Chapter 20

"I've always Nif your middle name or is it part of your last name?" Normani asked Camila. They were eating about Big Lou's Pizza.

Camila answered, "Uh. Well, our name order is different from the western name order on Earth. Holotaxt is my last name, but it's not my family name. It's the equivalent of a middle name because it's given. Nif is my surname."

"Oh! That's interesting," Normani responded.

"Mmmm. This pizza is so good," Camila hummed.

"You do realize that this is the fifth straight day we've eaten pizza for lunch or dinner," Normani pointed out.

Camila replied, "Normani, pizza is the best food on Earth. It might even be the best food in this galaxy. I need to cherish it now. I may never get to eat it again."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Normani questioned.

"What is what supposed to mean?" asked Camila.

"That you may never get to eat it again," answered Normani.

Camila shrugged her shoulders. "You just never know what tomorrow brings."

Normani ripped the bib out of her shirt and threw it on the table. She then got up and walked out of the restaurant. Camila jumped up from her seat and shouted out to her. "Where are you going?"

Camila also took off her bib and waved down a waiter to ask for a to-go box. Once she had their leftover pizza packed up, she walked out to the parking lot and found Normani sitting in her car looking extremely upset. The petite woman tapped on the window to get her girlfriend's attention. Normani glanced her way, but quickly looked away and didn't bother to unlock the passenger door for Camila to get in.

"Normani, are you going to let me in?"

The model finally reached over to pull up the passenger side lock, but didn't look Camila's way as she got in the car. Camila didn't know how to explain herself, so she didn't try. She knew she messed up by letting out her deepest fears. For the first few weeks after seeing Dr. Reid, she tried spending the night in her ship three nights a week, but she was still waking up with pains when she slept at their apartment. She increased her overnight stays to four nights a week, which helped a little. Normani was optimistic because Camila put on the façade of feeling well. The truth was, however, that she was experiencing low to medium of levels of pain throughout the day, but she had gotten good at hiding it.

Spending four nights a week was putting strain on their relationship. They were spending less than half of their time in their own home. Camila didn't want to have an argument with Normani when they got home from Big Lou's. She didn't even want to have to deal with being given the cold shoulder. To escape the tension, she hopped right in her car and drove to a sleepy bar nearby. They had alcoholic drinks on Orgcan, but she hadn't tried any until she started dating Normani and swore she would never drink again after being turned off by the taste. But, on this night, she felt she needed something to help her relax.

Being a weeknight and the bar's location being in a low-traffic area, there weren't many patrons inside. Camila took a seat on one of the stools and tried to figure out what to order. She saw someone bent down doing something behind the bar.

"What would you recommend to someone who hates the taste of alcohol?" she asked the bartender.

"Don't drink," quipped the bartender still bent down restocking her shelves.

"I really need something to drink. Trust me," Camila assured her.

The bartender then stood up, and her eyes widened when she saw who she was talking to. Camila also had a surprised look on her face when she saw who the bartender was. "Oh. Hi," said Camila.

"Hey," said Lauren.

"I wasn't expecting to see you here," Camila admitted.

"Well, I wouldn't have ever dreamed of working here," Lauren chuckled. "It's my parents' bar. I can't complain, though. There aren't too many options for someone with a criminal record."

"Be thankful for family, right?" Camila replied.

"Yes, be very thankful," Lauren agreed. "It isn't too bad. My dad also hired me to do the bookkeeping, so my degree didn't go to a complete waste. So, about that drink."

"Give me anything that drowns out the flavor of alcohol," said Camila.

Lauren laughed. "You're asking for something watered down, and I'm afraid it's not going to do what you want it to do. And, before you get started on your quest to get drunk, do you have a ride home?"

"I didn't think about that," admitted Camila. "I'll just call for a cab and pick up my car tomorrow."

"Normani can't pick you up?" Lauren inquired. Lauren soon read Camila's body language, and it said that she was uncomfortable with the question. "You don't have to answer. I'll whip you up some margaritas and Long Island iced teas. With the good stuff, they'll go down smooth."

"Can you make them banana-flavored?" Camila requested.

"Uh. I can make you a Pina Colada," Lauren suggested.

"Is that banana-flavored?" asked Camila.

"No, but it's fruity. Never mind. I'll make you a banana daiquiri," offered Lauren.

They talked as Lauren made drinks and Camila consumed them. Anyone who didn't know them would have assumed that they were good friends and wouldn't have guessed that they had a troubled past. When Lauren bent down to restock her rum, her shirt lifted up a little exposing a tattoo on the side. Camila could only make out O-R-M-A-N. She knew that Lauren had a tattoo on her arm and the back of her neck, but she wasn't aware of a tattoo on the side of her torso. There was some redness around it, so Camila guessed that she got it not too long ago.

"Is that a new tattoo?" Camila observed.

Lauren hesitated for a moment and finally answered. "Yeah. Don't worry. I'm not plotting to win her back. It's just my way of honoring what we had and forever keeping her with me."

"I thought about getting a tattoo," Camila mentioned.

Lauren inquired, "What would you get?"

"A cactus. There aren't any cacti on Orgcan," said Camila.

"I think you've had too much to drink already," Lauren jested.

"What? They're beautiful plants," countered Camila.

The night continued with a small trickle of customers, so Lauren was able to devote most of her attention to Camila making her various banana-flavored drinks. She was amazed that at how the small woman never got tired of bananas and a little annoyed that she wouldn't try anything else. She liked showing off the bartending skills she had acquired and tried to convince Camila to try other fruit flavors.

Lauren also talked about the progress she was making in therapy and how her doctor said that it looked like she was going into remission. Camila congratulated her and talked about what was going on in her life, but stayed away from the topic of her health and the strain in her relationship with Normani. When the bar was about to close, Lauren called a cab for Camila. By the time she shut everything down, the driver was waiting outside. Lauren helped the intoxicated woman to her ride.

"You're being really sweet to someone who stole your wife," Camila observed.

"To be fair, I lost her. You didn't steal her," Lauren said.

"Whatever makes you feel better," said Camila.

Lauren grimaced as she opened the cab door. "I know you're drunk and all, so I'm going to let you slide."

"You mean you aren't going to try to kill me or knock out the rest of my teeth?" Camila questioned. "That therapy really is working."

Lauren sat Camila down in the backseat and got ready to close the door. "Bye, Camila. It was a pleasure taking all your money."

When Camila got home and stumbled through the door, Normani was waiting for her in the living room. She was visibly angry, but Camila was too drunk to notice at first. "Where were you? I was worried sick. You just took off without saying where you were going."

"I just needed to get out for a little while and stumbled upon the Jaureguis' bar. You know, Lauren is not all that bad now that she's no longer crazy," Camila slurred.

"Are you drunk?" Normani asked.

Camila flopped down on the couch next to Normani, and Normani scrunched up her nose at the strong smell of liquor. "I believe I am. This feels great! I feel no pain," revealed Camila.

"You said that you haven't felt pain in weeks," Normani recounted.

"I did? I guess I'm caught," Camila said.

Normani clenched her jaw as she became madder. "Lord, please don't tell me I'm in another dysfunctional relationship. Is it me? Do I make my partners this way?"

Camila giggled. "It's not you, per se. You're just bad at choosing who to fall in love with."

"This is not funny!" Normani yelled. "I hope you choke on your own vomit while you're passed out. I'm going to bed. Don't bother with following me."

Camila was unfazed by Normani's outburst. She picked up Preslee and cuddled with her. And, in just a few minutes, she was sound asleep with a smile on her face.
