

"NEMOTO!" Chuuya's voice was full of anger and too deep, his eyes blazing where that spot the helicopter that was on top of the mansion.

his hands that couldn't wait to tear Nemoto clenched so hard that his eyes were just focused on Nemoto who was ready to run away again with the rest of his men. he didn't think that there would still be other men of Nemoto left even before no one could escape his own men, the men of Port Mafia under Chuuya were strong and very trained. whether female or male Chuuya maintains equal service of those.

but most Port Mafia men are men with great job potential, while on the other hand, women are only about 30 or 20 percent working under them. they don't just accept those people easily, because they also decide who deserves high positions.

they also do a test on each man of their groups, yes they have single teams, Chuuya who has many men under him, Akutagawa and Higuchi who are together in one team also have men under them both. and the one with the most men among them is none other than their leader Mori-san.

over the past few years, in a year that Mori-san always makes his own event for groups in Port Mafia, that event is there to see who are the strongest and smartest men there is in each team. well, every member of the Port Mafia knows that the event implemented by Mori-san is very brutal and dangerous. but what can they do? That's Port Mafia and that Port Mafia can put your life in the middle of death.

even if they killed a hundred people, innocent or not. they also have no other choice but to do their jobs well. because in this world others no longer know who is bad or good and who should die or have justice to live.

"ara~ ara~,  I never thought you were still alive until now" Nemoto chuckled as he looked at Chuuya with a mocking expression.

Chuuya gritted his teeth in anger that he could no longer hear Nemoto's annoying voice "You Fucker! after you experiment with Atsushi's ability and erase her memory about us, you'll just run away as easily as if nothing happened?!" Chuuya shouted as his surroundings began to envelop the frightening darkness and his ability activated.

Chuuya's eyes changed color to red which was even redder than anyone's blood. he would never allow Nemoto to step foot in this world again. and even more so he would not allow Nemoto to touch Atsushi again.

because at this time, he will promise that Nemoto's body will never be seen in this world even with his single hair. for now, he will kill him little by little until he begs. 

"tell me, after you toy with Atsushi and get tired of her. why would you leave her like this?! why in the last few years why did you adopt her and only hurt her feelings?!"

Nemoto's eyes looked at Chuuya without expression and his smile on his lip disappeared. he was silent for a few seconds tapping his chin thinkingly "why?" repeated Nemoto

"easy question. because when I first saw her in the city of Yokohama as she was lying on the floor, with nothing to eat, her face full of dirt and so innocent that so many people walking around her not caring about her, at that time it was also raining hard while I was watching her in the distance" Nemoto sighed

"But when I approached her, I knew then that she had a beautiful face. her body was too feminine, and her eyes sparkled. She was only ten years old and she did not yet know the world she was stepping on, so I adopted her and stood as her father" 

Nemoto's eyes stared at Chuuya for a few seconds and he took a deep breath "but my real intention was to make her mine, so when I also found out that she was a wear-tiger because she always told me that there was a scary tiger that followed her every night, my interest grew even more to that kid until I started experimenting her and confine her to one of the mansion's rooms"

Nemoto stopped speaking and his smirk on the lip returned "but all that was ruined because of you, if I only knew that you always visited Atsushi then, I would have killed you even in the beginning" Nemoto's spat let out a loud laugh

"and who said I would leave Atsushi in this mansion with all of you?! you know Me, I will make a way just to get Atsushi back" 

Nemoto just shook his head he couldn't stop laughing, and his hand on his stomach rose slowly in the air "kill him

all of Nemoto's remaining men immediately nodded and obeyed his command, all of them immediately aimed their guns at Chuuya.

"I'll Fucking kill you, Nemoto!



"shit! we need to leave this mansion immediately!" Yosano shouted that she carried Atsushi in her arms in a bridal style.

all of them immediately nodded and they wasted no more time, they immediately ran down the hallway trying to find out where the exit of that mansion was. 

each wall of the mansion will slowly crack and the stones will give way, the ground they are stepping on will move too much which also makes it even harder for them to run fast.

Dazai who was at the very back of the queue made sure that no other member was left behind. when he saw that everything was fine, his eyes snapped into the large mirrors. and his eyes spotted in the distance, Chuuya who was fighting at the top of the mansion.

Dazai could do nothing but sigh "what can I do? he was so angry that he wanted Nemoto to disappear from this world" Dazai shook his head and his eyes immediately returned to where they were going

'the important thing is that Atsushi is safe and Chuuya will take care of that crazy man' 

