Could we talk? Ep 13

A lot has happened. I was walking aimlessly through the park enlightened by mere lanterns. The long alley, on which I was, seemed longer. The darkened aspect of the trees'  shadow seemed to contrast well with the orange allure of the season. On my route was a bench, resting underneath the lantern. As I sat down on it, a gust of wind brushed against my face. My green top seemed so tight at the time leading me to unbutton it just enough for me to feel at peace.

Thinking about it, I haven't been able to speak to her all this time. She's been avoiding me since that day. Why do I always end up pushing away those who actually care about me? Will my explanation even fix anything. Well, It's not like I'll know anything sitting here like this. I'll call her tomorrow... No. Today. Right now.

My phone lying in my pocket seemed so distant. Was I in the right state of mind to explain anything to her right now? "What are you doing here?" This voice. 

There she was. Standing in front of that lamp post. It was angelic. Her black short overalls went beautifully with her golden orange hair.

"Is there any sort of issue?

-No. I just wanted to see you.

-Stop lying. In my 18 years of life, not once have you thought about me, to see wanting to see me. What do you want?

-I wanted to apologize. The reason I said that so harshly to you that day was because I didn't want her to target you.

-Number one, she already had. Number two, she attacked me anyway. And number three, just because you had a reason to hurt doesn't change the fact that you did it.

-Could we talk?

-I believe that's what we've been doing for a long time now. Actually, nevermind, I'm going home.

-Wait." I grabbed her hand. She turned back as soon as I touched her hand already in a slapping position. However, I foresaw this ergo stopped it before getting hit. 

"Let go of me!

-I'm sorry. I am so sorry." I was literally whispering in her ear, holding her in order to prevent her from leaving me.

It's not that I  always hated her. Since high school, I discovered Leenora and at the same time I fell in love with Thalia. She was the type of woman that could go through hell with a smile. The type that would back you up when you fell. The type to be... the mother of my children, a strong women. Seeing her like this, these past few months, hurt me. I destroyed the same person I had vowed to protect. I broke her. I broke the only person that would ever love me. I am powerless in matters regarding the one I love most. I tried to keep her away because of all that Leenora drama but it didn't work. I had to choose between protecting her and falling in love with her. 

Since 10th grade, she was loved by all. It was the last class of the day and she was there sitting besides me. At first, I was annoyed by the fact that everybody liked her; I didn't know her at the time. Until one day, I caught a fever and skipped lunch. She saw me sleeping by the window. The sun rays were tinting the room orange rendering my eyes useless. As I was trying to shape my eyes, I heard her voice saying " Are you okay?". I automatically knew it was her voice. She was known by the whole class as the silly beauty. I didn't trust her at the start because of Sebastian's warning but despite my groans she approached and then placed her palm against my forehead. That moment of concern was what defined my feelings for her and, still to this day, I feel the same way I felt at that time.

"Why are you telling me that?" Her response  was cold. "Are you trying to hurt me? Because it's working.

-No, I don't want to hurt you.

-THEN WHAT DO YOU EVEN WANT WITH ME." She was crying. She was crying. No,no,no. That wasn't what I wanted why did I hurt her again? "DO YOU LIKE HURTING ME? AFTER I HAD FINALLY MOVED ON. AFTER ALL I DID TO FORGET AND THEN YOU COME BACK AND DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS?: As she said that she removed herself from my arms.




-(scoff) Well. You did a good job at that. (sigh). Maximilien, I can protect myself quite we...Hey are you okay?

-I'm...I'm not. I wanted to call you but I didn't want what just happened to happen.

-What's wrong?

-I hurt you. I wanted to protect you but I did the exact opposite of what I wanted. I pushed you away to protect you not hurt you. Now, you're hurt because of me.

-Why would you want to protect me? You hated m-

-I didn't. Since 10th grade, I didn't. I fell in love with you since 10th grade. I-I love you.


-I'm sorry for hurting you. Tell me anything. I'll do anything just to make it up to you. I don't even want your forgiveness but just... I don't want to see you hurt because of me. It's not even guilt that kills me it's the fact that I see you cry. Seeing someone you love get hurt isn't something that I can put up with as I thought. Please be happy!" 

Now, it's time to let her go, to let her live a peaceful life. Could I call you... nevermind. I'll do it anyway, at least once. Goodbye my love

Thalia's POV

Is he being serious? Did he say he loved me? He did, did he? Yes. He said he doesn't even need my forgiveness. He just wants me to be happy.

Thoughts were rushing in, as if every single pain was finally healing. The world was getting brighter and brighter around him. After his speech, his eyes were full of sorrow. He turned around disappearing in the shadows of the orange tree.

The guy that I loved has confessed to me. He confessed. WAIT! WHY IS MY HEART POUNDING?...SHIIIIIIIT. NOOOOOO. After he said he gives up on you that's when you fall for him again? WAIT YOU FELL FOR HIM? DIDN'T YOU DESPISE HIM 2 MINUTES AGO? AAAAAAH

"MAXIMILLIAN!" Girlie what are you doing with your life? "MAXIMILLIAN" I can't let him go not yet. 

No! Why can't I find him? It's getting late. PLEASE! Don't go.

"Well, well. Today's my lucky day. A young girlie needing cheering up, ay?

-N-no, no thank you. I'm waiting for someone.

-Why so cheeky? Come here.; Why is he grabbing me? 

- NO, PLEASE NO! NO! MAXIMILLIAN!: He's probably gone by now. It's over. I'm done for.

-What are you doing to her?

-Who are you? Mind your business and go along" Maximillian! There you are.

The sun rays were beaming into my eyes. A warm sheet was  covering me. The comfortable bed was forcing my eyes back to a deep slumber. Where was I?... WAIT! WHERE WAS I? No, no,no. AM I STILL A VIRGIN?

"Don't need to panick you're in my house".
