28) Troubles (EDITED)

The weekend went by fast. Jisung stayed at my place for the whole weekend. He didn't want to go home since he'll be staying alone at home anyway, so he decided to chill at my place with me. We're not so alone when we're together.

"I should just move in with you too!" He jokes but something about him tells me that he wasn't joking. I back away from him. "What? Taehyung can do it how come I can't?" He cross his arm, waiting for an answer.

"Bwo? You're serious? I thought it was a joke?" I panic.

He smirk and kiss me on the cheek playfully. "I'm just kidding unless if you do want me to stay with you from now on. Not that I mind it but really, Y/n? We're both living alone at our own houses, wouldn't that just waste our money. Help out, please? Friends should help each other out and beside, it's not like we're anything more than friends, right?" He grin. I blush but then my heart sunk.

"Right, we're best friends and nothing more. That shouldn't be a problem." I said quietly back to him. He notice my sudden change of tone.

"What's wrong? Did I do something wrong? You don't have to let me move in with you, I was just joking." He said in a audible voice tone.

I shrug, "You can if you want. We're friends so it's cool. Not like you don't sleep at my place and you always find ways to get in anyway so go ahead, I don't care." I said.

Really, I feel used. Why do I feel like he just likes to tease me. He follow me to class. We sat down at our seat, which is next to each other. I lay my head down as he pushes back a few strands of hair from my face and sigh.

Leaning his head on the palm of his hand, staring at me. "Hey, Y/N?" He calls my name and I hum in response. "Do you like anybody at the moment? Like is there someone on your mind?" He ask me.

I open one eye to look at him. He was serious. there was no tint of teasing. I cover my face with my arm. I lay my head back down, preventing him from seeing my reaction. "Yes, I do." I mumble and he stays quiet.

"Mind sharing." He chuckles but I knew he wouldn't give me a chance anyway. I'm stuck in the friendzone.

"Someone but he doesn't feel that way towards me." I said, sitting back up. He cross his arms and think.

"Is he in stray kids?" He ask me. I thought for a bit. One hint doesn't hurt.

"mmhmm." I smile.

He smirk, "Felix Lee." He said without hesitation.

I shrug, "Nope." I reply, turning my gaze to the board. Class was starting. He can guess all he want because I'm not going to tell him anytime soon.


The rest of the day, Jisung been running around looking for every Stray Kids member that he can get to and ask about who I like. None of them were willing to say anything so he came back to me.

I was sitting in the library reading an interesting book that I found not too long ago in the library. He pull a chair and sat himself in at the same table as me. He sigh, then pout. "You're mean." He said not looking at me but to my book.

I ignore him but inside I was laughing. He's so cute. Why do he want to know anyway? "Good luck. Why do you want to know anyway?" I ask him, setting my book down. He shrug his shoulders.

"I don't know. I just wanted to know. Maybe therefore I can see if he's a good person for you." He said, getting something out of his back pack.

"Jisung, everyone in stray kids is good enough." I joke. It's the truth though. They all are good people and good enough for a perfect girl out there. He roll his eyes.

"Can I take one last guess?" He ask, pulling my wrist closer to his face. He intertwine our fingers together. My face heats up. He smirk. What's he up too again?

"It's me, isn't it?" I froze.

Someone came and pull me up. Jisung stood up right away. "Kim Y/N, I warned you." An angry Sunhee said to me, crushing my wrist with the pressure she's putting. My eyes twitch at the pain.

Jisung pushes her aside, we ran out. Everyone in the library was confused on the situation. "It's not safe now. I need to take you somewhere else!" Jisung half yelled. I was scared. Her eyes were burning with pure hatred. She wanted to kill me!

Whoa! Exposed! Jk!
How is he so sure? Why does he wanna know all of a sudden?
Jisung, what are you playing at? BOIII!
Run bitch run!
