Chapter 9: Dad Jokes

When I woke up, I was laying on the couch. The smell of food filled my nose, and I sat up, looking around.

Chris was in the kitchen, standing over the stove as he cooked.

I stood up, making my way into the kitchen as I rubbed my eyes.

Chris looked up at me, smiling. "Oh, you're awake!" He said, then laughed. "I just carried you inside cause you wouldn't wake up. I was a little worried, to be honest."

"What time is it?" I asked, yawning.

"Six." He said, looking back at the food he was making.

"Six? Oh my gosh.." I mumbled. "I-I'm Sorry.."

My mom, and even my aunt would've killed me if I had slept that long. Or they would've at least beat me senseless.

I began to get slightly anxious, and Chris looked over at me.

"Aaliyah? Are You okay?" He asked, putting down his spatula and coming over to me.

I swallowed nervously, biting my lip. "I'm okay.."

He leaned down, kissing me on the head. "You're Safe here," he said. "I promise."

I could tell he knew exactly what was worrying me. He was really empathetic like that.

He went back over to the stove, picking up his spatula again. "Oh, the boys are coming over for dinner." He said, looking over at me. "We were gonna practice a bit, since we have A Head Full Of Dreams tour coming up."

I nodded, getting up and making my way over to the counter before sitting in one of the chairs.

"Also, I made you an appointment for tomorrow." He said. "You'll be able to find out why your having tummy pains."

I laughed a little, and he looked at me confusedly. "What is it?"

"Nothing.." I mumbled, still laughing a little.

For some reason, the fact that he said tummy made me laugh and wasn't sure why. Maybe it was because my mom and my aunt stopped using that term when I was 6, because they thought I wasn't a child anymore or whatever.

I mean, technically, Even at 12 I was still a child.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and Chris looked up. "That must be them!"

"Can I get it?" I Asked.

"If you'd like to." He smiled at me.

I got up, running over to the door and opening it. Jonny, Will, And Guy stood out there, and When they saw me, they waved.

"Hi, guys." I Said, smiling at them.

I held the door open for them, and they all walked in, Jonny and Guy carrying instruments.

Since Will was their drummer, I understood why he wasn't carrying anything.

"Hey, Guys!" Chris Said. "You two can take your things into the studio. Dinner's nearly ready."

Jonny and Guy nodded, heading off to the studio.

I sat back at the counter, and Will sat on one of the chairs as well.

It was oddly silent in the room, so I decided to make conversation, no matter how anxious it made me.

I turned to look at Will, taking a deep breath. "How are you?" I Asked.

He almost seemed surprised that I asked him, but he smiled. "I'm good," He said. "And How are you?"

"I'm good as well." I smiled at him. "Life with Chris is already awesome."

Though Chris had his back turned, I could tell that he was smiling.

Will nodded. "Chris is definitely dad material." He said. "With all the dad jokes.."

"Dad jokes?" Chris turned around, pretending to be offended. "I definitely don't tell dad jokes."

"Really?" I Asked.


"I'm hungry." I Said, hoping he'd do a dad joke.

"Hi Hungry, have you seen my daughter, Aaliyah?"

"Dad joke!" Will Exclaimed, pointing at Chris.

We all started laughing, and Jonny and Guy came back in.

"What did we miss?" Guy asked.

"Chris told a dad joke." Will Said.

"Oh, look at that, dinner's ready." Chris Said, jokingly changing the subject.
