
It was, unfortunately, Monday again. I'd finished my work for the day and was packing up. It hadn't been my best day on set by a long shot. For starters, Missy has been eliminated. Neither of us could figure out why, and she was devastated. We'd promised to stay in touch, mostly because she'd said she had to know what happened with the rest of the show and more specifically, Marshall.

To add to that, Justine had been making me uncomfortable all day. Every time she walked by me, which seemed to be more than usual, she was shooting me weird looks. Like she knew something I didn't. I wasn't in the mood for a confrontation, so I didn't go after her, but it was strange nonetheless. The day just seemed cursed overall. Sure, I hated getting extra attention from Justine, and it was awful that Missy got eliminated, but there was something else too. I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

Maybe it had something to do with the Marshall situation.

After the Friday disaster, I'd agreed to stay the night with him. I woke up in the early hours of Saturday, feeling more rested than I had in ages. The feeling was ruined, though, when I realized that throughout the night we'd moved so that I was laying on his chest, his arms wrapped tight around me. That simply was not going to work. So, I got up and tiptoed around his room until I found his phone, putting my number in and shooting him a quick text as I left. I told him that I was sorry, but I had to leave. It probably wasn't enough, but everything was so messed up that I didn't know what else to tell him.

I called Missy once I got outside, and she came and picked me up, albeit begrudgingly.

And now, I was back here. Marshall and I hadn't talked about the situation. Caleb was still clueless about everything. The fact that I could solve all of these problems was killing me, because I couldn't get myself to do it.

There were still employees milling around, so I figured there was a chance that Marshall might still be here too. I headed back towards his dressing room. I didn't know what I would say to him, but I had to do something.

I turned down the hallway, my head down. I opened the door to his room quietly, praying this would go okay. I looked up, finding a sight that made my jaw drop.

Justine was pressed up against Marshall. Her arms were around his neck and they were kissing like the world was ending. I was frozen. Neither of them had heard me come in. I backed out slowly, and when I crossed the threshold I turned and slammed the door, running down the hall as fast as I could.

I heard a scuffle and a crash from behind me, and then a crack I assumed was the door hitting the wall.

"Hey! Addy, wait!" Marshall yelled. I ran faster, not bothering to stop and pick up my belongings. I sprinted straight out to the parking lot, towards my car. I could hear his footsteps, he was gaining on me. I pulled out my keys to unlock my door. I just wanted to get away from there. Unfortunately, just as I turned my key Marshall caught up to me, leaning on my car and breathing hard. I sighed, admitting defeat.

"What the hell was that? Why were you in my dressing room? Why were you running so goddamn fast?" He asked, clutching his side. I looked away. I couldn't make eye contact with him.

"Why were you making out with Justine after you asked me specifically to keep her away from you?" I tried to sound menacing and angry, but failed miserably. It's hard to be the dominate one in a conversation when you can't look the other person in the face. I also had a feeling that that was why Justine had seemed so full of herself today- she got Marshall.

"Addison, I didn't mean for that to happen. She came in to give me something I dropped on set. Or at least, that's what she told me. She was coming onto me like crazy, and I kept ignoring her. I guess she got sick of waiting on me to make a move. That's when you came in. She kind of had me pinned." I glanced at him and saw the look on his face, and it almost made me smile. He moved to put his hand on my arm, looking at me pleadingly, but I moved away.

"I have to go." His face fell as I got into my car. He stepped back and I drove away. I was almost in tears when I pulled out my phone to call Caleb. He picked up on the first ring.

"Hey darling, what's going on? I didn't see you after filming or I would've walked you to your car." I knew the second he started to talk that calling him had been a bad idea. He was cheery and happy to hear from me, and I was crying and I couldn't even tell him why. Hell, I couldn't even tell myself why.

I already had Caleb, who's practically perfect in every way. He's kind to me, and talented, and handsome. He's definitely going places career-wise. And then there's Marshall, who's been nothing but moody and unprofessional to me since the moment we met. He was cold to me for no reason at first, then he made me take him record shopping and almost kissed me in a closet, and then he got wildly drunk and fell asleep on my lap. Yet even after all of that, I still felt more drawn to Marshall. Being with Caleb felt too perfect, like it was destined for a messy end. But it was time to stop thinking and start lying.

"Sorry babe, reception was bad for a second there. I had to pick up all of my stuff, and it took me a little longer than I thought it would. I missed you though!"
