

Author~chan's POV~

the two glared at each other while Kyouka immediately ran to Atsushi and immediately hugged her and started crying, Atsushi's heart suddenly tightened when she saw Kyouka crying

"you alright? Is anything wrong with you?" Atsushi asked worriedly and she looked at the different parts of Kyouka's body, but when she did not see a single wound she sighed

Atsushi glared at Akutagawa again and pushed Kyouka back so she wouldn't get into trouble

"What is your problem? we enjoy walking and then you suddenly come out and make trouble for no reason" said Atsushi, Akutagawa raised an eyebrow and sighed

"I just want to see you and kill you" Akutagawa replied harshly and coughed three times, Atsushi's eyes twitched

he just came here to kill Jinko? can they just fight another day because she still has a lot to do and she is very tired, Atsushi sighed and picked up Kyouka's grocery bag and turned around

"I'm sorry but I don't have time now to fight you, and I have a lot more to do," said Atsushi and waved her hand and she held Kyouka's hand and started walking, Akutagawa clicked his tongue in annoyance

Atsushi? refused to fight with Akutagawa? is she sick it used to be when the two of them met they would fight right away

"RASHOMON!" Akutagawa shouted and Rashomon suddenly rushed to Atsushi, Atsushi noticed this and immediately picked up Kyouka in bridal style and jumped high so that Rashomon would not hit her

when Atsushi got down, she lowered Kyouka to the side first and glared deadly at Akutagawa

"Didn't you hear what I said?! I still have work to do! and I have no time to fight with you!" Atsushi shouted angrily, she wanted to punch Akutagawa but Kyouka is still here and she might just get hurt

"I don't care," said Akutagawa and he ordered Rashomon to rush again, Atsushi clicked her tongue and activated her power

"you're annoying" Atsushi whispered under her breath and rushed to Akutagawa and thwarted all of Rashomon's attacks, she jumped high in front of Akutagawa and raised her fist which turned into a tiger hand

"AHHH!" Atsushi screamed and punched Akutagawa hard, suddenly blew around them and there was smoke all around. Kyouka is worried about what happened to Atsushi, she can't see what's happening because of the smoke blocking

"ahhh~" Atsushi sighed and stood up properly, she fanned the smoke enveloping them with her hand, and she saw that Akutagawa was not in front of her

Atsushi sighed again and shrugged, and maybe Akutagawa ran away in fear Atsushi turned around and went to Kyouka

"you alright?" Kyouka asked worriedly, Atsushi smiled and patted her head

"don't worry I wasn't hurt, so let's go back and maybe others will be waiting for us!" Atsushi said cheerfully, Kyouka nodded and lift the groceries bags

but before that, they did not know that Akutaga was just there behind the smoke


Atsushi turned around and her eyes widened when she saw Akutagawa standing straight and he felt no pain, Atsushi couldn't believe it and thought she had hit Akutagawa

"I will not let you leave immediately," said Akutagawa and he coughed three more times

"RASHOMON!" Akutagawa shouted and Rashomon suddenly rushed again faster than before, Atsushi immediately pushed Kyouka to the side and closed her eyes


Atsushi opened her eyes when she felt something was wrong, she saw that her clothes and the binder she was using were torn, and her whole face turned red

"wuah- WUAHHHHHH!!!!" Atsushi screamed and she covered her breasts with her hands and sat on the ground, while on the other hand, Akutagawa was surprised to see Atsushi's breast bouncing

"J-jinko, you're a girl?" Akutagawa asked incredulously and slowly approached Atsushi

"I don't care if I'm a girl! WAUAHHHHH" Atsushi screamed again and she just hugged herself so as not to see her big breasts

"KYOUKA-CHAN!, KYOUKA-CHAN!, KYOUKA-CHAN!" Atsushi shouted Kyouka's name and asked for help, Kyouka immediately ran to Atsushi and asked what she should do

"I need new clothes!!" said Atsushi and cried with crocodile tears, of course, Kyouka could not leave Atsushi with Akutagawa because she knew something bad could happen

"WAHHHH! get lost! I don't want to see you!" Akutagawa flinched and he did not know if he would leave or just stay and help Atsushi, Akutagawa saw that there was no other way, so he approached Atsushi even though she was very angry with him

Atsushi snapped his head and immediately glared at Akutagawa

"What are you waiting for?! Get out of my sight!" Atsushi shouted, Akutagawa did not listen and picked up Atsushi in bridal style, Kyouka was surprised and she immediately took what they bought at the grocery store and followed Akutagawa who walked out of the alleyway.

"what are you doing?! let go of me!" Atsushi complained and hit Akutagawa's chest, but he did not listen and he just continued to carry Atsushi to their agency

"you are lucky and I have no clothes! if I hadn't punched you earlier!" Atsushi stopped shouting and she just covered her breasts with her hands but she was still angry, Akutagawa looked at Atsushi without expression and he had many questions he wanted to ask Atsushi

"so, you are a real girl" Akutagawa commented and looking at where they were walking, Atsushi just huffed

"what if I am a girl?" Atsushi whispered, Akutagawa sighed and he saw that they were close to the agency

"why did you not immediately tell me or others?" Atsushi looked at Akutagawa but also looked in another direction

"you don't need to know" Atsushi said harshly, Akutagawa did not speak and they just continued their walk, while Kyouka was in the back following while carrying the groceries they bought

but Atsushi is actually afraid that what her colleagues at the agency will do, will they be angry or happy? 

'why did this happen? I'm really unlucky' Atsushi sighed and waited for them to arrive at the agency, still frowning and covering her big breasts

