Chapter 7: The School's Art Club

Everything seems dark. As we open the room, a man bathing blood was seen before our very eyes. The scenery is vague yet the terror isn't.

Well it must be confusing to start here. Let's rewind back where my day was just starting.

It is another day yet another start. After yawning I fix my bed as I ready myself for another rough day. The same thing as usual happens. I go down stairs, brush my teeth and eat breakfast. After all of that I ready myself to school. I got dress and went off. As I was walking, I heard people laughing hard. It seem to be coming from two students from my school. They are sitting at the side of the street facing the wall. One of them wears glasses and the other one behaves like a pet. I approach them to see what it is all about. When I came closer, they are looking porn magazines. I didn't anticipate that they are two perverts doing their thing at the side of the street. I slowly back off and walk away from them.

'What a bunch of weird people', I said as I continue walking.

I arrive at school and saw Yui waiting for me.

'Good morning Yui', I said as I approach her.

Yui opened her greeting with a bright smile.

'Morning Darling', said Yui.

We walk together to our room as usual. At the room we arrive before the class started. I listen to the teacher discuss until our lunch started. Yui and I aren't going to the cafeteria today because we decided to brought our own packed lunch and eat at the classroom. We set up our bentos and eat.

'Wow Haruto! Your lunch looks very delicious. Did you just make it yourself?' said Yui.

'Thanks Yui. Yeah, I'm the one who did my lunch. Mom and dad had something to go to. They'll be gone for a few days I guess', I replied.

'Oh I see...' said her.

She pulled out her phone and dialed some numbers.

'Uhh... What are you doing?' I ask.

She didn't listen to me until the number was reached. I kept asking her even at the phone but she's still not answering.

'...Can I stay there while you're gone? Yeah. Okay got it. Take care', Yui ending the call in confirmation.

'Who did you just call?' I ask curiously.

'Oh that... it's your parents. They said they'll let me stay at your house while their gone. Isn't that great!?', Yui said excitedly.

'Wait what are you talking about. I haven't agreed yet and how do you even know my parent's number in the first place', I said tensely.

'Relax darling. It's not like I'm going to do something indecent while your parents are gone. But if you want I could make some adjustments...'

'There's no way. It's not happening!' I said.

Yui giggles.

'Wipe off first that rice from your cheek. Geez you look like a kid', said Yui.

My face reddens due to embarrassment. I tried to wipe off my cheek to remove it from my face.

'Not there you dummy. Here...'

Yui held her hand out and wipe the rice off my cheek then ate it.

'Delicious', Yui said smiling.

My face turned even redder.

We ate our lunch and after sometime the class resume. I still can't forget how embarrassing it was. I can't focus on listening on the class because of it. Also Yui is going to be in my house. Even if it is temporarily still, it makes me worry somehow.

I was spacing out that I didn't notice that my teacher is calling me already. I didn't know what to do until teacher ask me again to read a part of the text book. Everybody in the class laughed because of my stupidity. After the class, I saw Risa outside our room. I went with her because of that thing she promised me to see. Yui insisted on going too so she's also came with us.

'Where are we going Risa?' I ask.

'You'll know it once we get there, and besides you'll be surprise to meet my assigned husband', said her.

Yui was surprise to know that Risa already received her notice. They kind of chatted a little bit. The two of them looks like they are making friends already and it made me happy. I was curious about what it is she's going to show me. After sometime walking, we finally arrive to where we are supposed to go.

'Here we are', Risa said.

I can't see anything but a clubroom. I look up at its sign and saw its name. It was written as "Art Club". After knowing that it is the school's art club, I was even more interested on what is inside.

'Here I present you, the school's art clu-'

Risa opened the door. That is the time where a horror is there before us. A man that is lying on the floor was bathing in blood. Risa's expression turned from being glad to a worried person. A student came running to Risa and crying.

'Risaaaaa. Izuki was badly injured', said that person.

Risa came in to check the person bathing in blood. She examined what was happening while her whole body is shaking in nervousnesss. After sometime the body twitched.

'Wait just a minute, this isn't blood. It's red paint!' Risa exclaimed

'What is going on here Izuki? Stand up and explain!' said Risa.

The body stands up trembling in fear.

'Well you see...'

Risa cuts him before he could speak. She looks at what under Izuki. It was her drawing stand along with her artwork that is soaked in red paint.


She hit the two in the head as some kind of punishment.

As I realize, these two looks oddly familiar.

'I'm sorry about that Haruto. You see, me and these other two are the members of the art club'

'Fix yourselves and start introducing you morons!', said Risa in terror.

'A Hello fellow student, the name is Nishijima Izuki the president of this club. My specialty is human body proportions. It is the greatest drawing element especially around girl's proportional"

Risa again hit his head. She told the other one to introduce next.

'Hi I'm Kanzaki Miura. I also like to draw people and stuff but I really wanted to be an animator someday. It's nice to meet you'

'And I'm Risa. You already know me so yeah. We are the Shizuno Art Club'

I was amazed how these people are close to each other. But still, these two looks familiar. Yui introduces herself and after her I also did. I was about to shake his hand when I remember.

'Oh right. That is why you two look familiar. You guys are the ones sitting beside the street looking at some porn magazines in broad daylight', said I.

Izuki and Miura gulps.

Risa made a sinister face then hit them again one more time.

'I'm sorry about them Haruto. They seem like creeps but they are a lot greater than how they act', said Risa.

After cleaning the mess the two made, we sat and chatted for a bit. Miura bring out the conversation about a contest they have joined. Apperantly, Risa's painting that is soaked in paint is the one to be submitted. Now they have nothing to submit at the contest. Meanwhile while they are talking, I saw Yui looking at the window bored of us chatting. I realize that it was such great scenery. I brought out my sketch pad and started drawing. Izuki and the others stop chatting as they see me drawing something.

'What are you doing Haruto', Miura ask.

'I think I have an idea about your problem', I said as I continue drawing.

After five minutes of sketching, they saw the outcome of my doing. It was Yui that is looking at a window. They we're amazed of the sketch I made.

'Every detail is there. Even the body proportions are perfect. I can't believe that such artist exist', said Izuki.

Yui heard our commotion and look at us.

'What is it?' said Yui curiously.

Miura say that I drew Yui. She was shock because of it and wanted to see what the drawing is like. Yui saw it and her eyes went wide.

'Oohh... Am I this pretty in your eyes Haruto?' Yui ask as she teases me.

Everybody started teasing me too.

'Okay... Yeah, I guess you are that pretty', I embarrassingly said.

Yui hug me and everybody starts teasing me again. We've been having a good time that the atmosphere feels kind of lighter. Suddenly Risa asks me a question.

'So Haruto, are you willing to join the club now? Besides if your artwork won we can't have that as a help to our club because you aren't in our club. You have to join the club if you wanted to have your artwork to credit as help for us', said Risa.

'O-Okay, I guess I'll join', I replied.

"Hey, not fair. I wanted to be with Darling", said Yui.

Izuki stands up and announces something.

'It is settled then. Haruto, if your artwork were to win a place at the contest, we will acknowledge you and Yui as a part of our club', Izuki said.

I was shocked of the requirement that is said to me. I felt kind of nervous because it is my first time joining a contest. Yui notices me looking down in doubt to myself.

'My darling would make his way out of those other artworks. Right darling?', said Yui trying to cheer me up.

I nodded as sign that I'm ready to take on his challenge.

'Alright, I promise you guys. I'll do my best in this', I said.

After things happen at the club, Yui and I went home afterwards. She insisted on me to just ride her car on the way to my house. We arrive at my house shortly after.

'I didn't know you were great about drawing and stuff', said Yui.

'Well, my parents and I have a bit of a history you see', I said as I explain her my parents are great artists of their time.

'I guess I'm lucky to be your partner after all', Yui replied.

After some chatting we arrive at our home. I just realize that we are going to be together for some time until my parents went back. The house in silent made me nervous because I've never been alone with a girl before and also not to mention, do everyday stuff with her. I began to tremble as our first night together starts.

'So what should we do first Darling?'
