Yeonkai/Yeongyu - Don't leave me pt-1

Beomgyu - little (2-4)
Hueingkai - little (2-4)
Yeonjun - dada
Ft- taebin

Warning - it is long. yup that is the warning

"Hyung you know it is been almost two years. You have to forget him." Said Yeonjun's friend Taehyun. "What do you fucking mean by forget him?" Asked Yeonjun. "Hyung you have to move on. It is not like that he can come now." Said Taehyun.

"I know. But I can't." Said Yeonjun. "Hyung I think we should have a small party in my house." Said Taehyun. 'Party?' Asked Yeonjun. "You know some just friends meeting, partying and stuff. It would give you a rest." Said Taehyun.

"This is so not you Taehyun." Said Yeonjun. "I know but I just thought that it would be fun you know." Said Taehyun. "I don't know if I could make it." Said Yeonjun.

"Hyung if you are not coming then I will come to your house. It is now your choice hyung." Said Taehyun. "Ok I am coming." Said Yeonjun, totally not wanting to Taehyun come at his house. "Ok then Saturday 6 'o' clock, my house." Said Taehyun.

Taehyun and Yeonjun talk for some more time. He get out of the cafe where he and Yeonjun were. Then Taehyun started calling someone.

"Hello Soobinie hyung. Yeah I have talked to him. He will come don't worry. Is he there yet? He will come by tomorrow? Ok then. I will see you at home hyung. Love you." Taehyun talked to his Boyfriend Soobin as he was walking on his way to his home.

~Time skip~ Saturday

Yeonjun was at the door. Thinking he should ring the doorbell or not. He wasn't in the mood of party. But he still decided to go. He ringed the doorbell.

Taehyun opened the door. With a smile on his face. "Hello hyung." Said Taehyun. "Hi Taehyun." Said Yeonjun in his normal cold voice. "Come inside hyung." Said Taehyun.

Soobin was sitting on the couch. "Hey Yeonjun hyung." Said Soobin. "Hi Soobin." Said Yeonjun as he sits on the couch.

There was awkwardness between them because, it has been such a long time since they sit together like this . "So how is odi?" Asked Yeonjun trying to ease the awkwardness between them.

"He is doing fine hyung. How are you?" Said Soobin. He is really worried for Yeonjun's health afterall. "I guess I am fine." Said Yeonjun.

Then they all started talking like there was not a hint of awkwardness between them a few minutes ago. "Have you ever thought of dating again?" Asked Taehyun. Soobin giving Taehyun a look that was saying mission abort.

Yeonjun stiffened at the question. Before he could answer he heard the most cute yet unfamiliar voice. 'Hyungie.' Said the boy. Hyungie

No Yeonjun he is not here. Thought Yeonjun. "Kai what are you doing here? Hyungie told you stay in your room." Said Taehyun as he goes towards Hueingkai. "Kai wash bored." Said Hueingkai whine escaping his mouth. "Who is he?" Asked Yeonjun in a cold voice. Hueingkai flinched at the cold voice.

"Kai please introduce yourself." Said Taehyun. "Hewwo mwy nwame is Hwueingkai." Said Hueingkai as he bowed. Soobin elbowed Yeonjun so that he could introduce himself. Yeonjun eye rolled as he introduce himself. "Hi I am Yeonjun." Said Yeonjun

"Kai please go to your room hyung will come play with you ok?" Said Taehyun. Okie. Said Hueingkai in a soft tone.

"So who is he?" Said Yeonjun. Trying to figure who is Hueingkai to taebin. "Oh he is my cousin. He has recently come from Hawaii. Also as you can see he is a little." Said Soobin. "Oh that's nice." Said Yeonjun.

"Hyung can you keep kai till we don't find a proper caregiver for him." Said Taehyun shocking Yeonjun. "What, why me?" Said Yeonjun. He was really not excepting this question.

"You see hyung me and Soobin Hyung are always so busy. Hueingkai needs someone who is there for him." Said Taehyun. "Who said I am not busy." Said Yeonjun. "But hyung you are CEO and you work from home whenever you want." Said Soobin.

"I don't think I am the best person to take care of him." Said Yeonjun. "Hyung you are the best person to take care of him. You are a caregiver afterall. You have taken care of a little before." Said Taehyun. "I was a caregiver." Said Yeonjun. "But still hyung you are the best bet out there." Said Taehyun.

"I don't know guys. And thank you for today." Said Yeonjun. Yeonjun leave the door. Little did he know his friends are going to ask about it every day. And after a week he got fed up and said yes.

So today Hueingkai is going to live with him. Untill who knows how long. (actually I know heehee 😈)

"Thank you once again hyung." Said Soobin. "Yeah what ever." Said Yeonjun. "Kai don't you want to say thank you to Yeonjunie hyung." Said Soobin. "Thwank ywou hyungie." Said Hueingkai. "It is ok." Said Yeonjun. Not any emotion coming from his face nor his voice.

"So hyung I will go now and in this bag there are some Hueingkai plushies." Said Soobin handling the bag to Yeonjun. All of the Hueingkai stuff was already at Yeonjun's apartment. Except his some of the dearest plushies. But now it is here too.

Hueingkai was adoring the apartment. It was really big compare to the taebin. Don't get it wrong taebin house is small but yet sufficient for the couple. It wasn't really the case when Hueingkai come. And that was another reason why Hueingkai was shifted to Yeonjun house.

"Make yourself comfortable at home." Said Yeonjun awkwardly yet his cold voice doesn't really show it. Hueingkai flinched a little at sudden sound. "Yesh kai will." Said Hueingkai smiling.

Yeonjun really saw a mini sun in Hueingkai and his smile was really bright. Yeonjun normal grey life is now getting some colours. Which he wasn't ready for.

Yeonjun give a quick home tour to Hueingkai. Also warning the little about not going to the first floor last room. Yes Yeonjun have a duplex.

Hueingkai room was all setup when the younger reached his room. He hugged Yeonjun. Yeonjun didn't return it though.

"Hyungie kai ish hwungy." Said Hueingkai. "What do you want to eat?" Asked Yeonjun. "Dino nuggies." Said Hueingkai excitedly. "Ok then you can watch some cartoon show. Till I cook it for you." It was almost dinner time. So Yeonjun also cooked a meal for himself.

When Yeonjun took out the nuggets and put it in the oven. He remembered he shouldn't give nuggets just in normal plate. Then he also remember that he hasn't opened (Hueingkai's) utensils box yet. And he decided to open the cabinet he hasn't opened since a long time.

There were some Disney Princess utensils some other cartoons characters utensils. Yeonjun just took the first plate he saw. He washed it because there were some dust on it.

~How the plate looks~

"Kai food is ready." Said Yeonjun calling out for Hueingkai. "Cwoming hyungie." Said Hueingkai. After washing his hands Hueingkai comes running towards Yeonjun. "Slow down little one." Said Yeonjun. "Sowwy hyungie." Said Hueingkai. "It is ok." Said Yeonjun smiling a little bit inside.

"Hyungie thwank ywou fwor pwincesh pwate." Said Hueingkai as he just noticed the princess plate. He really loved that plate. "Oh that's ok. But I thought maybe you like little bit more boy-ish. You know like cars or paw patrol." Said Yeonjun. Ofcourse he doesn't mean in it mean way he was just curious.

"Nu kai likesh pwincess morwe. Caws awe bowreing." Said Hueingkai. Nu Caws awe bowreing. Wan pwincess.

"It is ultimately your choice. I am not here to judge you or anything." Said Yeonjun. "Can hyungie fweed kai." Said Hueingkai as he was struggling to eat. 'No.' Said Yeonjun coldly. 'okie'. Said Hueingkai sadly.

Yeonjun then leave to get his own food. He just cooked himself some ramen as he wasn't feeling in a mood to cook something else. When he come back he saw Hueingkai was still struggling to eat.

"If I have to save my furniture. I guess I have to feed him." Thought Yeonjun. He sighed and goes towards Hueingkai. "Do you need help eating?" Said Yeonjun. 'Yesh.' Said Hueingkai looking towards Yeonjun with puppy eyes. "I will feed you then." Said Yeonjun.

He started feeding Hueingkai. Hueingkai do some happy noises as he was eating. "Remember I will not feed you everyday. You should know how to eat. It just for today." Said Yeonjun. 'Yesh.' Said Hueingkai his mouth was full. "Hey don't talk with mouth full." Said Yeonjun in a warning tone. 'Sowwy.' Said Hueingkai after he swallow the food.

After the dinner. They (more like Hueingkai) decided to put a movie. They both were on the couch. Hueingkai was cuddling Yeonjun yet he was still stiffened. It has been a long time since he is so close to someone.

They both were warm under the blanket enjoying the movie. (Put your any favourite animation movie) Almost half way through the movie Hueingkai started feeling sleepy. Yeonjun was so engrossed in the movie. He didn't even notice Hueingkai have been sleeping. His face on Yeonjun's shoulder.

Older noticed it when he felt a little bit wetness on his shoulders. Then he noticed the boy has been asleep. I think I will let him sleep with me just for today. Thought Yeonjun.

~Time skip~

Little did Yeonjun know he has been falling for the little, little by little. (No pun intended) He never thought he would be in love once again. Boy he was so wrong. But still he hasn't realise that he can love once again.

And about Taehyun and Soobin are still finding a caregiver for Hueingkai. (Sarcasm was indeed intended. My fellow readers)

Hueingkai was playing with his plushies and Yeonjun was watching tv and stealing some glances of Hueingkai. He then got a call from his assistant. "What? I will send you those right now. Why you didn't tell me before. Ok - ok I will give it you in some time." Said Yeonjun talking on his phone.

"Cupcake can you please come here." Said Yeonjun. Yup Yeonjun have given nicknames to Hueingkai. Like who wouldn't. "Yesh hyungie." Said Hueingkai coming towards Yeonjun. "I am going in my office. if there is something really important then only you will come to my office." Said Yeonjun.

Hueingkai has always been curious about the first floor last room. Yesterday somehow he managed to get that room key. Even though he is in little space. He is still really smart.

So when Yeonjun goes towards his office. He quickly rush towards. His play room to get the key and then goes upstairs to open the lock.

He wasn't really worried about Yeonjun finding out. Yeonjun's office was down stairs so there is no way he suddenly comes upstairs.

Hueingkai was still figuring and struggling with the lock. "What the heck are you doing?" Hueingkai hear the voice and turned around. To see a very angry Yeonjun.

Yeonjun come upstairs to get some important papers that were inside his room. But when he saw Hueingkai trying to open the lock he felt a rage inside him. Even though they have a good trust between them. He still can't tell about his past to kai.

Yeonjun first reaction was to snatch the key. He wasn't in the right place of mind. The next thing he do was slapping Hueingkai.

"ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY. WHEN I FUCKING TOLD YOU NOT TOO. Then why you have to unlock the lock like a pure aashole. YOU KNOW IT IS MY FAULT TO KEEP A BITCH LIKE YOU HERE." Said Yeonjun. He was violently shaking Hueingkai as he was talking.

It was too much for Hueingkai. Maybe little space is a safe space for many littles. But they have to come outside of little space to save themselves. Like Hueingkai.

"I am sorry hyung." Said Hueingkai in monotone voice as he goes down stairs. Yeonjun then comes to his senses clearly knew that he has messed up. He quickly goes downstairs to say sorry to kai to only find that he has gone.

"He would be back in sometime. He is just gone out to clear his mind. Yeonjun thought. Even though he wasn't sure about Hueingkai coming. He knew he have messed. But he have a reason for telling. That room has always just bring him sad memories he doesn't want to remember at all. He doesn't want kai to feel sad too.

Yeonjun quickly busies himself with work. In the evening all his work was done. He comes out of his office to only to find Hueingkai still hasn't come.

He quickly takes his keys and goes towards his car. Then he goes to the only place kai would be. And that place is taebin's house.

He reached there as fast as could. Breaking some traffic rules. When he reached there. He quickly knocked at the door almost banging. As if he is going to broke down the door.

(Bruh there is something in this world called door bell🙂)

Taehyun quickly comes to save his door. "Hyung calm down you were almost going to break down my door." Said Taehyun. "Is Hueingkai at your home or not?" Asked Yeonjun completely ignoring Taehyun rant.

"Yes he is-" Said Taehyun. 'Good.' Said Yeonjun as he pushed Taehyun back. When Yeonjun come inside he immediately saw a not so happy Soobin.

"Looks like king has finally time now." Said Soobin. "Soobin I am sorry. I didn't thought it was that serious." Said Yeonjun. "You thought it wasn't serious. He come here crying and you thought it wasn't SERIOUS." Said Soobin.

"I said I am sorry." Said Yeonjun. "You should say it to hyuka not me." Said Soobin. "I will. Where is he though?" Said Yeonjun. "He is in this room." Said Taehyun pointing towards the room where Hueingkai is.

"But he is angry with us too." Said Taehyun. "Wait why with you too?" Asked Yeonjun. "You see-" Said Taehyun


"Hueingkai what happened? Why are you crying?" Asked Soobin as he was worried for his cousin.

"Hyungie." Said Hueingkai before rambling all the things. "You shouldn't have try to go in that room when Yeonjun hyung specifically asked not to." Said Taehyun.

"But I thought he trusts me now. Then why can't he show that room." Said Hueingkai. "There are somethings that are best to be revealed at there time." Said Soobin.

"Please you tell me why that room is always closed. Why hyung comes out almost crying. Whenever they come out of that room." Said Hueingkai. "Yeonjun hyung will tell you when he thinks the time is right." Said Soobin.

"So when will 'that time' come?" Asked Hueingkai. "We don't know." Said both Taehyun and Soobin. "If you don't know then get out." Said Hueingkai pushing them out of the room.

"Wait isn't it our room?" Said Taehyun when Hueingkai pushed him and Soobin out of the room. "Not any more though." Said Soobin. They both have been kicked out of there own room in there own house.


Yeonjun couldn't help but chuckle at the story. "Hyung don't laugh." Said Taehyun. "Ok I won't. I am now going to the room please don't disturb me." Said Yeonjun. "We won't." Said Soobin.

Yeonjun knocked the door. He received a muffled shout from inside. "Go away." Said Kai. "Please baby let me in." Said Yeonjun. 'Nu.' said Hueingkai. "Please cupcake I am really sorry." Said Yeonjun begging for forgiveness.

Yeonjun was stick to the door. Hueingkai opened the door without the warning. So the older lose his balance and goes straight into the bed. Hueingkai laughed at the scene.

Yeonjun just chuckled and smiled after seeing his baby laugh. "Baby I am sorry. Please forgive me." Said Yeonjun joining hands begging to Hueingkai. "Ok - ok I forgive you." Said Hueingkai. "Yay thank you baby". Said Yeonjun as he gets up and kissed kai's cheek. Little blush on Hueingkai face come out but Yeonjun didn't notice it.

Older didn't say it to anyone but when Hueingkai spoke to him in a cold voice. It send him a shiver in his body. He has never seen Hueingkai speaking so cold. Not even when he gets outside of little space. It really shocked him that time.

"But you have to tell me why you always close that room." Said Hueingkai. Yeonjun was shocked for a second. "I will tell you baby. When the time will come. I will definitely tell you." Said Yeonjun. "When that time will come." Said Hueingkai whine escaping his mouth. "Very soon." Said Yeonjun.

Hueingkai rolls his eyes. But he understands that some things are best to be revealed at there time.

"Baby you wanna slip into little space." Said Yeonjun as he notices how the younger is becoming clingy. "Hmm." Said Hueingkai. "Then slip baby." Said Yeonjun.

"Hwi Hyungie." Said Hueingkai. "Hi baby." Said Yeonjun. "Hyungie wanna gwo two howme." Said Hueingkai. Wanna gwo howme. "Ok then let's go." Yeonjun said as he put Hueingkai on his hips.

Yeonjun and Hueingkai come out of the room. "I think we should go now." Said Yeonjun. "Hyung can we talk in private." Said Taehyun as he whispered into Yeonjun years. "Yeah sure." Said Yeonjun.

"Baby can you play alone till me and hyungies have to do some adult talk." Said Yeonjun. 'Okie.' Said Hueingkai getting some of his toys.

Hueingkai have some toys here. He comes at taebin's house from time to time, because of Yeonjun work.

"So what you wanna talk about?" Asked Yeonjun. "When you are going to talk about him to kai." Said Soobin going straight to the point. "When the time will come." Said Yeonjun.

"Hyung why can't you forget him. He is just a past now." Said Soobin. "I promised him to never forget him." Said Yeonjun. "Did he keep his promise. No, then why are you still keeping your promise." Said Soobin. "It wasn't his fault." Said Yeonjun.

"He gave up in the last moments. It hurt me too you know. He was my best friend more like a brother. I knew him way before then you." Said Soobin tears threating to shead.

"Binnie hyung calm down. You know it isn't his fault. And it is not our fault either. We all can't do anything. Said Taehyun.

"Hyung day after tomorrow you have to go hospital." Said Taehyun diverting the topic. 'Hospital?' Asked Yeonjun in a very confused voice. "Yeah actually you see last year a rule came out that every little has to have a two check ups in a year." Said Taehyun. 'Oh.' Said Yeonjun.

"Hyung if you are not ok with it. Then me and Soobin Hyung can take him." Said Taehyun. "No I am fine." Said Yeonjun. "You sure?" Asked Taehyun.

"Ofcourse. I should go now. It is almost dinner time." Said Yeonjun. "Hyung you can stay here. I am ordering pizza." Said Taehyun. "Ok then. Also I don't want to cook food either." Said Yeonjun. Both Soobin and Taehyun chuckled at that.

~Day after tomorrow~

Hueingkai was still half asleep from his nap when they reach hospital. Yeonjun didn't get a time to explain why are they both in hospital or most importantly where are they.

Yeonjun leave Hueingkai at one of the chairs. While he get the number. He didn't leave younger entirely alone. He left younger from where he can see him.

While Yeonjun was getting the appointment number. Hueingkai fully woke up. What he saw there it really terrified him. He see some people he has never seen in his life. Some were sad. Some were relived. Some were having anxiety. And some were just there.

Maybe Hueingkai also get a little bit of anxiety. While he was looking around for his hyungie. Till he felt a warm hug behind him. "It is ok cupcake. Hyungie is here." Said the voice. Kai turned around to see Yeonjun warm smile.

Kai buried himself into Yeonjun chest. "Hyungie where are we?" Said kai. He felt this place familiar but can't really point it where is he exactly. "We are at the hospital bub." Said Yeonjun.

"Bwut onwly sick people come to howspital. Kai ish sick?" Said Hueingkai. "No baby you are not sick. We are just for the health check-up." Said Yeonjun. "Healt chewck-uwp?" Asked Hueingkai.

"Yeah, we do health check-ups so that we get to know how strong you are or if we have any disease and we can cure it in time." Said Yeonjun explaining to Hueingkai. 'Oh.' Said Hueingkai understanding little bit.

"Kai kamal hueing." Yeonjun heard the voice and he immediately knew it was there cue to go in. "Let's go baby it is now our turn." Said Yeonjun.

When Yeonjun entered the clinic. He remembered a memory he shouldn't have remembered.

"Oh hi Yeonjun. Long time no see." Said the doctor. "Hi doctor Mark." Said Yeonjun awkwardly. (Btw I just use Mark name just for fun. It is not related k-pop at all)

"Sit down." Said Mark. Yeonjun and Hueingkai both sit down. "Looks like you have another little." Said Mark. "Yeah. But I am taking care of him till he finds his caregiver." Said Yeonjun.

Hueingkai eyes widened at little bit. Yeonjun knew this person but how come he never knew about him. He have met almost all Yeonjun's friend before. But he never met Mark. Hueingkai little brain was processing this whole thing.

But one thing completely slip off his mind and that was Mark said that Yeonjun have now a another little.

"Baby, kai, HUEINGKAI." Shouted Yeonjun. Hueingkai startled at the sudden voice. "Come to the Earth." Said Yeonjun softly. "Sowwy." Said Hueingkai. "It is ok cupcake. can you stand there please." Said Yeonjun pointing towards a weight machine. 'Okie.' Said Hueingkai before standing on weight machine.

Mark took Hueingkai's height, weight and all the necessary. One thing that is left to take is a sample of blood.

Mark took out the syringe. When Hueingkai saw it he quickly runs towards Yeonjun and hide himself in Yeonjun's chest.

"No piwcky." Said Hueingkai almost crying. "No one will put pricky on my baby." Said Yeonjun. Hueingkai face was still buried under Yeonjun's chest. Yeonjun started humming a soft tone to distract the little. Hueingkai quickly got intoxicated by the humming.

It was the cue for Mark. He quickly took a little bit of blood. "Woah baby you were so strong." Said Yeonjun rubbing Hueingkai upper arm so that he didn't feel the pain. Poor little didn't understand one thing.

"It will just take 10 minutes to get blood report." Said Mark. 'Ok.' Said Yeonjun. They all waited for the report. After around 10 minutes report came.

Mark is everything ok? Asked Yeonjun. "Yeah but-" Said Mark. But what? Asked Yeonjun interrupting Mark feeling a little anxiety. I don't think reports are good. Looks like he have.

"His calcium are little bit low." Oh. Said Yeonjun a relived sigh leaving his lips. "Don't worry it's nothing serious. Just include milk products in his diet. Like whole milk, yogurt, cheese and all milk products. And make sure whichever milk you choose should have high calcium in it." Said Mark explaining all the stuff.

"Thank you Mark." Said Yeonjun. "My pleasure." Said Mark. 'Yeonjun'. Said Mark. Stopping Yeonjun from going outside. "Yeah?" Asked Yeonjun.

"You are in love with kai." Said Mark shocking the hell out of Yeonjun. "W-what?" Said Yeonjun. "I see it in your eyes. I see how worried you were. When I say his reports weren't all good. You are falling in love again Yeonjun." Said Mark.

"I am falling in love with kai." Said Yeonjun under his breath almost questioning. Mark nodded. Hueingkai didn't pay attention to all this talk because he was feeling sleepy. If the younger heard this talk. He would be all red.

On the way home Yeonjun was still thinking about the talk with Mark. No you can't fall in love again Yeonjun. You have promised him. Thought Yeonjun.

~To be countinued~

An :- So how was it. This story has almost 4000+ words. And who is Yeonjun's past lover. What happened to him. We will all get to know in the next part.

Yeongyu part is going to major angst so please keep your tissue paper ready. And the cursive words that come sometime in the story without bracket is Yeonjun thinking about his past lover.

Next part may take time. My mental health has been destroying me from 3-4 days. I am feeling a empty void inside me. My offline school is going to start soon and I know it will take a good toll on me. But writing is my passion so you will see my stories.

I hope you like the story. If you like it then please don't forget to vote. Till the next time bye.
