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Creative Writing Hack
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Never describe something that's not there. Describe what IS there.

DON’T: There were no trees as far as the eye could see.

DO: Flat planes rolled as far as the eye could see.

DON’T: Unlike the others, he wasn't covered head to-toe in scars.

DO: Unlike the others, his skin was pristine and untouched.

See, if you place a noun in your sentence (trees, for example) your reader will instantly imagine trees, regardless of whether you're describing trees or lack thereof.

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Words and phrases to watch out for:

• Started to

• Sudden .

• Just

• Kind of

• Sort of


• Seem

• Then

• Really

• Totally


. Begin/began/begun

• Realize

• Wonder

• Very

• Was

• Somehow

• Definitely

Watch out for these words.

This is NOT to say you should delete/replace every single one of those words. Not at all. (Especiallly if they're in dialogue, that's a completely different circumstance.)

I like to comb through my work for these words to make sure they're 100% necessary every time.

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Let your character f ck up.
Please. Let them f ck up on a scale so massive that this particular thing cannot be salvaged.

Example Sam's death in The Assassin's Blade.

Let their f ck up have permanent consequences.

Stop making them the smartest person in the room who always has a sharp comeback to put their enemies down, and who always handles their enemies with grace or at least an air of superiority thats justified "JUST "
because they're so cool and smart and clever.

Let them bleed for their mistakes, let them MAKE those mistakes, and let that bleeding be ugly and disgraceful.

Let them suffer for their own mistakes, and let them suffer in knowing that they cannot fix.

Let other people hate them for the
sh t they've done, and for once let the haters not be 'petty bad people!

Let the haters be right.
NOT every character is a Mary Sue,
Not every person is perfect,
Let flaws have a permanent damage,
Let some ruin friendships, relations and the readers soul.
