Chapter 2

"Babe, can I come in?" Carlos says from outside the door of their bathroom while only having heard retching for the last hour. He knows TK hates being babied but this was insane.

"No, I'm fine" he yells not realizing Carlos had already opened the door seeing him leaning on the rim of the toilet.

"Oh, for the love of... you're not fine okay, plus I really need to pee!" Seeing his love on the floor looking pale and wiped of all energy.

"Just make it quick or I may puke on you" Tk said from his position on the floor trying to look coy.

"Okay, that's it after this I am calling Tommy."

"What, no!"

"Yes! this is ridiculous TK alright we are all worried about you and you refuse to go to the doctor, so Tommy is the next best thing and I know you trust her so stop fighting it and get on board because it's happening get over it. I mean do you really think I can sleep or even function knowing how much danger you could be in, huh?"

"Well of course I tru.... wait what do you mean all? Have you been talking to them behind my back?" TK commented angrily, giving Carlos the best death glare he could muster considering the 2 hours of sleep he had gotten.

"No... I mean not exactly, they called me! Plus, that's not the point we are worried about you TK. Tommy, your dad, Judd and Grace, even Mateo has called asking after you. You should be happy to have so many people who care about you!" Carlos all but yelled at TK from the doorway, he knew it was irrational, but he was scared out his mind thinking the worst especially as it was TK, the man who would rather die than admit something was wrong or that he needed help.

"I mean honestly what do you expect me to tell them? that you're all good here and not there? You know I fail at lying its part of why you love me."

"Not at the moment it's not" Meanwhile Carlos' phone beeped signaling a new message

"Yeah, well tough she will be here at 8 to check you out."

"Traitor" was all he said before turning a bit green, once again emptying what little was left in his stomach.

"Fine call me whatever you want but I mean for god's sake you run into burning buildings and dangerous situations every day. What happens if you pass out on scene huh? How Will I live with myself if something happens to you. Do you realize how scared I am on shift?"

"Not anymore! I am a paramedic."

"Oh my god okay fine but did you or did you not run into the middle of a mine field?" Tk groans as he knows the answer

"Technically we bunny hopped, but I see your point just stop yell..." was all he got out before once again retching overtook his small frame cutting off his next sentence. Carlos just sighed while rubbing his back soothingly until his love was at least finished with this round of nausea. A few minutes later TK spoke up.

"Okay Fine, I give up, or in whatever at this point, okay? My head hurts I have been like this for the last 3 hours so could you please just lower your voice and comfort me." Tk almost cried out near his breaking point.

"That I can do, I love you it's the only reason we have these discussions."

"Whatev..." vomiting cut TK off but Carlos knew what he was going to say

4 hours later

"Hey sweetie how are you doing?"

"Not so great Tommy" TK said

"Finally, an honest answer from our very own boy who lived"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing sweetheart the girls are reading Harry Potter" she said while wrapping the blood pressure cuff around his right arm.

"Oh right, how are they considering everything?"

"They are good unlike you"

"What do you mean Tommy?"

"What I mean is that based on your vitals you're going to the hospital young one" Carlos froze at those words turning to Tommy all the color having drained from his face.

"Now Carlos don't panic I'm sure it's something simple" Tommy shouts from the coffee table she sees him nod slowly as TK tries to protest before Carlos gives him his famous 'Shut up' look

"Babe you can either accept that you need the help and ride with me, or you can go with Tommy and Nancy in the ambulance." Carlos commented sternly

"You babe always you" TK said almost deliriously before he all but fell into his boyfriend's arms unconscious.

Several hours later

"The family of Tyler Strand?" The doctor announced before Owen could even react, he saw Carlos out of his peripheral vision running towards the spot the doctor was standing in.

"How is he? Is he alright, I knew I should have made him come sooner, please just tell me he's alive!" Carlos asked in a frantic tone rarely stopping to take a breath, before Owen laid his hand on the cop's shoulder to try and be both supportive and comforting.

"First off who is who?"

"I'm Carlos his fia... boyfriend, this is Owen his father" Owen cast a look towards Carlos making a mental note to ask him about that later.

"Ok well, we have managed to stabilize him he was suffering from hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, and severe dehydration. His heart was not in sinus rhythm when he arrived, but we got it back reasonably quick with a bolus of medications and he is once again." Carlos let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding as the doctor continued. "Now do either of you know how he got to this level." Both answered at the same time

"He's stubborn" They gave a look and small laugh to each other

"I meant the symptoms. He wasn't awake enough to fully comprehend my questions."

"He has been nauseas, dizzy, irritable and the like for the past few weeks."

"I see, and how long is a few weeks?"

"3 maybe 4, sir can I please go see him now?" Carlos spoke at an extremely accelerated rate due to his desire to see TK and his gorgeous green eyes which he now knew were once again open.

"Of course, I still have a few more questions and information for TK and yourself. Though I am sure his father can answer them." Carlos looked at Owen who nodded with a smile. To which Carlos proceeded to take off running, before he realized he had no idea where TK was. Looking back towards where he was just standing the doctor looked over his shoulder and called out "Room 325" He smiled and continued his near dead run towards the elevators, both Doctor Greene and Owen looking on sharing a small smile and laugh before continuing their conversation.

To be continued...
