yeonbinkai-coming out

Yeonjun- dada
Soobin- papa
Hueingkai-little (4-5)
Ft- Taegyu
Classification au
TXT is band in this one

Everyone at the age of 17 get classified as alphas-omegas, betas, dom-sub, neturals and lastly caregivers and littles.

Hueingkai is now in the classification center. He is really nervous right now. What if he got a classification which his members don't like and ask him to leave the group.

"Kai kamal hueing. Your results are here". Hueingkai was really scared but still get up to take his results. As soon as he got his results he opened his envelope (more like tear). What he saw was totally unexpected

Kai kamal hueing
Submissive little
Little Age 4-7
Date 15-08-20**
Address xxxxxx, Seoul, South Korea
Littles this age don't need constant care but take care you fall into little space 24-36 hours a week. For few times it wouldn't easy to fall into little space. But after few times too it,isn't easy contact this number 784-****-*** . They will help you.

"No i can't be little. There aren't even caregivers in my band. I have to hide it from them. I can't bother them." Thought Hueingkai.

~Time skip~

Hueingkai reached at the dorm he doesn't know what he will do. "Kai you are here." Hueingkai hears familar voice. Kai looks up and saw Beomgyu. "Now tell us your classification fast." Said Beomgyu."Beomgyu give him time he just come." Said Yeonjun." Hyung I am netural". Said Hueingkai. "Wow we have 2 neturals in the group. Taehyun and now you our maknaes are neturals." Said Yeonjun. "Yeah hyung". Said Hueingkai

~time skip~
Somehow it was revealed that Taehyun is little when everyone got to know about it they were so shock. (should I make a Taegyu version too?) After a while it was revealed that Soobin Yeonjun and Beomgyu are caregivers.

Yeonbin was real for long time so everyone thought they are dom and sub but in real they were caregiver dom and sub. When Beomgyu was asked why he hide it he said everyone would find him werid

Caregiver and little are present in the really small amount around 8% present of the world are caregivers or little and that is the reason why Beomgyu (and the maknaes) decided to hide his classification.

Today Taehyun has fallen into little space and every caregiver is giving attention to Taehyun. Btw all of them have spoiled him. So he can be really bratty and no one gives him punishment sometimes Yeonjun would give him but Beomgyu stop him always.

Hueingkai had just come from his vocal practice and it was total shit. He hasn't fallen into little space for a month and it is really taking a toll on him. Things got worse when Taehyun comes with a stuffie in his hands

"KAI!Kai! Pway wif hyunnie pwease?" Said Taehyun as he bounced."Kai is really tried right now I will play later with hyunnie ok?" Said Hueingkai trying not to shout. "Nwo! Kai pway with hyunnie." Said Taehyun now on full trantrum.

"SHUT UP TAEHYUN AND STOP BEING A FUCKING CHILD FUCKING GROW UP!" Shouted Hueingkai.(Can you all imagine Taehyun like throwing full trantrum because I can't) Taehyun began to cry as soon as he heard Hueingkai shout

Hueingkai just ignored his cries but inside he felt bad to ignore Taehyun. Taehyun was still throwing a trantrum now wailing. Hearing the chaos others come to see what is happening. Everyone were shock seeing Taehyun crying.

"What happened baby? Tell daddy did you hurt yourself." Ask Beomgyu as he caressed Taehyun back."Daddy kai ish meanie said meanie words to hyunnie". Said Taehyun as he still crying."Did you disturbed hyuka in some way or another". Asked Yeonjun as he can't believe Hueingkai could do something like that.

"Hyung please I know Hueingkai did this just to get attention nothing else". Said Beomgyu he was shocked by Yeonjun words."We can't jump into conclusion guys". Said Soobin. "Nwo hyunnie nwo do tha awsk kai two pway bwut he yelled at hyunnie". Said Taehyun sniffing.

"We need to talk to kai." Said Soobin. "Yeah you right hyung you and I will go and talk to him and Yeonjun hyung please take care of hyunnie". Said Beomgyu as he give Taehyun to Yeonjun."Ok guys but talk to him softly we didn't want hyunnie to hear it otherwise he will start crying again". Yeonjun said this worried for Hueingkai to not to hurt him in any way.

Hueingkai was in his room controlling himself from his headspace. He can't fall into it. He was in his room spacing out. He get out of thoughts when he heard yelling. "Kai kamal hueing open your damn door right now." Scream Beomgyu as he banged the door. Beomgyu hyung what is he doing here. Thought Hueingkai.

Hueingkai opened the door to see a angry Beomgyu and disappointed Soobin. "W-what are you doing h-here hyung." Said Hueingkai scared to the core. WHAT did you do to my baby." Said Beomgyu anger in his voice clearly noticable. Hyung what do you mean. Said Hueingkai trying not to shutter.

"You know what I mean Hueingkai." Said Beomgyu not happy with Hueingkai answer. "Why you make my baby squirrel cry." Asked Beomgyu." He was disturbing me and I was really tried." Said Hueingkai trying not to cry.

"How did he disturbed you." Asked Beomgyu even though he knew the answer."He was constantly asking me to play and when I say no, he didn't listen so I just got a little angry and yell at him." Said Hueingkai.

"It doesn't give you any right just to yell at him. He was so happy he wanted to play with you but you just yelled at him like fucking dork. Can't you just tell him to play with you later." Said Beomgyu. "Hyung I told him that." Said Hueingkai "Ofcourse I believe you Hueingkai." Said Beomgyu as he rolled his eyes.

For some reason Hueingkai doesn't like when his hyungs were calling him by his full name it was hurting .Not even kai he thought.

"Hueingkai we know you are a netrual but still it doesn't give you any right to yell at a little they are really sensitive". Said Soobin."Hueingkai this is my last and only warning if you hurt my cinnamon then you better save your ass". Said Beomgyu as he leave the room.

Hueingkai was still shocked he couldn't processes any thoughts. "Kai I know everything is being hard for you manager hyung ( I can't think of name) told me you were stressed at practice and it didn't end that well you can tell me everything I am here for you hyuka". Said Soobin. Soobin come near Hueingkai and caressed his hair.

Without even noticing Hueingkai started slipping. "Me is sowwy hyungie me ish meanie." Said Hueingkai now fully in little space."Kai why are you talking like that." Said Soobin shocked. "Me ish a wittle." Said Hueingkai in a low voice.

"Why you didn't tell us kai?" Asked Soobin. "Wash scwared thought hyungies ill hwate me." Hueingkai said still in a low voice." Kai why you thought like that you know we could never hate you." Said Soobin

Soobin called Yeonjun in the room he thought he would need his boyfriend help. They both asked about his little space. They both loved little kai for sure. Hueingkai also told them that for around one month he hasn't slip into little space. Both the caregivers know they have to ask kai to be there little. But they didn't ask him though because they don't want kai to be overwhelmed.

"Baby boy do you want to play with hyungies". Asked Yeonjun. Cwan I? Asked Hueingkai. "Ofcourse you can baby boy bring your toys or stuffie we can play as much as you want". Said Soobin as his dimple show. 'Okie'. Said Hueingkai as he run towards his box in which all his little space item were there."Slow down baby." Said Yeonjun as he run towards Hueingkai to help him

Hueingkai introduced his stuffies. They played for a while. Yeonbin just love little Hueingkai his giggle and how he makes his story with his stuffies Everything about him is just adorable in the eyes to the two oldest.

After a while Hueingkai just tapped Soobin. Soobin looked at him. He understand something was still bothering kai. "What happened baby do want something?" Yeonjun also looked at kai. "Uhm c-c-ca-can." Said Hueingkai "Tell us baby." Said Yeonjun as he reassured him. Can w-we cwuddle pwease. "Ofcourse baby." Said both Yeonjun and Soobin. Hueingkai was now in the middle of Yeonjun and Soobin.

After sometime Hueingkai was tried but still he didn't want to sleep."Baby boy sleep you are tried." Said Yeonjun." Yes baby sleep Yeonjun hyung is correct." Said Soobin."Okie bwut don lweave kai pwease". Said Hueingkai.

Hueingkai closed his eyes." Love ywou papa and dada." Whispered Hueingkai. Both Yeonjun and Soobin were shocked. We love you too baby boy. Said yeonbin. They kissed Hueingkai forehead and just snuggle into Hueingkai more

~The end~

An:- guys please vote and comment I really want to read your funny comments. Also a poll.

I am confused I have two stories in my mind and I don't know which one to write they both are little Soobin. The ships in the stories are yeonbin and sookai. So tell me which ship you want first



