Chapter 24: Square One

Aaliyah's POV

When I awoke, the sun was coming through the window in my room. I sat up, hearing a sound come from my phone.

I picked it up, seeing that Chris had tried to call me.

Was I ready to talk to him? I felt like I'd cry really loudly and my mom would know I was talking to him.

She'd kill me.

Deciding that now wasn't the best time to talk, I set my phone down.

I got out of bed, opening up the door and stepping out.

Some random guy was sleeping on the couch, and my mom was no where to be seen.

Typical. She had some random guy over, probably just for the night. She never changed, did she?

I went into the kitchen, silently looking for something to eat. I ended up just drinking a little water, since she didn't have anything much to eat.

As I sipped on my water, I just stared into space.

I was so sad, but I couldn't even feel it at this point. I was numb now.

I already felt unloved here.

Guy's POV

After Aaliyah was taken away, all Chris did was cry.

Even Jonny, Will, And I were hardly keeping it together.

But Chris, He was so heartbroken.

We couldn't even get him to eat for the rest of the day.

The next morning, he was pretty much the same; Wouldn't eat, and would randomly start crying.

He had tried to call Aaliyah, but after she didn't answer, he began to panic.

The three of us, stood around him, trying to calm him down in any way possible.

"Chris, I'm sure she okay," Will Said. "She might still be sleeping.."

Chris buried his head in his trembling hands. "W-What if her mum's hurt her?"

Jonny rubbed his back, looking up at Will and I.

"I should've never let her go.." Chris sobbed.

"We'll get her back." Jonny said. "We can't give up, right?"

Will and I nodded, looking at Chris.

"We'll save her, yeah?" I Said. "We just have to tell the judge.."

"It won't work." He said. "He granted her full custody.."

Jonny looked at Chris confusedly. "He?"

Chris looked up at Jonny. "He. The judge." He said.

Jonny's was widened. "Chris!" He exclaimed. "That's it!"

"What?" I Asked.

"The judge.." Jonny Said, looking at me, then looking back at Chris. "Aaliyah said it was a woman!"

Chris stood. "It's a different judge?"

"Which means.."

"Aaliyah talked to a different judge! We might have a chance!" Chris Exclaimed, hugging Jonny.

"We should call Aaliyah and tell her." Will Said.

Chris nodded, grabbing his phone and dialing Aaliyah's number.
