Chapter 4

An hour later, Sona and her peerage goes back to Student Council Office, Xavier and Chelia along with Rossweisse and Tiamat goes home, leaving Rias and her peerage. Much to Koneko's dismay, she were told to come to his place later on which made her happy. Rias sitting down, looking at her pawn.

Rias: "Issei. I want you and your friends to stop looking at my niece like that. Your kindness and caring for others are the traits I admired about you but your perversion is out of control and I will not tolerate it any longer. Even if Xavier didn't do anything about it, I highly doubt my brother and Grayfia just let it happen. I bet they will obliterate you for good, regardless of your title as Red Dragon Emperor."

She paused for a brief moment before continuing.

Rias: "Furthermore, the White Dragon Emperor are your arch-rival and someday you are destined to fight him, it was inevitable. For the record, Xavier has defeating him countless times now, 16-0. Xavier isn't losing, not even once and to make it worse, he doesn't even use half of his full power. I bet around 25%, not to mention, his record in the Rating Game. He's currently become the Rating Game Champion after he beat the former Champion, Diehauser Belial."

With the information about Xavier's reputation were revealed, Issei's eyes widened in pure horror. Not only Xavier defeating his arch-rival, he even became the current Rating Game Champion. He literally messing with the strongest Youth Devil who is the youngest Super Devil in Devil hierarchy. What Rias said next will strike extreme terror in him.

Rias: "Xavier was known as Red Eyed-Devil of Death for a reason. When the enemies he defeated were in near death state, all they see was his cold, red eyes that strike fear in them. Not many want to make an enemy out of him knowing it would ended up undesirable for them. As much as it hurts me to say this but I'm nowhere near his level, he is a veteran. He has been training very diligently since we were kids, Chelia was too but only to be second after him."

Issei was sweating profusely after learning about Xavier Gremory-Lucifuge. He might sign a death warrant by targeting Chelia Gremory-Lucifuge. Akeno and the others were listening with interest.

Kiba: "Messing with Lady Chelia... means directly messing with Lord Xavier if not counting of Lord Sirzechs and Lady Grayfia. So what's Issei-kun's punishment for his actions, Rias-buchou?"

He looks at his King. Rias sips her tea and put the cup down.

Rias: "Koneko, you may beat him. As one of Xavier's girlfriends, you have my permission to do so."

She said with seriousness in her voice. Koneko walks up to Issei who backing away in fear as she cracks her knuckles.

Koneko: "Ready pervert?"

She asked so sinisterly which scared the hell out of him.

Issei: "N-N-NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"

He shouted loudly but were ignored by Rias as Koneko beat him up who soon joined by Kiba and Akeno whose telling them to do it. Kiba wasn't enjoy beating him up as he only did because he was told to. Koneko on the other hand, enjoy it so much. Meanwhile Akeno was giggling sadistically as she licking her fingers as she electrocuted him with her Lightning magic. Asia however could only watch it happened as she wasn't strong enough to save him.

Meanwhile outside the clubroom, there's a firebird watching Rias Gremory from elsewhere.

???: "Soon my dear Rias, you'll be mine."

The mysterious voice echoed in the room with a sinister laugh as some of his peerage were snickered evily except Ravel Phoenix as she was thinking about her handsome Red Prince.

Ravel: 'I hope we met soon, Xavier-sama.'

???: "Riser looking forward to met you, my dear Rias."

The said bird was poofed in smoke as it was Riser's familiar. Unknowingly to Riser, there's someone who watching him the entire time and the person who came out from the magic circle was none other than Xavier Gremory-Lucifuge himself.

Xavier: "Hmm. As expected from a playboy, you will be humbled soon, Riser Phoenix."

He heard Issei's screaming of pain and agony.

Xavier: "Well I'll be. It seems he was being punished by Rias for his intolerable behavior, good. Now I don't need to kill him myself."

As he said that, he teleported away to his house.
