The Monster's Escape

"Chimera's magic has transformed Stella into a monster. The party for the Fairy of the Shining Sun has ended for good, and there's no way out for her and the Winx,"said Narrator.

*Outside of Solaria Castle*

*Sky, Brandon and Scott are running*

"Any sign of the girls? You think they'll make it past the guards and get out of the palace?,"asked Brandon. "Of course, the only question is, when and how much of the palace will be left,"said Sky. "3 2 1,"said Scott by counting down.

*The tower explodes behind them

"Whoa!,"They yelled.

*Inside of the Aviary Tower*

*The guards approach Bloom's fire*

"Prepare for Impact!,"said Guard 1.

*The shields unfold from the guards' gloves and they pass through the fire wall*

"Hurry up! Those soldiers are catching up with us, fast!,"yelled Bloom.

*They reach the top of the tower and Musa blasts the door open. They all land in the glass room at the top. The guards follow them in*

"This ends right here!,"yelled Guard 1. "Come on girls, let's book!,"said Asia. "Get the monster now, it'll tell us what they did to Princess Stella! Is everyone ready?,"asked Guard 1.

*They begin firing at Stella, who backs up and smashes through the glass wall, screaming as she falls down. Flora gasps as Musa looks through the hole in the glass*

"Oh no!,"yelled Musa.

*Tecna puts up a shield against the outcoming attack from the guards. Bloom and Asia runs towards the hole in the glass, as Flora fires an attack at the guards*

"Take that!,"said Flora.

*Bloom and Asia flies through the hole after Stella*

"Stella!,"They yelled.

*Stella is still screaming as she falls towards the ground. Bloom and Asia catches her hands, but they continue to fall*

"This rain is dark magic! It's hard to hold on!,"said Bloom. "I'm going to try to use my super strength!,"said Asia.

*Stella screams as her hands slips out of Bloom and Asia's*

"Stella! Girls, help us!,"yelled Bloom and Asia.

*The rest of the Winx fly outside*

"We're coming!,"They said.

*They all fly towards Stella*

"Hang on Stella, we're coming!,"said Asia.

*Bloom and Asia catches Stella's wrists*

"Gotcha!,"said Bloom. "We got you Stella!,"said Asia. "Convergence spell!,"said Tecna, Flora and Musa.

*They use their magic on Bloom, Asia and Stella to help hold them. They gasp as the spell quickly begins to wear off*

"Come on!,"said Tecna.

*They fly down and all hold hands around Stella, landing safely*

"We did it, even in this crazy rain,"said Musa. "Yeah, that was way too close for comfort Winx. Any closer, and we might all have gone splat!,"said Tecna. "I wish I had gone splat. Just look at me! I'm a monster!,"said Stella.

*Bloom and Asia wraps their arms around Stella's shoulders*

"Don't worry Stella, we'll get you back to your real self, you'll see,"said Bloom. "Okay,"said Stella. "All the brochures about 'Sunny Solaria' never mentioned this dark rain thingy,"said Flora. "I want to know who did this to me and why it's raining in Solaria for the first time ever!,"said Stella. "Don't worry, we'll find who's behind this Stella,"said Asia. "You girls alright?,"asked Brandon.

*Stella gasps*

"It's Brandon!,"said Stella.

*Sky, Brandon and Scott run towards them*

"I don't want him to see me like this,"said Stella.

*She hides behind a tree as the guys reach them*

"Is everything alright?,"asked Bloom. "Yeah, but we were really worried. I'm sure we found you,"said Sky. "Are you girls okay?,"asked Scott. "Don't worry we're okay Scott,"said Asia.

*Brandon gestures to te smoking tower behind them*

"The party got totally crazy! What happened?,"asked Brandon. "One minute fun, the next, chaos!,"said Tecna. "And then during the commotion King Radius ordered his guards to arrest us!,"said Bloom. "No way! He - he's Stella's father!,"said Brandon.

*Bloom and Asia glances at Stella who goes further behind the tree*

"Well, uh, Stella couldn't do anything because the King and the guards were under some kind of spell,"said Asia. "We don't know exactly how it all happened, suddenly the guards started chasing us so we ran! It was either that or get arrested,"said Flora. "They cornered us in the Aviary Tower and from there we were able to fly down. Us and all the birds,"said Musa.

*The girls laugh. Suddenly some guards come running from the palace*

"They're over there, in the garden! Arrest them, hurry up!,"said Guard 1.

*The guards run towards them. Scott and Asia growls at them and their eyes turn red*

"Uh, this isn't looking good,"said Sky. "You think?,"asked Scott. "And has anyone seen Stella?,"asked Brandon. "The guards!,"yelled Musa.

*The guards begin firing, one of the shots hitting Sky in the back. He falls to the ground yelling in pain. Brandon and Scott goes to help but they get surrounded by guards*

"Get back!,"yelled Brandon. "You guards are making a huge mistake!,"yelled Scott.

*Sky attempts to get up as Bloom runs towards him*

"Sky! I'm coming!,"yelled Bloom.

*Tecna and Asia grabs Bloom's wrists and stops her*

"No Bloom, don't! We've got to get Stella out of here, now! They can handle the guards by themselves,"said Tecna. "Tecna's right Bloom,"said Asia.

*Brandon draws his green sword and begins to fight back. Scott draws his double sword and helps Brandon. A guard charges at them, but Sky stops him, knocking him unconscious*

"Sky! You, Scott and Brandon get to the ship! Here, catch!,"said Bloom.

*She throws him a tracking device*

"We'll send you our coordinates so you can come pick us up!,"said Bloom.

*The same guard comes at Sky again, this time, Sky kicks him to the ground. Stella comes out from behind the tree*

"Are they gone yet?,"asked Stella. "They're keeping the guards busy,"said Asia. "Good, let them distract the guards. Come in girls, I know a secret way out of here. Follow me!,"said Stella.

*They head off the through the trees. One of the guards spots them*

"Soldiers, they're getting away! Unleash the hounds!,"said Guard 1.

*The hounds are unleashes. Stella gasps*

"They've released the hounds of Solaria!,"said Stella. "And it's no use trying to use magic against them, it won't work in this dark rain!,"said Bloom. "Well then, we'll just have to run faster!,"said Tecna.

*Stella trips over a tree root and the hounds close in on her. When they get close, they smell her and begins to lick her*

"You know me! No matter how I look!,"said Stella.

*She pets the hounds who stands and wag their tails. The Winx gather round*

"My father got these dogs to protect me,"said Stella.

*Stella gets up*

"Okay, good dogs! You can go home now,"She said.

*The dogs turn and leave*

"We'd better go, Sky, Scott and Brandon are going to be waiting for us,"said Bloom. "Come on, I know the perfect way out of here. Follow me! There's this secret passage I discovered years ago that nobody else knows about. I knew it would come in handy some day! Here we are!,"said Stella.

*They still appear in the middle of the forest*

"Uh, Stella? Where is it? Do we need a spell or something to see it?,"asked Musa. "It's in that hollow tree,"said Stella.

*A flashback begins as Stella tells the girls how she found it. In it, a young Stella is chasing a woodland creature, and then the events she is describing play out*

"I found it when I was just a young girl, I was out playing in the woods, you know, happy as a clam! And I saw it, this ginormous hollow tree. I couldn't believe my eyes! When I climbed inside it and looked around, guess what I discovered? It was connected to an underground tunnel that led straight to the fountain of the Royal Palace! Of course, I had to make sure I'd find it again, so I decided to tie a little ribbon around one of the branches,"said Stella.

*A flashback change to show a slightly older Stella coming back to the tree*

"And whenever I needed some private princess time, I would always know which tree was my secret passage tree,"said Stella.

*The flashback ends and Stella laughs*

"Awesome! So what are we waiting for? Let's go!,"said Asia.

*The girls enter the secret passage, and walk through some squelchy mud*

*Inside the Secret Passage*

"Ugh, gross!,"said Bloom in disgusted. "This tunnel is really creepy,"said Flora. "Yeah, it looks like some weird animal den!,"said Musa. "Walking through was never the fun part,"said Stella.

*Tecna creates a ball of light, but then her foot sinks into the mud*

"How did you avoid getting all dirty?,"asked Tecna.

*We see the girls' feet and ankles covered in mud*

"She probably used some kind of mud deflection spell,"said Bloom. "You know, I don't remember there being this much mud. Or that bottleneck up there,"said Stella.

*They stop at the bottleneck*

"But how do we get through it Tecna?,"asked Asia. "Mmm, let's see,"said Tecna.

*She scans the bottleneck*

"According to my scanner, it's narrow, but not very long,"said Tecna. "We'll go one at a time, carefully,"said Bloom. "I'll go first,"said Tecna. "Okay,"said Bloom.

*Tecna begins to edge through the bottleneck, some small stones fall down, but she makes it through. Bloom goes next, the same happening to her. Musa follows, and the stone rain down on her too*

"Well, at least now our dirty dresses match our dirty shoes. Let's go,"said Flora.

*She continues to move, Flora close behind her*

"Going,"said Flora.

*Flora emerges from the bottleneck*

"Phew!,"said Flora.

*Asia goes behind her and emerges from the bottleneck*

"That was a tight squeeze,"said Asia.

*They start to move again but are stopped by Stella*

"Girls? A little help? I'm stuck!,"said Stella. "It's Stella, she can't get through! We've got to help her, come on!,"said Musa.

*They run back towards the bottleneck, where Stella is half out*

"I don't care how, just please get me out of here,"said Stella.

*The girls all pull Stella out*

"Oh, finally! Thanks you guys,"said Stella.

*Suddenly the ground begins to shake and rocks start falling down*

"What?,"asked Musa. "Huh?,"asked Stella. "Whoa!,"said Tecna. "Oh that can't be good!,"said Asia. "Uh, girls? Dirt is falling on our heads. Let's go,"said Stella.

*They continue to move*

"Come on girls, this way. Hurry!,"said Stella.

*They ceiling shakes and big rocks begin to fall behind the girls. A huge boulder suddenly comes rolling towards them*

"Run!,"yelled Bloom.

*They start running away, but Asia carry them and use her super speed to run faster from the boulder*

"Hurry Asia! It's gaining!,"yelled Bloom. "Run faster!,"said Stella. "Hold on!,"said Asia.

*She starts to glow blue and ran extremely fast until she reach a split in the tunnel*

"What?,"asked Bloom. "Oh no! This wasn't here before! It looks like someone...or something dug another tunnel!,"said Stella.

*The boulder gets closer*

"Stella, we've got to make a decision,"said Tecna. "Okay, pretend there's a giant boulder chasing us. Which way?,"asked Asia. "Oh, because there is, left! Let's definitely go left!,"said Stella.

*Asia run to the tunnel with her friends still holding on to her, the boulder blocking the entrance after them. She puts them down and they all begin to walk. There are giant holes in the ceiling, and as the light Tecna created floats past, pairs of red eyes can be seen inside them. Asia sense them and summons her katana*

"Where did you get that?,"asked Flora. "I'll tell you guys later,"said Asia. "Stella, what about these giants holes? Were they here before?,"asked Bloom. "Uh, I don't remember any of this,"said Stella.

*Huge spiders begin to crawl out of the holes*

"Not those giant holes, and definitely not these giant spiders!,"yelled Stella. "Giant spiders? Stella, how are we gonna get out of this one?,"asked Musa.

*The spiders advance on them, but Asia attacks the spiders with her katana and cut many of their webs*

"Let's roll!,"They said.

*They run away and the spiders chase them. Stella again falls over and the spiders close in. Bloom and Asia runs towards her*

"Stella!,"yelled Bloom and Asia.

*One of the spiders shoots a web at Bloom, but Asia slice it with her katana and Bloom is pushed backwards, sticking to the wall. She tries to escape but she is stuck. The spider tries to knock Asia out but she punches the spider. Tecna slips on the mud and falls unconscious behind a rock. The spiders catch the rest of the Winx. Asia shakes Tecna and she wakes up*

"Tecna look!,"yelled Asia. "Huh? What?,"asked Tecna.

*She looks around the rock and sees all the Winx (except Asia) being hung up to the ceiling by the webs*

"Oh no! The spiders got our friends! We've got to do something fast or it will be too late!,"said Tecna. "Tecna you distract them and I'll get them out,"said Asia. "You got it,"said Tecna.

*Tecna uses one of her gadgets to make a holograms of the Winx and the spiders scuttle over to them*

"It worked!,"said Tecna.

*Asia flies up and use her katana to cut the webs to get the girls lose and Tecna helps her and they lower them to the ground. The girls started to wake up while the spiders are still distracted*

"Oh, what just happened?,"asked Stella. "There's no time to explain. We have to get outta here!,"said Tecna. "This way. Quick!,"said Asia.

*They run along the tunnel with the spiders following them. They came across water blocked their way*

"Looks like we're going to have to swim for it,"said Tecna. "I know. Let's converge and make a breathing bubble,"said Bloom.

*The Winx dive into the lake, while they was trying to make a breathing bubble spell. Leeches appears and attack them and they pass out. Luckily for Stella, she is unaffected and swim away and she was able to find a hole in the wall. She breaks through and the current washes the leeches off and the fairies are carried out through a fountain*

*Fountain of Solaria*

*The girls swim up and gasps for breath*

"Those things are gone the current washed them away. Stella you did it you saved all of us,"said Asia. "I did who's awesome?,"asked Stella.

*The girls get out of the fountain and stand in the trees nearby. Bloom creates a coat for Stella*

"What's this for?,"asked Stella. "It's a cover-up. I'm sending our coordinates to Sky, Brandon and Scott so they can come pick us up,"said Bloom.

*at the Omega Portal of Andros*

"The sun of Solaria has made me strong again,"said Valtor.

*a flashback of Valtor encountering Bloom and Asia in the palace*

"Those girls in the royal palace...who are they? Trix, come here,"said Valtor.

*The Trix appears*

"Hey Valtor, there's no need to yell,"said Stromy. "We're right here, you got something to say?,"asked Icy. "You don't look very tan, did the sun bath work?,"asked Darcy.

*The Trix fly closer and Valtor uses his powers to turn the sky red with fire*

Icy thinking: Well, I guess it did. Stormy thinking: This guy's on fire. Darcy thinking: I'm impressed.

*Valtor shows an image of Bloom and Asia*

"I've got to find these girls. Tell me who they are,"said Valtor. "Bloom and Asia!,"said Icy in anger. "They're one of those lame Winx fairies from Alfea,"said Darcy. "They're powerful but nothing we can't handle,"said Stromy. "Who are these Winx?,"asked Valtor. "A bunch of goody-goody fairies. The meddlers got us send into the Omega Dimension,"said Darcy. "Next time we see them, they're so done for,"said Icy.

*The Trix cackle and shoot their magic into the sky*

"Sounds like the fairies' magic is rather powerful, but you can destroy them except for Bloom and Asia. They're mine,"said Valtor.

*at the Red Fountain ship*

*The Winx, Brandon, Sky and Scott approach Alfea in the ship*

"Sky, I need to contact the school and let them know we're coming in,"said Bloom. "Sure Bloom go for it,"said Sky. "Stella? Is there's someone wrong? Talk to me,"said Brandon. "Oh Brandon, it's nothing. I'm just cold and tired. Sorry I just need to rest,"said Stella. "Okay if you say so,"said Brandon.

*He walks away and goes back to his seat*

*at Alfea's Library*

"Don't worry Stella, I'm sure Concorda will find a counterspell to turn you back to your old self,"said Asia. "I can't hide forever. Sooner or later Brandon's going to see me,"said Stella.

*Kunt sees Stella in monster form and develops a crush on her. He grab flowers from the flower pot. While Bloom grab some books*

"There,"said Bloom. "I know we'll put a spell on Brandon, so he'll only see your true inner beauty,"said Flora. "That would be great, if I was sure my inner self was any prettier than my outer self,"said Stella. "Hey Kunt, what's up?,"asked Bloom.

*Kunt walks up to Stella and offers her a bunch of flowers stems*

"For you my beauty. Uh sorry I got hungry on the way and ate the flowers,"said Kunt. "Uh thanks. Flora put that spell on Brandon pronto,"said Stella.

*The girls laughs. The pixies are helping Concorda research. Lockette and Jolly carries a book*

"This is really heavy,"said Lockette. "So very heavy,"said Jolly.

*A book slides off the shelf and falls onto the girls table, surprising them*

"Huh?,"asked Tecna and Musa. "Oops, sorry girls. I think I found a solution to Stella's problem,"said Concorda.

*The book opens and Asia reads from it*

"The Mirror of Truth. The mirror of truth is kept in a cave on the far side of the barrier,"said Asia. "What's the barrier?,"asked Musa. "It's the mountain range around Magix. The mirror has the power to break the spell  but you have to figure out how to use it,"said Concorda. "Concorda, are you sure this mirror thing will work?,"asked Stella. "Yes dear, but it'll be a dangerous journey. The mirror is guarded by icy storms and winged sentries it won't be easy,"said Concorda. "Ice storm centuries is anything ever easy? Okay, what does this mirror look like?,"asked Stella. "You'll know it when you see it,"said Concorda. "I could go with you and help,"said Kunt. "Uh not we need you here to, you know keep an eye on the place,"said Stella.

*At Stella's Room*

*Stella walks into her room and closes the door on Kunt's face who is following her*

"Oh Brandon, Brandon,"said Stella.

*at the Winx's Dorm*

*Kunt listens to Stella at the door*

"I wish you were here to comfort me. I'd hug you and you'd hug me back...,"said Stella.

*back at Stella's Room*

"...and tell me that you really really love me no matter how I look,"said Stella.

*Outside of the Winx's Dorm*

"Uh, I need my hero,"said Stella. "Yeah! She likes me!,"said Kunt.

*Kunt runs around in excitement, then knocks on the door*

*back at Stella's Room*

*Stella hears a knock on the door and Kunt opens it*

"I am here,"said Kunt. "Yes you certainly are,"said Stella. "I am your hero and you are my real true love. You are so beautiful and also I want to ask you,"said Kunt. "You ask me out. Are you sure about that because I am a princess and I can be kind of high maintenance,"said Stella. "Oh I'm good at maintenance,"said Kunt. "Because when you approach a princess, you must have style and elegance and absolutely perfect posture and just general royalness,"said Stella. "Stella are you ready or am I interrupting something?,"asked Flora. "Omg seriously? Nice try Kunt see you later,"said Stella.

*at Alfea's Hallway*

*Stella and Flora walk down the hallway together*

"Was Kunt asking you out?,"asked Flora. "I guess not likes me green monster Stella is just his type, but I'm willing to bet it's not Brandon,"said Stella. "Don't worry with my spell he won't see, the way you look now. He'll only see your inner beauty,"said Flora.

*Alfea's Central Courtyard*

"Brandon, Sky, Scott and Timmy stand beside the Red Fountain ship, while the girls walk towards them*

"Did you put the spell on him yet?,"asked Stella. "Mm-hmm,"said Flora. "Well here goes nothing,"said Stella.

*She takes out her coat*

"Hey beautiful,"said Brandon. "Sweet! The spell is working,"said Stella. "What?,"asked Brandon. "Oh nothing,"said Stella.

*She pulls Brandon into the ship*

*Red Fountain ship*

*The ship fly pass Magix City and into the mountains*

"Guys, are we there yet?,"asked Stella. "My calculations say we're approaching the sector where the cave is located,"said Tecna.

*The ship shudder and starts to fly through a storm*

"We're encouraging some turbulence everyone hold on,"said Sky. "It's the guardian ice storms Concorda warned us about,"said Bloom.

*The ship starts to slow down*

"What's happening now?,"asked Tecna. "Well according to the instruments, the atmospheric conditions are moderate, but it seems to me that there's ice started to build up on the hull of the ship,"said Timmy. "Seems like the kind of havoc Icy would reap,"said Musa. "You can say that again,"said Asia. "Don't worry I got this one. I'm gonna break the ice with my solar sprouts,"said Flora. "That won't work. The ice temperature is way too low,"said Timmy. "It's magical ice Flora. Your solar sprouts will never be able to take root through it,"said Tecna. "We better figure it out like now. Magical or not the ice is getting thicker and heavier,"said Brandon. "Hey Bloom, Asia try melting it with your dragon fire,"said Musa. "You read our minds. Magic Winx!,"said Bloom and Asia. "Bloom, Asia, wait going out now would be too dangerous. We don't know what kind of power these white giants are packing. We have to find another way to de-ice the ship,"said Sky. "Sky is right. There must be another way,"said Scott.

*The ship continues to slow down as it is covered in ice*

*Asia started to think and get an idea*

"Hey Bloom, are you thinking of what I'm thinking?,"asked Asia. "Oh yeah,"said Bloom. "Me and Asia have got an idea but you're gonna have to trust us,"said Bloom. "I trust you,"said Sky. "And so do I,"said Scott. "We do a power dive. The friction will create heat and melt the ice,"said Asia. "That might work. Hang on, everyone,"said Scott. "Don't pull up until I say so,"said Bloom. "Something tells me I won't like this very much,"said Stella.

*The ship flies high in the air*

"Getting dizzy. Getting nauseous. Getting wrinkled,"said Stella.

*The ship starts to dive*

"Pull up, Sky! Pull up!,"said Brandon. "Not 'til Bloom says...,"said Sky. "Now?,"asked Musa and Flora. "Omg omg I can't look!,"said Stella. "Pull up, Bloom?,"asked Brandon. "Not yet,"said Bloom. "Pull up, Bloom?,"asked Musa and Flora. "Now Sky, now!,"said Bloom.

*The ship pulls up, just in time to avoid hitting a mountain. Flora and Musa cheer*

"Is it over yet?,"asked Stella. "Yes Stella, it's over and Bloom that was so awesome,"said Sky. "The cave I see it,"said Tecna. "What are those things?,"asked Musa. "I hope they're not what I think they are,"said Asia. "They're attacking us!,"said Scott. "Yep they're what I thought they were Guardians of the mirror!,"said Bloom.

*A Griffin attack the ship*

"I can't see!,"said Sky.


"Only the Mirror of Truth can break the spell cast on Stella. Will the Winx succeed in saving their friend and above all. Will they succeed in surviving the giant Griffin's attack?,"asked Narrator.
