "Stella, are you sure about this?,"asked Bloom. "Yeah, I mean we might accidentally hurt someone,"said Asia. "I am going to buy that dress!,"said Stella.

*They come back out on the Main Street and are in front of Chimera*

"We are totally getting there first! Later Betas!,"said Stella.

*Chimera throws attacks at them*

"They're attacking us? Over a dress? Whoa!,"yelled Bloom. "You know she could just find another dress to wear,"said Asia. "Then we're gonna fight fire with fire,"said Stella. "Okay...,"said Bloom.

*Stella forms a sphere of light on her finger and attacks Chimera*

"Take this! And that!,"yelled Stella. "Ah!,"yelled Chimera.

*Chimera collides into a passerby and knocks over their shopping boxes. Bloom, Asia and Stella reach the road, stopping*

"Whoa!,"yelled Bloom.

*The light changes to green*

"Green light!,"said Stella. "You're going down!,"yelled Chimera.

*Stella pulls Bloom and Asia after her*

"C'mom!,"said Stella. "Whoa!,"said Bloom and Asia.

*The light changes to red as they run across the road, cars stopping quickly. But Chimera has to wait for the cars to stop again before she can carry on running*

"I am so done. AHHHHHHH!,"yelled Chimera.

*Chimera raises her arms and she let's rip green spheres and they fly out of control*

"No Chimera, don't!,"yelled Beta Fairy 1. "Look at her go. She does not look happy,"said Stella.

*Chimera's spell hits a tree and the branch falls down. Then a lamppost is stuck down as well. Next, she hits a balcony which starts to crumble, with three crying puppies on it*

"Those little puppies! They're gonna fall!,"yelled Stella.

*The balcony breaks and the puppies start falling*

"Magic Winx!,"yelled Bloom.

*The girls transform*

"Let's go, Stella and Asia. Safety Net!,"said Bloom.

*A net is formed in the air*

"Ultimate Shield!,"said Asia.

*A shield surrounded the puppies from getting hurt*

"Speed of Sunlight!,"said Stella.

*Stella shoots a beam of light at the net causing it to rush up and catch the puppies. The girls laugh as the puppies jump up and lick their faces*

*At the Boutique Fantastique*

*Stella, Asia and Bloom arrive at the store, and Stella slams herself against the counter, panting*

"I would like the red dress please. It's the one that's made of-,"said Stella. "Satin. With a lace trim. Later, Alfea girls!,"said Chimera. "You sold that dress to her?! I'm the Princess of Solaria and it was for my princess ball!,"said Stella. "That's funny. She said she was the Princess of Solaria,"said Sales Assistant. "What?,"asked Stella. "Are you sure?,"asked Bloom. "She actually said that?,"asked Asia. "Actually, she said she would be very soon. Huh...,"said Sales Assistant.

*At the Omega Dimension*

"This is the gate to Andros,"said Valtor. "Looks solid,"said Icy. "All we have to do is make a crack in it. Then I can use my energy to take it down,"said Valtor. "Easy peasy. Trix?,"asked Icy.

*The Trix attack the portal but it throws the attack back at them and they land on the ground*

"Oh no!,"said Icy. "It's protected by a magic shield,"said Valtor. "I know how we can get around that,"said Icy.

*An ice snake shows up behind them*

"Hey, snake eyes! Over here!,"yelled Icy. "What are you doing?!,"asked Stormy.

*The snake chases Icy onto the portal*

"C'mon slimy! Gimme your best shot!,"yelled Icy.

*The snake attacks! But Icy reflects the ray onto the portal. Stormy and Darcy stand beside Icy*

"Now hit it with all you've got!,"yelled Icy.

*Darcy and Stormy strike the portal and it begins to shake*

"That's perfect. I like your style,"said Valtor. "You're not so bad yourself,"said Icy.

*Valtor opens the portal*

*At Andros*

*The mermaid guards of Andros rise from the sea, and see the portal opening*

"Look! The Omega Dimension gate! Someone's trying to break out!,"said Mermaid Guard.

*She gets hit by a ray  of Valtor's energy coming from the portal and his mark is branded on her neck*

*At the Omega Dimension*

"Now that they're my minions, their power is my power,"said Valtor. "Why do the guys always get the minions?,"asked Stormy. "I dunno, but we need some too,"said Icy.

*Valtor pulls the souls from the Mermaid guards and clenches his fist*

"Andros is now mine!,"said Valtor.

*At the Magix Beach*

*Bloom, Stella, Asia, Flora and Tecna are sat on the beach, when Aisha and Musa come up behind them*

"Hey, ladies. So how'd it go, huh?,"asked Aisha. "Oh, well - Musa! You look different!,"said Stella.

*Musa now has waist length pigtails*

"Just trying out a new hairstyle,"said Musa. "Very pretty! And I just added a new dress to my collection,"said Stella. "Can we see it?,"asked Musa. "Here?,"asked Stella. "Yeah!,"said Musa. "C'mon!,"said Aisha. "Well okay,"said Stella.

*Stella changes into a long pink gown*

"Wow! You look stunning!,"said Musa. "It's true,"said Bloom. "I agree,"said Asia. "Awesome dress, Stella,"said Aisha. "Oh, but you should've seen the one that got away,"said Stella.

*Stella changes back into her normal clothes*

"Stel, seriously? You're having a princess ball, your mom and dad are getting back together and we're on break. How could things get any better than this?,"asked Bloom. "Well, maybe if your boyfriends were here,"said Brandon.

*The Specialists appear, but Sky and Scott aren't there*

"Brandon, you're here!,"said Stella. "Hey, Timmy!,"said Tecna. "Hi, Helia!,"said Flora.

*Musa walks past Riven humming, brushing her new long hair across his face. Riven smiles and walks after her, revealing Sky and Scott who was standing behind them. Bloom and Asia runs over to them*

"Sky! I thought you went back to Eraklyon!,"said Bloom. "Me and Scott was almost there when we got Stella's invite, so we turned around. Bloom, I would never miss a chance to take you to a princess ball!,"said Sky. "I'm so sorry we had a fight,"said Bloom. "Yeah, me too,"said Sky.

*Scott pulls Asia towards him*

"Scott I miss you so much I thought you went back to Eraklyon or Beacon Hills,"said Asia. "I miss you so much too Asia and I can't wait to take you to the princess ball and I couldn't stop thinking about you,"said Scott.

*Timmy holds up a picnic basket*

"Cook out anyone? We brought burgers, hot dogs and marshmallows,"said Timmy.

*Riven, holding up a radio*

"And music,"said Riven. "Hey guys, something's wrong,"said Aisha. "I know, I haven't been working out enough,"said Riven. "No, I mean something's wrong with the ocean,"said Aisha.

*Big waves roll in and the ocean is spitting*

"What's going on?,"asked Beach Goer 1. "What do you think that is?,"asked Beach Goer 2.

*The people begin to run out of the water, screaming, whilst a giant wave approaches the shore*

"This is serious. Magic Winx!,"said Bloom.

*The girls transform*

"Hold back the wave! Together!,"said Asia.

*Each fairy shoots a ray at the wave, holding it back*

"Guys, let get everyone out of the water, quick!,"said Sky. "Come on!,"said Scott.

*The Specialists help everyone out of the water, but the Winx's spell breaks and the wave starts moving again. There's a little girl still in the water*

"Help!,"yelled Girl. "Look! That girl's in trouble!,"said Bloom. "I'm on it!,"said Aisha.

*She dives into the water and swims towards the girl*

"Help me!,"yelled Girl. "I gotcha!,"said Aisha.

*Aisha carries her up into the air and makes a Morphix surfboard*

"Don't worry, you're safe with me. Now, let's surf,"said Aisha.

*Aisha and the girl surf back to shore and the crowds, Sky rings out his shirt*

"Always nice to take a swim,"said Sky. "I disagree with a wave like that,"said Scott.

"That wave was not a natural occurrence,"said Tecna. "You can say that again,"said Timmy. "What do you think caused it?,"asked Bloom. "A dimensional shock wave. And that means something really terrible has happened to the heart of all oceans... What?,"asked Aisha.

*A bubbling noise can be heard from the ocean and a mermaid appears*

"Princess Aisha,"said Mermaid. "That's me. What's wrong?,"asked Aisha.

*The mermaid says something in a foreign language*

"What did she say?,"asked Stella. "Andros is in trouble. I have to go there,"said Aisha. "Aisha, we're coming with you,"said Musa. "You can't guys. I have to go through the ocean. My people need me,"said Aisha.

*She swims to the mermaid*

"Goodbye!,"said Aisha.

*Aisha and the mermaid dive into the sea and Asia felt a sharp pain unexpectedly that something could be happening to Andros but she ignored the pain*

*At Andros*

*The mermaids that were struck by Valtor are now monsters. Valtor and the Trix have escaped and are on Andros*

"Minions everywhere. Not bad, Valtor,"said Icy. "Oh you haven't seen anything yet,"said Valtor.

*A mermaid guard tries to swim away, but he drains her soul and she collapses, his mark now branded on her neck, and then she turns into a monster. We see Valtor standing on a cliff top looking very, very powerful*

"While the Winx prepare for Stella's princess ball, a threatening shadow darkens the light of Solaria. Over Stella's kingdom, the mark of Valtor appears,"said Narrator.
