I need your help. Ep 5

As the girls were talking to Noah, they became more and more familiar with him. Even Laye, who at the start was being difficult, started cracking jokes with him. He surprisingly also know how to crack jokes too. I feel that this friendship will last a lifetime.

Noah seems like he's enjoying himself but he keeps looking at Iris and same for Iris. Oooh, ia this what I think this is? Love is in the air.

The thoughts of this love story to evolve into something out of a novel, Sebastian appeared in the lunchroom.

"The lunchroom should be vacant at this hour, shouldn't it?

-Yeah, You're right Via but I don't know what he's doing here either.


-Did he just...Oh hell nah, I'm gonna beat his *ss if he comes here.

-Calm down Laye.

-Thalia, I need your help.

-Don't you dare come near her.

-Via, not you too. Yeah! What's the problem?

-I need your help.

-But if I remember correctly, she said no and what my sister says goes." Noah was sooo cute saying that. My little brother, who's as cute as a puppy, was angry and protective of me. At least he looks like he trusts me a lot.

"Noah! I know but I need to talk to her and you. I need you guy's help. Please! I can't let Maximillian propose to her.


-Yeah,  he's going to propose to her. 

-But where does that regard me? Isn't that what you and him wanted?

-Ok, I admit I messed up but she threatened to kill me if I said anything so imagine if Maximillian were to get married to a woman like her. She would ruin him. Didn't you say you that you like him?

-First of all, I LIKED him and I don't now. Second, he clearly stated to me that he didn't want me near his girlfriend therefore even if we had the evidence he wouldn't trust us because I was on it. And third, if Leenora would come to know about this, she would kill you.

-If I don't do nothing, I won't be able to live with myself knowing that my Best friend would be living an inferno with a woman like her.

-Oh! What happened to the woman like me?

-I'm sorry Thalia but I really need your help. You and Noah. If you want more hands would be appreciated.

-I'm sorry Sebastian but no.

-Why? I know we've been jerks since we met you but he's a good guy. I could set you up with him if you want after...

-Sebastian, I'm not that desperate to catch Maximillian's attention. What the heck do you think he is? Some kind of merchandise that is to be traded? Do you have no respect for my dignity? I already answered didn't I? NO!" After blurting out those words my friends and I left without giving him any chances to reply to my retort.

What does he think I am? Do they still think that I'm some gold-digger? My thoughts took the better of me to the point where I couldn't even hear my friends warning me of that man's presence and bumped into him. As I looked at him with disgust I repeated to myself: Maximillian Devosky, from now on I have no regret in letting you go. You earned what was coming for you. It's compensation for all these years you've made mine hell. Now Leenora will show you her true colors and I won't be here to ease your pain or cheer you nor help you. This is karma.

"What's wrong? Why you looking at me like that? Got a problem?" That grin on your face will disappear in a few more years at most.

"Don't talk to her like that! Who do you think you're?

-Noah, don't...

-Yeah, do as she says and stay away from me.

-Could you just shut up. I'm literally trying to convince her to help us...

-Help us? What do you mean by help us? I'm totally fine.

-You wouldn't get it.

-Get what?

-Just leave her alone. Let's go. Thalia, please reconsider." As he's back was disappearing down the hall, I realized that, in his eyes was desperation. He wanted to change the faith of his friend at all cost. He wanted to fix his mistakes.

And just like that the day ended. Yesterday, my first day of school was worst then catastrophic, it was hell. And today, Noah is going to the basketball training after school so the girls and I will have to wait for him in the library again.

In matters regarding Sebastian, since he just wants to protect his best friend, I'm give him the video. Everybody accepted my decision except Laye:

"That son of a b*tch humiliated you, yelled at you, broke your heart, despised and hayed you all your life and you're going to help him?

-Do you think I want to and secondly, who said I was helping him? I'm helping Sebastian.

-Like that makes a difference.

-In order to protect his best friend, he asked his enemies for help, and I would've done the same for Via. I know that you too would've done the same for Iris.

-Okay! Fine with me but if he starts any funny business Imma knock his teeth out.

-Thanks Laye."

All I had to do is give him the phone and then go to class. Right, that's all it would be.Nothing to fuss about.

The moment I arrived at school, there was a crowd at the main hall of the college and right in the middle was Sebastian and Maximillian.


For those of you who like vampire books please check out another book of mine called: "A heart in a field of fangs. Thank you.
