Chapter 7.

Tobias POV +

We arrive at the front door of my apartment. Tris decided she wanted to meet Chloe. I stop in my tracks before opening the door.

"I just wanna say, she hasn't seen you in 5 years. She is more than likely not gonna take this well, so just be a little gentle okay?" I say to her. She nods and takes a deep breath before following me inside.

"Just stay here," I say motioning to the couch in the living room, "I'll be back in a minute."

I walk up the stairs and knock softly onto Chloe's bedroom door. 

"Come in." she yells out. She looks at me and smiles. I smile back at her and kneel in front of her.

"I have a visitor waiting to meet you." I say tears clouding my vision. Her eyebrows furrow as she looks at me.

 Her eyes grow wide, "Is i-it her-r?" She stutters, her voice cracking. I nod my head. She gets up and runs downstairs before I could stop her.

"Chloe wait!" I yell out. I run down the stairs and see Chloe standing there looking at her mom with tears running down her cheeks.

"Mom-m" She croaks. Tris turns her head and looks at Chloe with saddened eyes. Chloe runs towards her and engulfs her in a hug, Tris returns it wrapping her hands around Chloe tightly.

Tears escape Tris's eyes and she looks at me. I walk over to the couch and sit beside them.

"Chloe, We need to say something." I say to her as she still has Tris in her arms.  Chloe faces me, eyes red and wet cheeks.

"You know the day of the accident, how mom fell and hit her head on the ground?" I say to her, she nods her head weakly.

"Mom doesn't remember anything." Tris says. Chloe's eyes widen in shock.

"What-t? She doesn't remember-r me-e?" She says as sobs overtake her body. She stands there and cried before she runs out of the room and upstairs, slamming her door.

I sigh deeply. 

"Just give her some time. I'll go up there soon." I say putting my head in my hands. Tris places her hand on the small of my back, rubbing circles.

"Do you mind telling me some stories," she pauses, "about us?"

I nod. I take her hands with mine and smile thinking about all the good times we once had.

"We met in high school. You had trouble with your locker, so your now best friend Christina, helped you out. We all met each other and you stared at me longer than the others." I chuckle. "You had lunch with us for the rest of the whole time in school. Then one night we all went to a party and that's when I kissed you while we were dancing. We fell in love and I asked you to be my girlfriend at Starbucks at 4 am in the morning after you told me some things about your old life. We went to prom and that's the night when I made love to you for the first time. We did all sorts of things together, dinner dates, picnics and ice cream dates." 

"A couple days before the attacks I took you to a restaurant and we talked about everything. It was one of my favorite moments but my first was marrying you. We had our wedding at a beach, you looked so beautiful," I said pulling a picture of her and I on her wedding day staring at each other as the sunset was behind us. "I couldn't keep my eyes off of you."

She smiles as she looks at the photo. I already have tears streaming down my face as she looks at me, some clouding in her eyes too.

"I must have really loved you, huh?" She smiles at me.

"yeah, you did. and I will always honestly, truly and completely love you."
