Its been a week after the operation occurred at the Abandon Island. After they've arrived the base, Oriskany was declare as a MVP, but he's not surprised by it, he immediately went inside his ship and knocked out at his hammock due to exhaustion.

Tomorrow Morning...

Oriskany: *Yawns* Urgh... what a sleep.. *noticed* Oh? She came back.. heh, adorable..

Helena META returned from her mission and sleep on Oriskany. Judging by her face, she failed the mission again. She woke up from her sleep.

Oriskany: Morning sunshine~

Helena META: Mhmm... morning..

Oriskany: What's wrong?

Helena META: ...nothing.

Oriskany: *Sighs*

Oriskany gives her a warm, as she slight red with a depressed face, she hugged back.

Oriskany: It's okay if you fail to get her.. We have more time to make strategic movements, next time, Yorktown and I will assist you. But not now, we still have more time..

Helena META: ... mhmm..

Oriskany witness something very surprising. That he saw her eyes.. is getting little bit of emotions, made him relief little bit for now.. but what made him feel more shock as hell that she knew his weakness, his neck is sensitive to Oriskany, she lick his neck, makes him full red tomato

Oriskany: H-hey! S-Stop that..!

Helena META: Mhm.. *licks more*

Oriskany: W-what do you want..?! I'll do it anything just stop doing that...!

Helena META: Anything I want?~

Oriskany's thoughts: Holy fuck! Since when did she went bold and flirty?!

Helena META gives a quick kiss on Oriskany's lips and quick break it as she fading with blue particles saying "I'll tell you later..~", which makes him even more red than ever.

Oriskany: ... Y.E.S!

... TIME SKIP ...

Oriskany went to Cafeteria for breakfast... and stopped because hearing Vestal and Hornet coming to Cafe too.

Oriskany: Hey Hornet!

Hornet: Yo! 

Vestal: Morning, Oriskany!

Oriskany: Morning to you too! Come on to the cafe, I'm hella starving.

Hornet: Let's goo!~

Oriskany, along with Hornet and Vestal went to the Cafe, and towards the counter.

Oriskany: Nevada, I want food just like last time!

Nevada: Alright! Comin' right up!

Hornet: Make it 2 Nevada!

Nevada: Alright, sure!

Vestal noticed there's Enterprise with Belfast.

Hornet: *yawn* Hm? What's up?

Vestal: It's nothing.. I might thinking... that Enterprise might have changed a bit.

Oriskany: Well I'll be damn. Come there's a spot there.

Vestal: Ah- yes, let's go Hornet.

Hornet: Hmm.

2 Hours later...

Oriskany wandering around the Base.. all by himself until Cleveland yell his name.

Cleveland: Hey! Oriskany!

Oriskany: Hm? *went to Cleveland and saw some of the girls behind her* Oh hey Cleveland.

Cleveland: I never introduced my sister right?

Oriskany: Not at all.

Cleveland: Come on, say hi!

Columbia: I'm USS Columbia, 2nd ship of the Cleveland-Class Light Cruiser! Nice to meet ya!

Montpelier: I am USS Montpelier, 3rd ship of the Cleveland-Class light Cruiser, thank you for assisting my sister.

Denver: I'm Denver! Number 4! Honored to meet a boy in this world!

Oriskany: Thanks, Nice to meet you all.

Cleveland: I'm proud of my sisters!

Montpelier: No, I'm nothing compare to you...

Denver: You're the number One Cleveland!

Cleveland: U-Uh C-Come on, I told you to stop saying like this!

Oriskany: *slight laughs* What a nice Sister relationships..

Cleveland: Eheh!~ But hey, what happened to that thing we recovered from the Sakura Empire?

Oriskany: Ah yes, about that.. We will having a meeting along with other higher-ups at the Meeting room. Come on.

Cleveland: Alright!

20 Minutes Later - Meeting room, where Oriskany, Enterprise, Hornet, Akashi, Belfast, Prince of Wales, Vestal Anderson and Jones attended..

A techbox opened and reveal the cube.

Oriskany: O-Oi.. 

Enterprise: Mental Black Cube...

Wales: Sakura Empire's secret weapon, based on Siren Technology...

Jones: To think that they can do it in this way..

Cleveland: Can't we use this to nullify their Mass-Produced Siren Ships?

Akashi: It's the Orochi that controls the ship. This one if for support.

Wales: A massive Warships named Orochi.. So that's what the Sakura Empire been building?

Vestal: I wonder what's the relationship between the Orochi and this cube?

Akashi: *nodded in no*

Wales: What we do know is that a Siren gave them this cube, and that Akagi works with that Siren.

Belfast: Then the Sakura Empire is being deceived..

Anderson: And that's the biggest mistake what they've done.

Akashi: Akagi.. What are you thinking Nya~...?

Oriskany: Might as well to give it a try.

Wales: Huh? What do you mean?

Oriskany: What else? Touch the cube, high risk, I know because I was known as The Big Risk.

Anderson: Don't hold it too long, we don't know what it is.

Oriskany: Alright.

Oriskany touched the cube, as the light shine brighter, it sends to the another place... more like a dreamscape. That makes him shock.

Oriskany: ... What is this...

Oriskany witness the ocean is engulf in flames, dead bodies, corpses and more.. until he saw a mysterious boy, which is similar to him.

???: Huh.. Looks like you unlocked the ability...

Oriskany: ... What ability..?

???: You'll know soon enough.. if you want to master this ability... you must face me..

Oriskany: A duel huh..

???: What you see.. Dead Bodies.. Scrap Metals...All of these were once a shipboy before the Invasion. You are from another world.. I have interested in you.. so don't make me disappointed in you..

Oriskany: Give me a break.. so the truth is true that the before the invasion, there's a shipboy?

???: Yes, now they're dead by the Sirens. You're the only one left..

Oriskany: I'm gonna considered myself as an outsider alright.

???: Hm.. We will meet again.. Soon...

After the Conversation, Oriskany snap back to reality with a full shocking face.. and seeing Enterprise touch it too but interrupted by Belfast.

Anderson: What did you see?

Oriskany: Absolute worst I've ever seen.

Jones: What is it?

Oriskany: ... I see the vision.. looks so real... that I see in the past.. the ocean is engulfed by flames... Dead bodies and scrap metals everywhere....

Everyone widen their eyes in horror..

... TIME SKIP ...

At the beach...

"AAAHHHHHH" Oriskany shout.

Oriskany: I'm so booored!!

Hornet: Oi Oriskany!

Oriskany: Ha?- Wait you didn't join to the Bath with the girls?

Hornet: Nope! it's kinda too loud. So I bring Cleveland and her sisters aswell!

Cleveland: Yo!

Oriskany: Finally! Some Noises! I feel outside with this quiet makes me going insane!

Everyone laughs with his childish complaints. Hornet, Cleveland, Columbia, Montpelier and Denver went to him and sit beside him at the beach.

Anderson: Ah there you are!

Oriskany: Ha? Commander?

Anderson: Yep, I kinda wondering.

Oriskany: Wondering what?

Anderson: Joining a fleet or making your own fleet.

With his said, made Oriskany widen his eyes with star sparkling.

Oriskany: Yes! I'm making my own fleet!

Anderson: Wow, what a choice.. Never been a flagship before?

Oriskany: Nope, my role in my world is to support stuff and shits. Never had a chance too. So that's why this world is my opportunity to be something useful rather than being support.

Anderson: Alright then. What kind the name of the fleet?

Oriskany: 34th Strike Force!

Anderson: An offensive fleet? Interesting. I forgot to tell you that the fleet will combine with Eagle Union and Royal Navy.

Oriskany: The more the merrier Captain.

Anderson: Alright, here's a list of available shipgirls that you can hire.

Anderson went towards Oriskany and the girls, sitting together. Anderson gave the paper of available ships to be in of the 34th Strike Force.

Oriskany: Holy- That's alot.

Anderson: It is, I put all their stats too that you caught an attention.

Oriskany: I see.. This should be fun!

Hornet: Getting excited?

Oriskany: Of course! You don't know who's inspire me to be a flagship.

Cleveland: Who?

Oriskany: USS Enterprise CVN-65, She's the one who inspires all the carrier to be the flagship of the navy. That day, she's the strongest carrier of all time back in 1960's.

Cleveland: Woah..

Oriskany: Then I might do it! Even if I'm in another world!

Anderson: You got guts Oriskany, this is the first time I've seen with such a determination.

Oriskany: Hmm Hmm!~ *noticed the list name and sees Cleveland-Class* Wait, Cleveland is available for a fleet?

Cleveland: Yeaaaa, my sisters and I always doing on support stuff and things.

Oriskany: Hmm.. *sees 2 ships* Birmingham and Biloxi? Isn't this your sister too?

Cleveland: Yeah but both of them quite busy earlier, so that's why I introduce Columbia, Montperlier and Denver first!

Oriskany: Then Cleveland and the rest of your sisters will be in my fleet.

Cleveland: Alright!

Columbia: Hell yeah!

Montpelier: Ok.

Denver: Count me in!

Oriskany: Hmm.. *see more the list* E-EH!? Iowa-Class New Jersey?!

Anderson: E-Ehehe.. The Indomitable Dragon...

Cleveland: Bring her in! She's quite effective when it comes to fire a broadside!

Oriskany: I-I see.. sure. *sees more* I'll take San Francisco, Independence and Maryland.

Anderson: Alright, what about the Royal Navy?

Oriskany: Hmm *check the other list* I'll take Renown, Repulse, Eagle, Swiftsure, Victorious and... Monarch?

Anderson: Ah you mean Monarch, she's the battleship that rejected of a King George V Class.

Oriskany: Why though?

Anderson:  I don't know, but all I know that she was build by the previous commander for support role. After that there's nothing to put her on the list, makes her really forgotten.

Oriskany: Christ..

Cleveland: Never knew she was that cold..

Hornet: Well, she barely out from the base.

Oriskany: Then, let her in my fleet, I wanna see her true potential, if she's strong. Then you will recognize her as a sole class Battleship, can you do it?

Anderson: Of course, but that will need a proof. Since you want her in your fleet, I need to see her greatest potential.

Oriskany: Then consider it done. That's all commander. *give the paper that he ticked*

Anderson: *take the paper* Alright, I'll see you later!

Anderson leaves the scene.


Cleveland: Woah! Are you that excited?

Hornet: Who else? He already said earlier isn't it?

Montpelier: Then you'll have to take big responsibility on us, Oriskany.

Oriskany: Don't worry! I'll make this fleet unstoppable force! Who knew this fleet can obliterate the Crimson Axis Formation? 

Cleveland: Alright, now you making me excited!

Oriskany: That's right! We'll have to find out sooner or later!-

Little did he knew, Radar detects something near the base.

Oriskany: What the fuck?-

Hornet: Unknown detection on your radar?

Cleveland: Weird..

Oriskany: We don't need someone spying on us, Let's investigate!

Oriskany hastily went to the docks, Hornet, Cleveland, Montpelier, Columbia and Denver follows him, they noticed all the girls went outside after they bathed. Anderson and Jones are outside too.

Anderson: Oi! Oriskany! Where are you going?!

Oriskany: Investigating what the hell the detection of course!

Anderson: Alright! After you find it meet me at the Conference room! Everyone is waiting!

Oriskany: Right-O!

Oriskany, Hornet, Cleveland and her sisters summon their riggings and went to the last known location.




2 Hours later...

Oriskany: Found anything?

Cleveland: Nope.

Montpelier: Not here.

Columbia: No.

Denver: Nothing.

Hornet: Not at all.

Oriskany: Hmm.. Continue searching. *mumbles* What the hell..

They keep searching until Hornet found something...

Hornet: Hey I found a Crate! 

Oriskany: Huh? A crate? Middle of the Ocean?

Cleveland: Huh..

Oriskany: Well, that's the unknown detection I guess. Let's go back.

... TIME SKIP...

Everyone is at the Conference Room, Eagle Union, Royal Navy, Commander Anderson and Secretary Commander Jones, including Hornet, Cleveland and her sisters and I came in too.

Anderson: Found something?

Oriskany: Yeah, a crate out of nowhere and this the one who gives an unknown detection under the radar.

Helena: That's new..

Oriskany: Yeah... *notice a note* huh what's this..

Jones: A note.

Oriskany: "For USS Oriskany CV-34" .... Did someone sent me a love letter or a death note or something?

Jones: Beats me. But all we knew that something is inside the crate.

Wales: Be careful, we don't know what it is.

Oriskany: Yeah...

Everyone is watching as Oriskany opened the crate, found a techbox.

Oriskany: Techbox? 

Oriskany tries to open the crate, but there's a tab on, asking a question.

Oriskany: "What was the most powerful Battleship in YOUR World?" ... Battleship Yamato.

The tab task with the correct answer and opened the techbox to see multiple Wisdom Cube.

Oriskany: Holy Fuck!-

Oriskany was shock so was everyone too. Multiple Wisdom Cube from the techbox and a voice tape. Oriskany play the tape as everyone hears it.

???: Hey Oriskany!

It was a girl voice.

???: I know it was sudden and you wondering why there's a crate middle of the ocean. I tell you later. I need to tell you about your upcoming battles.

Oriskany: Huh? My upcoming battle?

???: If you don't know what's the meaning, that's okay. Your real enemy is the Siren and Siren Higher-ups. Because, they've done something that makes you and your allies in deep trouble.

Oriskany feels something isn't right as for everyone is concerned.

???: They've done it. The Siren higher-ups Revived Yamato and Musashi in your world.


Oriskany shock in a horror way. Everyone watching him feels their chills from their back.

Oriskany: ... Shit.

???: Those Wisdom Cubes are being sent by you so you can get ready yourself by avoiding Yamato and Musashi's brutal salvo. I'm hoping to meet you but it's too late.

Oriskany: ...

???: Use the Wisdom Cubes that I sent to you, there's one Wisdom Cube that might be the special one. Don't let anyone steal it from you.

Oriskany: I'm having a feeling that this is gonna get ugly in the future..

Anderson: Agree on that..

???: You're our last hope. *ends the tape*

Oriskany: ... Who the hell is she and how she knew my name? I don't like someone stalking on me just because I'm a boy.

Jones: Questions later, how many Cubes?

Oriskany: hmm.. 3 Cubes and 1 Cubes looks very weird.

Oriskany takes the cubes out of the Techbox and put it on the table so everyone can see it.

Wales: I've never seen that cube before..

Akashi: Same nya!~

Vestal: Agree.

Enterprise: look, the weird cube changing colors.

The weird Cubes changing colors, all of sudden it's so bright, causing everyone to close their eyes until... The cube turns into Golden Wisdom Cube.

Jones: G-G-Gold..!

Oriskany: Golden Wisdom Cube?!

Illustrious: Oh my..

Everyone look in shock to see the Golden Wisdom Cube..

Oriskany: I can tell that this is for Retrofit Project, but oh well, sure I guess.

Oriskany takes the Cubes and put it somewhere else, noticed Anderson glaring at him.

Oriskany: I know what you're thinking. Not now, maybe tomorrow.

Anderson: *sighs* Alright.

