Chapter 26: Father-In-Law

Yui woke up after hearing my mother's voice.

'Oh Mr. and Mrs. Nazuno you're here', said Yui.

'I told you to be quiet mom', I said to my mother.

Yui turns around to see that I'm awake already.

'Sup'?', I said smiling.

Yui quickly hug me.

'I'm glad you're fine...' said her as she lets go.

'Uh... If you guys don't mind, we are also here', said mom.

'You really are sharp with girls son', says dad.

'Of course not', I said.

My parents hug me tightly.

'L-Let go... can't breathe...' I said catching out of breath.

'You are such a foolish boy doing a dangerous act like that. If that guy didn't kill you then I will for being such a stupid son', says mom as she scolded me.

'Yui's butler told us already what happened. I really think he is to blame for this. But you were younger Haruto. You let an old man fight a bunch of guys!' said mom.

The police already captured Michael and now facing casualties. I heard he tried to bribe them with money, I think he feels like he sucks because the police didn't budge. I got discharge that night since my wound isn't that worse. I said goodbye to Yui but she cling into my arm with a smile. She insisted to stay the night with me.

Like the usual, my parents quickly agreed. I'm starting to feel like they're doing it on purpose. I walk over to my room so that I could finally rest. It doesn't that much for some reason; I guess I'm lucky I said grinning at my bed. Yui enters my room to talk to me.

'You are really worried aren't you?' I said to her.

She sat beside me and putted her head on my shoulder.

'It is because you are always doing stuff so unexpectedly', says Yui.

I kissed her on her forehead.

She looks at me with surprise.

'See what I'm talking about', she says as her face reddens.

'I can't believe I called you a freak back when we first met. I never knew it would turn out like this', said her.

'Yeah me too...' I said.

'Say Haruto... Is it true that you know what I was trying to do when I started to call you Darling?' she asked.

'Actually I already knew it that night when you called me darling. It was a sudden change in you judging how you first acted towards me', I said.

'Well could I call you my darling again?' Yui asked suddenly.

I was surprise to hear that from her. I thought she would act more distanced after it is all over.

'Don't you worry because this time it would be for real', she said as she pokes my nose.

'I love you darling', said Yui.

'I love you too darling', I said.

Yui suddenly looked surprise.

'Wait... Did you call me darling?' she ask excitedly.

'No I didn't...' I said as I look away.

'Yes you did! Could you say it again?' she said.

'No, I won't say it again', I replied.

'So you really said it. You called me your darling', she said happily.

She hugged me tight being so happy. I hug her back rubbing her back. Suddenly I heard two people speaking at my door.

'It sure nice to be young don't you think honey?'

'Yeah it sure does'

Said mom and dad.

'Stop eavesdropping!' I exclaimed.

Yui and I look at each other then laugh.

After all that we slept through the night together. I feel like it was our longest night. We spend the days and nights together. After a week, my wound fully healed. One morning, I headed downstairs to drink a glass of water. I heard someone knocking at my door. I open it to see a man in a good looking suit.

'Is she here?' ask him.

'Uh... Sorry, but who are you?'

'I'm that girl's father', said the man.

I think he must be talking about Yui.

'Yui is still sleeping. Please come in first I'll serve some tea', I said.

He entered the house like it was his and then seated down in a really elegant manner. The man looks around as I prepare him some tea.

'Here is your tea sir', I said as I hand him over his drink.

'Could you tell me who you are and what is your relation to the girl?' asks him.

'What's with this guy? He's not recognizing Yui as his own flesh and blood', I whispered under my breath.

'I can't hear you, could you talk more loudly?' says him.

'I apologize. I am Haruto, Yui's assigned husband', I said.

'So it is true... That woman has no respect. I did everything for her yet she does this thing', said him.

'You gave her everything and because of that she has no life to own', I said all of a sudden.

'What did you just say?' he asks furiously.

'You did everything for her since she was a kid. You decide every single thing. Yui isn't happy about that. She is being controlled by someone like you. You are restraining her from living her life', I said.

'What are you trying to pull here kid?' he said as he clenches my shirt.

Everybody on the house was woken up by our talk. That includes Yui that went down the stairs.

'What are you doing here?' Yui sounded upset.

'You are coming with me', said him as he drag Yui.

My parents ask me what was happening. I didn't say anything and rush over to the man to stop him. He pushed me over making me hit the floor.

'Haruto... What are you doing?' said Yui.

Yui's father tried to grab her again but dad stopped him.

'I don't pretty much understand what is happening but... You are not fitted to be a parent if you do such things on the children', said dad.

'It is none of your businesses whatever I want to do with that daughter of mine', said the Yui's father.

'That is not your daughter. You lost your right to be her father the day you raise your hand to your child', said dad.

Yui's father went out of the house with his face looking pissed. Yui apologizes and then followed her father.


Dad stopped me from calling Yui. We let them go away.

'That was really scary', said dad.

'So you were acting tough all along...' said mom.

'That man... It is a few words I said but, his face turned into that. I guess he still cares about her daughter. I'm sure he was reached by my words', said dad.

After that early commotion, we sat at the table to enjoy mother's cooking. I can't help but to feel worried about Yui. Dad notices me looking so worried.

'Don't make such face son. I think you can go check Yui later after eating', says dad.

I'm really happy dad was supporting me for this. I finished eating and headed upstairs to change clothes. After changing I went down to say my regards. I went out and headed over to Yui's place.

'He sure have grown up does he...' says mom and dad.
