Serious Trouble

It's now Thursday, and I haven't been to work in two days. I was fully aware of the fact that I'm throwing a good opportunity and some decent money away, but I couldn't go. I couldn't face Caleb. He would be as happy and naive as ever, and it was getting harder and harder to lie to him. Facing Marshall would be even worse. I imagined hundreds of different situations, and each one was horrible in its own right. Maybe he'd go back to being cold and unfeeling. Maybe he'd want to talk about what happened. Maybe he'd request a new makeup artist altogether. He'd have to do something, especially since I hadn't shown up for a few days.

I hadn't been able to close myself off completely, though. Missy had come over yesterday, which hadn't been too awful. Caleb had texted me a few times and called me twice, seeming concerned. However, it was Marshall that really surprised me. He'd called me 27 times. 27. I never picked up, because I didn't feel right about talking to him and ignoring Caleb. So, I declined all of their calls and deleted all of their texts.

I heaved myself out of bed and into my bathroom, tying my hair up and grabbing my toothbrush. I leaned on the wall as I brushed my teeth, still drowsy. Suddenly, I heard the all-too-familiar sound of glass breaking. I froze, listening intently. Even half- asleep, I could tell this sound was closer than usual. I set my toothbrush down and walked quietly out to the kitchen. Sure enough, there was shattered glass covering my floor. My front window was almost gone.

I stepped gingerly across the room and moved to the window. I looked out cautiously. Just as I'd feared, a head popped up, scaring me half to death. I screamed and jumped back, feeling a piece of glass pierce my foot. I looked back towards the person, hand on my phone.

"Hey, bitch." I gasped, stepping back again onto more glass.

"Caleb?" I squeaked. It was not only Caleb, but Caleb with a large metal bat. And he looked furious.

"Aren't you going to let me in?" He asked calmly. I shook my head.

"Not until you tell me what's going on. Why are you here?" My voice was shaking.

"Oh, I think you know." He picked the bat up again and started to brush the rest of the glass out of the window.

"Justine told me everything. Everything about you and Mr. Mathers. And now, I've been eliminated from the show. And it's all your fault." He started to climb through the window. My heart was racing. I backed away slowly, pulling my phone out and trying to come up with a plan. For some reason, I opened Marshall's contact. I typed out a message, while keeping eyes on Caleb, telling him he needed to get over here. That it was serious. Even as I did it, I knew it was ridiculous. He didn't even know where I lived. Not to mention the fact that he might not come at all. I should have called Missy, or better yet the police! There was a break-in happening, and it was clear there was going to be violence. I would have had every reason to. But no. I went for the least sensible option, just like a girl in a horror movie. I crossed my fingers and tuned back in to what Caleb was saying.

"About how every time you told me things had gone late at work, you were actually with him. About how you took care of him. About how you were clearly in love with him and playing me. She told me, Addison. And she wasn't lying, was she." I could barely breathe at this point. Partially because I was terrified that he was going to bash my head in, but also because he was right. I had lied to him. Repeatedly. I had taken care of Marshall, to an unprofessional extent. And the truth was, I was playing Caleb. Because even though the idea of a relationship with Caleb seemed like the right thing to do, it had been Marshall from the very beginning. I was in love with Marshall Mathers.

I caught myself before my train of thought got too out of hand. He had backed me into the kitchen at this point, so in an attempt to protect myself I grabbed a knife from an open drawer. I brandished it at him like a sad, untrained knight. He flinched a bit, but regained his composure and raised the bat to his shoulder. I bit my lip, praying someone would get here soon.

Moments later, I heard tires squealing outside. I hoped against all hope that it was Marshall and not just another idiot getting into a wreck on my street. A car door slammed, and someone pounded on the door.

"Addy! Addy, are you in there?" It was Marshall. Thank god. Caleb's eyes widened in surprise.

"Go through the window!" I yelled. Before I could say anything more, Caleb raised the bat and swung it at me. I dropped to the ground, covering my head. Bits of wall rained down on me. I looked up to see a hole right where my head had been.

"Get away from her!" There was a loud crash, and Caleb shouted. I lifted my head, and saw them on the floor, fighting like crazy. Finally coming to my senses, I grabbed my phone and called the police.

The next thing I knew, there were sirens screaming and people running everywhere. Caleb was in handcuffs, Marshall was being questioned, and I was taken to an ambulance to be checked out. As the paramedics looked at my foot, police asked me about what happened. I told them about coming out to the kitchen after I heard glass breaking, about Caleb climbing into my house with a bat, and about him trying to hit me. They scolded me for calling Marshall instead of 911, but promised me he wouldn't get in trouble.

I watched as the cop car pulled away, Caleb sitting in the backseat. An officer tapped me on the shoulder, and I jumped.

"Sorry miss, I didn't mean to scare you. This man over here would like to talk to you, are you comfortable with that?" She asked politely.

"Yeah, that would be great." She motioned to Marshall before walking off towards a group of people huddled around the window.

"Are you alright?" Marshall asked, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"I'll be okay. They said the cut isn't as bad as it seems and it'll heal quickly. How about you?"

"I'm fine. That jackass got the worst of it." He said with a small smile. There was an awkward silence as I thought about what to say next.

"So you eliminated him today?" He sighed and scuffed his shoes in the dirt.

"It's a long story."

"I think I deserve to know." I waited patiently for him to talk.

"I guess Justine must have told him about... everything. I don't know how she found out. She told him about the day we went to Red's, and Friday too. But she told some lies. She said we'd been hooking up this whole time. She also conveniently forgot about the part where she tried to kiss me. He got really angry. He came and found me before filming started. Went off about how you were a liar and a cheater and he should have known better than to trust you. He tried to fight me, actually. I wouldn't take the bait, I pretty much told him to fuck off. I tried to get him to understand that nothing had really happened between us, but he wouldn't listen. He kept trying to hit me, yelling at me and all of that. So, when it was his turn to perform I voted him off. He was becoming a danger to everyone on set. Especially you. And I can't stand by when I know you could be in trouble." He took a deep breath.

"I just feel so guilty." I started, but he put his hand on my arm.

"You don't have to-" I shook my head.

"Yes I do." He purses his lips but let me keep talking.

"I don't feel bad about all of it. Justine shouldn't have lied, and it certainly wasn't my fault that Caleb reacted the way he did, but there's some truth in this whole story. When you get down to it, I did lead Caleb on. I mean sure, I liked him, but still. He was perfect, before this incident at least, and I thought he was exactly what I needed. But after a while, I started to get a bad feeling. Like he was too perfect. Like everything was going to go horribly wrong. I also realized that I was falling for you. Instead of being honest with myself and with everyone else, I ignored the feeling and pretended that I was just fine with Caleb. But I wasn't. No matter how many times you got moody and I paid the price, I still cared for you more than I did him. You're real, Marshall. You're not a porcelain doll ready to crack at any moment. You're honestly yourself. Even when being yourself makes life a little messy. So I did lead him on. But now, after all of this? I can't keep the facade up anymore. That's it. That's all I have to say. Oh, and thank you for saving me back there. That too." I tugged on my hair, waiting anxiously for his reaction.

"You're free to go, right?" I nodded, confused.

"Then come with me." There was no question in his voice, and I got up and stood next to him.

"My car's over there. I'll just tell the officers where we're going real quick, okay? Wait for me." He jogged over to the group of people at my door. I could see he was explaining something, and they seemed to agree with him. He came back over to me and held out his hand. I took it and he led me over to where he had parked haphazardly. He opened the passenger door for me and I got in, buckling my seatbelt. He started the car and reached for my hand again, taking it firmly and not letting go.
