Chapter 4

  It has been almost 2 weeks and TK seemed to be feeling more and more like his old self by the day. That being said, he was climbing the walls and annoying the crap out of anyone and everyone around him. even Marjan didn't want to be around him. He was so cranky Carlos was made to stay with him for the last week, worried TK would make a break for it if he didn't. The hospital had been extremely accommodating for them even giving Carlos a cot which wasn't usually allowed in the ICU nor the step down units, but all involved agreed TK did better with him around. The team took turns bringing things to the hospital whether it be food a change of clothes, or company when Carlos was at work. Both men were grateful to have so many people they consider family around them for support.

They hadn't told anyone about the baby as TK was afraid something would happen to it so they agreed to wait until he was at least home to tell everyone the news. Today was the day that TK finally gets to go home his levels were back within normal range and he had been given some safe anti-emetics that seem to work wonders for him. With the new prescriptions, and latest ultrasound in hand Carlos wheeled TK out of the hospital both so glad to be leaving and going home. TK opened the window on their way home just enjoying the fresh air and comfortable silence in the car. His eyes began to get heavy a few minutes into the drive and he decided to sleep the rest of the way expecting Carlos to wake him when they arrived home.

Instead, he awoke alone in their bed, panic started to arise in him unsure why. The room was dark so he had been asleep for at least a few hours, his breathe hitched before finding his panicked voice "Carlos!" TK all but screamed. A few seconds later his love comes bursting through the door.

"Tk what is it, I'm here I am right here." He quickly made his way to the side of the bed to hold him.

"I just got scared when you weren't here."

"Why babe?"

"Because I thought you left me, okay!"

"Oh love" he said while holding TK as he cried

"Don't be with me out of pity or duty or some other such notion I don't want that!" Carlos pulled him up and put a curled finger under his chin to make sure they were eye to eye.

"Don't you dare start that you should know I don't do anything I don't want to and would never put you through that it would be selfish inconsiderate and just plain cruel! Do you really think I would do that to you I mean lie to you or fake you out, like that? If you do then we don't know each other as well as I thought we did."

"No babe, I just I don't know how to feel right now. I am unsure half the time if I am dreaming or awake and not being able to tell the difference has made me, a little nut's I suppose, I won't lie about that nor the fact I thought you would leave me if I were pregnant."

"Why? I mean why would you ever think that? I'm not mad, I just want to know what I have done to make you feel this way"

"You! Nothing, at least that I can think of. I am just insecure have been most my life I don't know just figured I am damaged goods so why would you or anyone else want me? Let alone what is essentially forever as we will be linked by this kid. I mean you could have anyone."

"Do you really think I want anyone but you? TK, I mean it do you?" all he did was shrug in response while looking down and away from Carlos terrified to see his eyes as they would tell the truth regardless of his words and he didn't want to take the chance he was right.

"Well, you are dead wrong if you do! I can't even believe you think that about yourself I don't know how you would ever expect me to for as long as you want me, I will be here even if you scream at me to leave it isn't going to happen. I love you do you think I just say that to anyone, huh do you? Christ TK!" Carlos hugged him even tighter than before not knowing how he had allowed his love to even think that for a second, he felt like the worst.

"Oh, babe why haven't you told me this before I never want you to feel like this! You need to tell me If for no other reason then to dispel these horrendous thoughts from your head!" You know your mind plays tricks on you just like any former addict or person with depression it makes you feel less worthy or that you don't matter which isn't true you're my person."

"I don't know why I haven't, I really don't. I suppose I'm just scared I am going to lose you or do something to mess this up."

Carlos lets go of TK for a moment in order to reach his nightstand taking something out. Do you really think that if I had any second thoughts about anything you wouldn't know? I would come to you with any concerns, what have I ever done or said to make you feel this way, I will do my best to fix it. I never want you to hurt like this!" Carlos was in tears as he finished the statement while smooshing his love as close to him as possible not caring if he could breathe at that point.

"Babe your kind of smushing me and I need to breathe." Carlos gave a short laugh before releasing his love choosing to squat in front of him.

"If I wasn't sure about us, do you really think I would have been holding on to this?" He pops a small black box open that holds a simple white gold ring with a few diamond inlays. TK gasped commenting on its beauty, afraid to say anything else unsure of what Carlos' intention was.

"Tyler Kennedy Strand would you do me the great honor of becoming my husband?"

"How long have you had this?"

"A little over a month I kept trying to find the right time but it never seemed to work out, then everything else happened and I was worried about you so it sort of slipped my mind. I was so scared I was going to lose you my rational brain kind of went out the window." He looked up at his TK with pleading eyes

"So, before we knew about the baby, yeah?"

"Well yes, does that matter?" Carlos asked incredulously

"So much! I told you I don't want pity and I didn't want to say yes if that was why you were asking me." Carlos looked hurt by his words

"If you don't want to I..." TK smashed their lips together to hush his lover before he could finish, both were breathless as their lips parted for some much needed oxygen. Still looking deep into each other's eyes.

"So, is that a yes?" Carlos asked grinning like the Cheshire cat. Meanwhile TK just let out a hardy laugh nodding his head.

"Yes, babe a million times yes! We have to tell my dad asap." Carlos gives him a sheepish look.

"I uh, already asked him for permission" TK let out a small laugh at the thought of how nervous Carlos must have been.

"So, he gave you permission?" TK said with a mile wide smile

"Yes, he gave me permission to ask you. I'm sorry if you think that I am old fashioned because of it. He said he has never seen you happier and would love to have me as a son in law." Both smiling before Carlos kissed him with such ferocity that it pushed TK back down onto their bed Carlos crawling along with him making sure not to break the lip lock they were enjoying. Forgetting about the outside world and falling into each other's warm embrace.

To be continued...
