Chapter 24-Prison Fight

Korie's POV

I walked around the prison perimeters with Rory in silence, as she skipped ahead a little bit.

"I like it here. I hope we never ever gotta leave." Rory smiled, looking back at me. She's gotta know some day, that you can never stay in one place too long. But, I'll let her figure it out herself. She's smart, right?

"Me too." I replied. I looked towards the entrance of the fence, and saw Rick and Maggie putting up a wooden pole where the fence was caving in. If this Governor that everyone's been talkin' about since my group arrived doesn't take this place out, the Walkers will.

I heard a shriek when Rory got too close to the fence. Rolling my eyes, I ran up to the fence and pushed my knife in a Walker's eye. "Be careful!" I scolded her. God, maybe she'll get bit next time!

"I'm sorry, I didn't see him there." Rory frowned, and hugged me. "I hope one day we'll never see those Walkers again."

"Yeah..." I muttered. As we reached the prison, a guard tower blew out, my sister and I fell to the ground from the blast.

"What was that?!" I screamed, and looke towards the entrance. A dark colore tank sat by the doors, and a group of people surrounded it with cars, and a lot of guns. You couldn't really tell who was on top of the tank, but anyone would have guessed the same- The Governor.

"Oh shit..." I groaned, and stood to my feet. The blast must've made Rory hit her head, knocking her out, because she was out cold. I scooped her up, and ran up by Carl and Daryl.

"I can take him." Carl mumbled, cocking his gun, and aiming it through the second fence. Daryl shook his head.

"A whole 50 yards? It's a shotgun." He replied. Carl rolled his eyes.

"I'm a good shot."

"Let your dad take care of it." Daryl grumbled, handed me his sniper rifle, and stepped away towards the carts of guns, discreetly grabbing a machine gun and handing it to Maggie.

I put Rory on the ground behind a crate lid, looked down the scope of my gun, and watched the Governor.

Rick said somethin', and the Governor shook his head, before he took Hershel and Michonne from a truck, and choppe Hershel's head off. Rick shot first.

Maggie and Beth screamed, as gufire broke the tense silence. The tank plowed down the fences, as Walkers filed in behind them.

"We gotta go!" Breyden shouted, grabbing my wrist. "The bus, eveyone's loadin' in it!"

"I ain't goin' unless Carl, Judith, and my dad are with me!" I growled, shooting my rifle again. "Take Rory, she's out cold!"

Breyden nodded, picked her up, and ran towards the bus. I cotinued to shoot, before Maggie pulled on my arm. "C'mon!"

"No! Where's Rick and Carl and Judith?!"

"I dunno, come on!" Maggie cried, pulling me to safety behind a car, where Bob and Sasha sat, and Bob's shoulder was wrapped.

"Get to the bus!" Sasha screamed, and we sprinted towards it. The vehicle took off, leaving us stranded.

"Let's go." Sasha sighed, and we walked up the drive way, and towards the road the bus took.
