Chapter 11

After school, Heracles informed his King and fellow peerage members excluding Issei who's went to client's house to form a contract. Rias put the cup down after her Rook brief her regarding Issei's trauma and fear of woman. Irina and Rossweisse were present under the order of their husband.

Rias: "I see... Raynare tormenting Issei after I kill her during saving Asia, to think she transfer her remaining soul into his Boosted Gear and tearing him apart emotionally. I didn't expect she would go this far even after she's dead.. Xavier has been doing what's supposed to be my responsibility as a King."

She grips the paper in her hand, turning it into dust with her P.O.D.

Rias: "I'm dependable on him too much... I'm a disgrace to the Gremory Clan who's used to be heiress of the family. He's done so much for me and my peerage... starting from took over my place in the engagement after Rating Game, getting rid of Koneko's fear of her power then reviving Akeno's mother and reunited the Himejima family lastly he.. get rid of Issei's trauma by retracting Raynare's soul and send it to Dimensional Gap..."

Rias shedding tears as she curses herself and doubt her ability as the King of her peerage. Akeno walks up to her and put her hand on her shoulder.

Akeno: "Don't berate yourself too much Rias. I know you are frustrated but that's not a reason for you to downgraded yourself. This would be valuable experience for you to learn in order to become better King. I believe in you so are the others."

The rest of her peerage nodded resolutely, agreeing with her Queen's statement. Rossweisse and Irina chimed in.

Rossweisse: "Akeno's right, Rias. You shouldn't berate yourself, sure you unable to see the pain in your servants/family but you should think positively. Xavier-kun did all of that not to degrade you or to made you feel worthless, he did this because he think it is the right thing to do. Shirone is one of his wives and Akeno is his sister-in-law."

Irina: "She's right Rias-san. Issei no longer have fear of woman and get rid of his perversion. He feel excited about to experience love and being loved, this is your chance to have a relationship with him as much as you desired. The same can be said for Asia, Akeno, Xenovia and anyone who want to be in a relationship with him."

She took deep breathe before continuing.

Irina: "All Issei want to feel love and being loved despite his perversion. All I ask is each one of you don't do the same thing as Raynare did, it'll lead to Dragon's Fall which will be catastrophic in the future. Let him fully recover from his trauma first, to him Raynare was his first girlfriend."

The mention of Dragon's Fall brings fear to Rias and her peerage as they knew about it and their fear intensified if they had treated Issei the same way Raynare did. They would definitely be hunted down by Evil Dragon if he somehow converted into one.

Asia: "Then it's better if we let Issei-san recover from his trauma and overcome it. If we made him to confess by force then we are no better than Raynare, if not even worse. If Issei-san becomes an Evil Dragon after Dragon's Fall, he'll hunt us down and end our lives."

She said as Rossweisse and Irina's words made a lot of sense which agreed by her fellow peerage.

Xenovia: "I may not know much about this Dragon's Fall but by the judge of it, I don't think we can take this things lightly given that it'll not only doom us all but Issei as well."

She added with shiver at the thought of being hunted down by Issei who converted into Evil Dragon if they screw things up.

Heracles: "Damn, that Raynare girl really torturing him emotionally despite being dead. As a Sacred Gear Wielder myself, I doubt I'll be able to hide the pain in me by putting up an act. I beginning to respect Hyoudou, he's a tough one."

He put his own opinion with seriousness on his expression.

Kiba: "I agree Heracles-kun. Now he's leaving his perversion behind and sought another relationship. We must support him after what Lord Xavier has done, we can't let his efforts go down in vain.

He finished.

Shirone: "Now don't you guys screw things up because there'll be no another chance in case you finished what Raynare started. Our husband did what he needs to be done."

She said sternly as her expression darkened. Rias gulped in fear as she looks at Koneko, Rossweisse and Irina who had the most scary look in their eyes, indicating that they are serious.

Rias: "I-I understand. I promise you guys that we will not finish what Raynare started. We will not do anything that warrant our death... Xavier are scary, way scary than Evil Dragon."

She said with fear in her voice, her peerage nodded vigorously.
