
jin's eyes were watery.
he didn't want to cry, not when he was doing so well.
namjoon walked over to jin
they stood staring at each other for a few seconds.
the other members had left for a few minutes to leave the other two alone
jins eyes were getting more watery until he finally started sniffling and wiping his eyes
namjoon was standing in front of him with his hands caressing jins face, wiping his tears and staring deeply into his puffy eyes.
jin started to apologize

"i'm s-"
but was cut off by the younger's lips.
he kissed jin sweetly, pouring his soul into the kiss, hoping jin would know and feel how much namjoon loved him.
when he pulled back jin was pink.
namjoon then wrapped his arms around him and sighed.

"you're beautiful"
"and you're gorgeous" jin sniffed.

they stayed holding eachother for longer, warmth passing through eachother as unsaid words drifting through the air.

"i have something for you"
namjoon said softly into jins fluffy hair
"do you now?" jin whispered against his neck, as he pulled away slightly, arms still around each other.
"y-yeah" he mumbled and looked down blushing.
jins heart did cartwheels inside of him.
namjoon reached into his bag and pulled out a box and an envelope,
handing it to a soft, curious jin.

he opened the envelope first that revealed a sweetly written poem about how much namjoon loved him.

jin was bawling
"i...y-you... when??"
namjoon was watching his reaction when he read the words on the paper
he was smiling with new found happiness.

"do you like it?" he said in a low gentle voice.
"i hate you so much" he said holding namjoons face with both his hands.
"i love you too" namjoon said again taking jins hands and kissing them tenderly.

jin sniffed again and took them back to open the small box.
his assumptions were right.
as two, thin, silver rings sat in black velvet, glistening in the light.
