Chapter 16

A/N: This is a shorter chapter. 

Once the building stopped rumbling, the Bexar County Hospital Police barged in in lockstep with their tactical gear on. The bystanders near Normani's room ran out of the way at the order of the police officers as they barreled toward the room door with a battering ram. Repeatedly, they rammed the door, but the welded metal that held it shut wouldn't budge.

The supervising officer then called the hospital's communication center and asked the dispatcher to contact the San Antonio Fire Department for assistance. But, before the firefighters could get there, Camila sliced the welded metal and opened the door.

"I'm done," she announced.

Everyone, except for Lauren, was astonished that this tiny, sweet-looking, young woman could cause all of this havoc. After getting over their shock, medical staff ran into the room to check on Normani, and the police placed Camila in handcuffs. The doctors and nurses were amazed to see Normani awake and sitting up in bed. A couple of officers walked inside the room to see what Camila had done, but found everything in perfect condition with the exception of the door.

"Can someone explain what happened here?" questioned one of the officers.

"This...this...woman was just in a coma. I...I...can't...this is impossible. The family was about to pull the plug," stuttered one of the doctors.

"What?" the officer asked.

"This patient was practically dead," said the doctor as the nurses checked Normani's vitals. "She had almost no brain activity."

"Huh," the officer responded. "So, are we arresting this chick out here or giving her a metal?"

"I don't even know how to explain this," the doctor admitted.

The supervising officer overheard the conversation in the room, but was still confused. Technically, they could have arrested Camila and taken her to jail for a whole host of things, but the supervising officer didn't want to have to deal with making such a strange report, explaining it to his superior, and having to testify on it in court. "Let her go," he commanded.

"Sir, this woman interfered with medical duties, damaged hospital property, and caused a disturbance," one of the arresting officers protested.

"Do you want to explain to a jury how she did this and how the patient, who was on her deathbed, is now alert and well?" the supervisor asked.

Without arguing, the arresting officer unlocked Camila's cuffs and told her she was free to go. The officers, then, cleared everyone out of the area surrounding Normani's room and left to attend to other duties. Camila walked to the waiting room to take a seat as Normani's parents looked at her with astonishment. When Lauren and Normani's parents were told that they couldn't see Normani yet, they, too, walked to the waiting room.

After hours of testing and observation, medical staff determined that Normani was perfectly healthy. A doctor informed the family of the great news, and Lauren eagerly wanted to see her wife, but the doctor told her that Normani requested to see Camila first. Lauren's heart sank as she saw her wife's former lover head towards Normani's room.

When Camila walked in, she was greeted by a bright smile. She quickly ran over to the bed to hug the woman she hadn't seen in months. "How are you feeling?" she inquired.

"I feel...great," replied Normani.

Camila kissed Normani on the forehead. "That's good."

Then, Camila climbed into Normani's bed and held her for a good half an hour. The two of them didn't talk. They just relished in the presence of each other until Camila reminded Normani that her parents were waiting to see her. Lauren respectfully waited as Derrick and Andrea spent time with their daughter, but being alone in the waiting room with Camila was awkward.

Andrea and Derrick stayed with their daughter for over an hour. At first, Lauren became extremely impatient, but when her time came up to see her wife, she was nervous all of a sudden. What if Normani didn't want to see her? Lauren was mad at herself. They had a second chance at building a happy life together, and she blew it. She didn't intend to do these things. Her fear of Normani cheating on her again took total control of her personality. It was as if she was outside of her body watching someone else direct it to do these horrible things.

Lauren strolled into the room ready to face her fears and closed the door behind her. She walked over to Normani's bed and went in for a kiss, but Normani turned her head. This hurt Lauren deeply and almost brought tears to her eyes. She had begun to say something, but Normani gestured for her to stop.

"I'm getting our marriage annulled," Normani announced. "When I'm released, I'll be moving in with Camila. My parents will be at our duplex tomorrow to pack my stuff."

"Normani, please give me one more chance," Lauren pleaded.

"I'm not happy with you, Lauren," Normani revealed. "You make me miserable. I had hope that the woman I originally fell in love with would return, but now I know she never will. You're a completely different person and a person I no longer love."

"Don't say that. I'm still here. I'm still the girl you fell in love with in high school. I can change. I'll get help. Whatever you want, I'll do it," Lauren exclaimed.

"Lauren, we're over. There is nothing to salvage here. Everything we had has been destroyed. I don't feel anything for you. I just want to be away from you. Don't make this harder than it has to be," Normani begged.

Lauren began crying and held Normani's left hand tightly. "You don't mean that. You're just upset right now. I know you still love me."

Normani reiterated, "I don't. I'm sorry. I wish you well, but I have to focus on my own happiness now."

Lauren wiped her face and stood. After taking one last look at Normani, she stormed out of the room back to the waiting area. Camila was still there, but sitting alone because Derrick and Andrea had gone to the cafeteria. Despite Lauren's admission that she had been in the wrong, she still placed half of the blame on the former house guest. She set her sights on her target and leaped onto Camila.

Taking Camila by surprise, Lauren let out a barrage of punches to her face. The blood splattering on Lauren's face and covering her fists didn't faze her for one second. Derrick and Andrea walked in to the violent scene, and Derrick immediately dropped his food and ran over to pry Lauren off of Camila. However, when Lauren felt someone grab her from behind, she pulled out a pocket knife and stabbed Derrick in the leg.

As Derrick stepped back in shock, Andrea spotted the knife sticking out of her husband's leg and screamed. The noise caused Lauren to stop her attack on Camila and turn around. When she saw what she had done, she freaked out.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Hamilton. I didn't mean to," Lauren cried.

But, before she could say anything else, two security guards tackled her and placed her in restraints. One of the guards radioed to dispatch and told them to send the police. Nurses and doctors who had witnessed the event immediately came with gurneys to transport Camila and Derrick away for treatment once the scene was secure.

When the police arrived, they removed the guards' plastic restraints and replaced them with metal handcuffs and leg irons. They took Lauren to an examination room to be checked out. Once she was medically-cleared, they walked her out of the hospital and placed her in a police vehicle to be transported to the Bexar County Jail.

During the booking process at the jail, Lauren was screened by a medic. Her answers to the mental health questions set off red flags. The jail sergeant spoke to the arresting officers and said that they couldn't take her. So, the officers decided to emergency detain Lauren. The distraught woman was soon transported to the last type of place she ever wanted to see again.
