From a Warrior to Artificial Reef PT2 (LAST)

It's been sometime that the All the shipgirls fighting against The Orochi. Some of them are injured, some of them continues to fight and risking their lives.

5 hours later, The Crimson Axis arrived and start to fire at the Siren warships, while Azur Lane joined in 1 hour later. The Clash began against the Siren until.. it activated the main priority.

Prinz Eugen: Urgh... It kind remind me of Fritz X..

Shigure: Could it be.. Bullin?

The Orochi sets fire the missile toward the Azur Lane Naval Base. Enterprise urges and push herself to stop that missile, purifier tries to stop Enterprise by shooting her beam at her plane, Enterprise managed to dodge it and ignores Purifier as she shoot an arrow to the missile. Luckily, it hits and the impact of it makes everyone to hold their position as the winds grows faster than ever.




Zuikaku: This is ridiculous! This is not protection, this is annihilation!

Shoukaku: Do you really think the best way to care for your people is to bring the end of the world..?

Kaga: Maybe.. it doesn't matter anymore.

Zuikaku: Won't you listen to yourself?!

Ayanami: I told you those things don't matter.. Akagi wouldn't want that or acting to seeing this way.

Kaga: What could you possibly know about my dear sister?!

Ayanami: Very. But she's loves us.. Sakura Empire and you.. She loves you the most!

Kaga: No! The only thing she loves in me came from Amagi! But even so, I won't reject her!

Javelin: Ayanami! Move!

Laffey: Get out of the way..!





Akagi: Now the fun begins.. I will prove that my love can burn down the world and still blaze on.. *giggles*



Most of the girls focus fire on The Orochi..

Wales: Don't let them fire no matter what!

Atago: Everyone! Focus your fire on The Orochi!

Takao: This is our responsibility! We'll take it down for the last thing we do!

All the girls fire everything but no effect on targets due to the shield..

Illustrious: We can't breakthrough!

Cleveland: It's that stupid force field!

Hornet: It's gonna come down sooner or later. My sister put her life on the line to stop that thing she's willing to die so we can't give up!

Denver: Let's hope so.. what could Oriskany think about this..

Illustrious: ...

Cleveland: He might have advanced technology.. but he's nowhere to be found..

Hornet: I know... so we can't let down on him too.. what matter the costs..







Kaga: A suicide attack... Bad move!

Zuikaku: As if!

Kaga release her sakura petals as Zuikaku blocks them all but one of them hits on her face but she doesn't care that much as she dashes forward to her. 

Zuikaku: You have gone far enough, do you hear me?!

Kaga: Ergh..!-

Zuikaku: This is over!





Kaga: ... You're being absurd.. What's the matter with all of you..?

Shoukaku: Think for a second and try to understand. Look at them they came to help so we can save everyone..

Kaga: Hm... Then I'm begging you to be stronger than me and help my dear Akagi..

Zuikaku: We're definitely gonna need your help with this.. Azur Lane.





New Jersey: I can't even remember how strong that ship is! Even I barely hit the scratch!

Maryland: Damn Shield! This is ain't fair at all!

Colorado: Hmm.. I thought we heard what Oriskany told us.. Fair or unfair is just an excuse during the battlefield..

Monarch: Then what could we do to stop it..? There's no way we can sink because of that shield and that thing is going to launch any minute..!

Columbia: What could Oriskany do..

Montpelier: He's not here either..

Victorious: Have faith, we can still stop this..

Repulse: Having to be like this is difficult.. especially one of my guns are not working..

Renown: Let's just hope like Victorious said.

Little did they knew their surroundings started to shake as the water starts to waves violently.

Sheffield: I never thought that the ocean would shake this violent.

Edinburgh: Uwaa!- What's going on Sheffy what did they done..?!

A Carrier came out of the Ocean as everyone looked at it in shocked.

Cleveland: I recognize that ship!

Zuikaku: Grey Ghost is back!

Enterprise transform her ship into her riggings matter of seconds as she speaks..

Enterprise: I will never surrender, Because I am carry the hope of the human kind on my shoulders! And they are counting on me!

Enterprise Shoots an arrow to the Orochi, causing the shield breaks and penetrate the Orochi's armor, as explosions comes off.

Hornet: If they can say one thing about my sister.. she knows how to make an entrance.. *wipe her tears*

Amagi?: Such power.. Kouji perhaps? No that's not possible..



With the combine Warships from all around the world came to help, The Orochi suffered a major explosion with the most airstrikes and torpedo from destroyers, cruiser and the carriers.. Especially the Battleships and Battlecruiser hits the most with their Salvos.

Enterprise managed to grab Akagi and get back her senses as she flow her tears of guilt. In the end, The Orochi finally sinks.. What's all left that The Shipgirls watch the Sirens Higher-ups.

Observer: Well done Azurlane as well as Crimson Axis... But I suppose I can't let you win this time..

Hornet: What..?!

Tester: You think that we can let you go that easily? Hah! Don't make me laugh!

Observer: I want you to introduce.. Two Battleship from another world.. hm?~

As portal appear in front of them as 2 of the people came out with the 9- tailed Fox? Wolf? With the biggest Riggings and biggest cannon installed as their eyes widen in shock.

The 2 Battleship wore a battle-kimono. Perfect to fight against someone as they wields a katana.

Cleveland: G-Guys! Is that what I think it is..?! Oriskany told us one of the most unstoppable Battleship?!

Hornet: It's just a coincidence right? ... Right?!

Enterprise: ...

Zuikaku: What are you all talking about?!

Cleveland: Before Oriskany went missing, they told us not to engage the Two Battleship and One Carrier called The Yamato Class.

The Crimson Axis widen their eyes in shock by hearing what she said.

Cleveland: Those two might be Yamato and Musashi that Oriskany told us!

Wales: Then it's impossible to win now. I heard what he said that his armor is superior than Georgia and New Jersey.

New Jersey: Great. Just Great!

Nagato: Then how.. are we suppose to defeat them..?

Mutsu: We have Shinano with us... one of the Yamato Class..

Cleveland: Wait what?! 

???: Indeed.

Almost all the shipgirls look at their behind, it's her.

Kii: L-Lady Shinano!

Suruga: I knew she's here!

Shinano: But I might not defeat them, my armor might superior but their guns are too powerful.

Z1: T-Then what are we gonna do..?

Everyone looked at the Two boy Battleship, preparing their battle against everyone.

Shinano: Our last hope is the Battleships, Battlecruiser and Carrier..

Shinano take her Katana as she dashes slowly.

Shinano: If I fight, then I can take my life on my line.

Zuikaku take her katana and join with Shinano.

Zuikaku: I'll join too.

Not matter the time half of the girls joins to fight, mostly The Capital Ships.. Not until they've noticed mist surrounded the area as the Yamato Brothers caught a seeing surround them.

Prinz Eugen: Mists?

Tester: What's going on..- wait!-

Observer: Could it be..?

Everyone looked at their surroundings as they saw multiple figure.

Cleveland: Who's there?

???: How can you not remember me? It's me! Your best buddy CV-34!

Their eyes widen in shock hearing a male voice.

Essex: O-Oriskany?!

Oriskany: You got that right big sis!

He slowly sails outside the mist, revealing themselves as everyone looked at him with a shock faces.

Oriskany: Sorry I hide my secrets, Wales. I'll be honest, I'm working with  The Ashes.

Cleveland: Wait what?!

Maryland: Working with The Ashes?!

Shoukaku: I knew it...

Wales: I have no words...

Oriskany: Now, you girls did a good job by sinking The Orochi.. but I think it's my turn to take the stage.

Zuikaku: What do you mean?

Oriskany: I'll be the one who's going to fight Yamato and Musashi.

Hornet: Are you Crazy?!

Oriskany: Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not. Yamato! Musashi! Long time no see even though we didn't even see each other during our world!

Yamato: Tch.. Another pests..

Oriskany: Hey careful your mouth you little cockroach!

Yamato: Make us.

Oriskany: To think manipulated by the Siren.. Fine.

Oriskany take out his Newly Bow as he make his fighting stance.

The girls can't help but to look at it. Some of them are nervous and some of them are scared. First Glance, they felt a huge presence within Oriskany Body as they noticed his eyes changed to glow red and dashes forward. In, response the brother dashes forward and clashes between the Katana and bow.

Oriskany dashes back as he release some arrow at them but got blocked by their katana.. not until he release barrage of arrow in the air and transform into F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and fire multiple missile at them, they barely dodged as some of them took a hit, dealing a major damage.

He dashes forward just to make a punch with his mechanical arm on Musashi's face just to feel pure metal pain from him as he release some arrow at Yamato.

"Those reflexes are incredible.." Thoughts on Wales mind.

"Amazing.." thoughts on Hood's mind

Oriskany met with a worst fate as he got hit by one of the salvo, which cause him knocked back furiously as he tries to hold off with a heavy breathing. He didn't realize that he was beside the girls.

"I didn't expected that the shell would hurt this much.." Said Oriskany as he dashes forward once again.

The girls can't helped it but to watch them fight once again.

By luck in his side, he managed to get them close each other as a bait and saw the Fighter Jets that was once launched fired multiple missile. The Yamato brother's didn't have time to dodge and took a major hit by explosion.

as a result. Both of them knocked out with suffering a huge rigging damage.

Oriskany: Finally... It's damn over.. I did it..

Cleveland: You defeat them..?

Oriskany: Not fully defeat them but knocked them out cold. Time to get them to the base.

Wales: Wait!

Oriskany took a glance from his back, seeing the girls with a sadden expression.

Cleveland: Are you really gonna go..?

Oriskany: What do you mean?

Cleveland: I mean.. You're apart of The Ashes.. and it's our enemy too..

Oriskany: ... I can say that is a misunderstanding.

Massachusetts: Misunderstanding? How can you say that?

Oriskany: I'm from another world, I'm not exist in this world. It's fit for me to join The Ashes, Massachusetts.

Washington: That means..

Oriskany: The Ashes were once you but from another alternate universe. They're you but opposites of it judging by their personality.

The girls didn't react as they went silent.

Oriskany: For an example, Oi Eugen! Mind helping me?

Eugen?: Ja.

Another figure came out as the girls saw them took a resemble of Prinz Eugen but more dull than the Original Eugen.

Alter: I thought I told you to call me Alter.

Oriskany: Eh okay.

Alter: You must be other me.

Prinz Eugen: J-Ja..

Alter: Heh.. I was once like you.. like to tease someone until I lost someone I was once cared for.

Their eyes widen their eyes in shock hearing by her.

Alter: I don't like making promises but.. please don't be like me in the future. Who lost someone. Can you?

Prinz Eugen: Y-Yes.. I will.

Alter: Good.

Alter easily drag the Yamato brother out of the area and disappear from sight of the mist.

Oriskany: Now you understand?

Wales: I understand. Thank you for the most useful Information... I bid you farewell..

Oriskany: Oh- don't be like that Wales, I'll go visit sometimes.

Essex: That's good to hear..

Cleveland: As long you don't get hit as a careful ea..?~

Oriskany: Careful my ass Cleveland. You almost broke my nose back then, Humph.

"But I guess this is where we part ways, I'll visit you all when you're unite under one banner once in a while. I promise." - Oriskany to all the Shipgirls.









Somewhere in the Void Base where all META Ships are.



Oriskany: Morning, Helena.

Helena META: Morning Oriskany..~

She hug him warmly as usual.

Oriskany: Heheh..~ Come now let's get ready for today.

Helena META: Hm..

25 Minutes Later.. At the Docks..

Oriskany POV

Well I'll be honest, staying with the META Shipgirls really reminds of the Original Shipgirls in this world.. As long as we didn't do anything that cause a ruckus then we're good. Last few month, Commander of Azur Lane declare that The Ashes are not their enemies anymore.. And we're declare ourselves as an Neutral Faction. As long we received any news regarding the Siren.. Then we'll help with our power we have..

Well my life in this world has changed.. into a better Warrior than my Original World.. What would happen if one of my pals went inside the portal as same as I do..? 

Eh I'm not gonna think about that..... until something happened as the same large lag spike..

No.. no that would not be possible since I learnt that The Large Lag Spike takes lots of Siren Power to do it so it's not possible.

Hearing the Little Shipgirls scream with happiness at the beach really brings happiness of the other including me..




Finally. Some Fucking Peace.

