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Things people do in real world dialogue:

➥ Laugh at their own jokes.

➥ Don't finish/say complete sentences.

➥ Interrupt a line of thought with a sudden new one.

➥ Say 'uh' between words when unsure.

➥ Accidentally blend multiple words together, and may start the sentence over again.

➥ Repeat filler words such as 'like' 'literally' 'really' 'anyways' and i think.

➥ Begin and/or end sentences with phrases such as 'eh' and 'you know, and may make those phrases into question form to get another's input.

➥ Repeat words/phrases when in an excited state.

➥ Words fizzle out upon realizing no one is listening.

Personally I stop speaking when I realise no one is paying attention to my words. This can be another way for your Character to attract attention to themselves.

➥ Repeat themselves when others don't understand what they're saying, as well as to get their point across.

A messed up unclear statement makes your writing closer to reality.

➥Reply nonverbally such as hand gestures, facial expressions, random noises, movement, and even silence.

Most people in conversation prefer to be a listener rather than an active participant.

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Unrealistic things your character keeps doing.

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DISCLAIMER: Yes, you may do these things. However, keep in mind that not every one of your characters should be constantly doing them because people don't all work the same.

➠ Sighing

➠ Smirking

➠ Blushing

➠ Rubbing the bridge of their nose .

➠ Biting their lip

➠ Always coming up with awesome comebacks.

Sometimes people are just speechless.

Remember not all people are sassy,
Different people reply differently to same questions.

➠ Raising an eyebrow.

➠ Rubbing their temples.

➠ Letting out a breath they didn't know they were holding.

A science fact, males breathe use their nose to breathe more than females.

The female body has a better developed forced respiratory system aka breathing from mouth.

➠ Chuckling.

➠ Running a hand down their face.

➠ Eye rolling.

➠ Perfect terminology

A perfect terminology can suit a thought process more than verbal speaking.

Some random tips

The word 'said' isn't dead, and is often the most efficient way to describe the action of someone speaking without confusing the reader. While word variation can make a text more interesting, too many 'descriptive' words can make something difficult to understand, or will at the very least just make the author sound obnoxious.

Most people mainly young readers, dropped books like Sherlock Holmes.

It's an amazing skill to have a vast vocabulary, but holding a dictionary while reading a book is a pain in the ass.
