Chapter 16-More Secrets

Korie's POV

I still couldn't believe it. Carl is my brother! How come they never told us? They weren't even planning on telling us either!

"Why didn't you tell us?" Carl asked. His face had turned from red, back to pale. Rick didn't answer, he scratched his head, opening his mouth to talk, then closed it.

"Korie's mom didn't want her to have anythin' to do with us." Rick replied. I took in a deep breath, and pushed past him out the recently unlocked door.

Fristrated, I stormed down the corridor. "Korie wait!" Noah called, quickly catching up with me. "I know it seems bad-"

"He wasn't gonna tell us! Nobody was!" I screamed. Noah looked like I'd just hit her with a bus.

"Rick was afraid you'd leave." She smiled weakly. "He cares, you know."

"Um, he said I was an accident? Pretty sure he doesn't care, Noah." I laughed harshly, and stormed off towards my cell. I mean, how much ruder can Rick and Carl get? I'm an accident, and a murderer? Yeah, okay!

I flopped onto my bed, picked up my pillow, and screamed into it. I still can't believe it! I should've left when Breyden kissed me, I should've never stayed in the first place!

"Korie?" Rory whispered from the top bunk, looking down at me. "What happened?"

"Oh uh..." I mumbled, thinking of an excuse. It would only confuse her. "Um...I uh, saw a walker today on fence duty, it kinda scared me a bit. I'm fine, though." I smiled at her. Aurora yawned, and layed back down to sleep.

"Korie, I need your help in the infirmary!" Hershel called up the stairs. Man, I really couldn't catch a break these days! Rolling my eyes, I pushe myself off of my bed, and walked to the infirmary.

I was assigned to watch a girl named Lizzie Samuels, who in my opinion, didn't even look sick.

"I'm not feeling well." Lizzie groaned, tossing the back of her hand onto her forehead, like she was extremely warm.

"Just get some rest, okay?" Smiling softly, I gave her a hug. "If you need anything, call me, okay?"

That's when things started going bad. I heard a loud scream, and when I turned around a patient was laying on the ground, another patient eating him.

"Hershel!" I screamed, pulling the knife from my belt. I glanced at Lizzie, and when I turned my gaze back at the Walker, he looked up, and began to quickly stumble towards me.
