
jin looked up at namjoon, expressionless

"don't worry, i would have killed myself if i proposed to you and then left for two years. no, it's a promise ring, it means you're mine and only mine, for eternity." he said, taking the smaller ring out of the box and slipping it on jins thin fingers where it fit perfectly. namjoon kissed his hands again.

jin said nothing as he took the bigger ring out of the box and held namjoons hand, slipping it onto the same finger he had his on. jin took his hand and pressed it to his mouth, closing his eyes.

namjoon was still smiling softly, his dimples were on display and jin was going to weep again.
he pulled namjoons hand and they sat down, leaning on each other's cheeks, watching people walk past.

"i love you" jin says softly.
namjoon takes jins face in his hands and peppers kisses all over him
leaving his mouth for the last kiss.
jin was laughing as namjoon smiled into each kiss.
then they finally kissed.

the other members came back and they let go.
