Chapter 12.

Tobias POV

I am in the control rooms looking through the footage to see where Tris is. I've been searching for what feels like forever now but it has only been 15 minutes.

Uriah and Zeke are currently gathering weaponry while Christina is beside me looking around on the computer next to me. I am tapping through all the security files from the last 24 hours to see if I can see any suspicious behaviours or even better, Tris.

"Got it!" Christina shouts turning her screen towards me. I snap my head to see two guards dragging Tris down a dark hallway about 4 hours ago under the Chasm. She is unconscious and is bleeding.

No one but the people who work in the control rooms know that there are security cameras down there. I have to find Tris, she could bleed out or they could have reset her memory already but I won't know till I find her.

I fast forward it too see where they take her. A room with a silver door, a red and white X painted on it. "What's the update on Zeke and Uriah?"

"I just got a text from them now, they are making their way back. They'll be about 5 minutes." She rushes. I shake my head.

"There's no time. I'll have to go alone." I say standing up and grabbing my mini hand gun.

"What are you doing? You'll get killed down there!" She says grabbing my arm. I shake her off and look sternly at her.

"5 minutes plus the time I add on from talking to you could cost her, her life. Tris could be dead already. I can't wait 5 minutes." I say rushing out the door blocking out Christina calling my name.

I run towards the large steps that make their way right down towards the bottom floor. It's cold and dark down there and the only thing that can be heard is the slight drops of water and the gas heaters.

My steps are quick as I run down the stairs. I hold my gun up as I step off the last step and make my way towards the direction I saw them take her.

I walk a few steps and see a trail of blood and I know it's hers. My mind begins to cloud up with thoughts of what might be happening to her but all I know is that I need to help her, save her...even if it cost me my own life.

I walk up towards the door and place my ear against it, hoping for a slight chance that I can hear anything. I hear deep breaths and a whimper. I know it's her.

"I'm coming baby."  I whisper as I pound on the door at full force, kicking it hard. It takes 3 more hits for the door to come tumbling down and that's when I see her.

"Tris!" I shout running towards her. Her face is pale, her body bruised and her clothes stained in blood. She is struggling to keep herself awake and that's never a good thing.

"Baby, baby!" I say grabbing her face gently. "Stay with me, we will get you out of here."

I start to untie the rope binding her hands together. She looks at me as her eyes tear up.

"You ha-ve to go-o. It's to dang-erous" she stutters. I look at her as her cold hand touches my cheek. She nods lightly, holding in her tears.

I shake my head, "I can't leave you. I won't leave you."

"Please..I won't be-e able to Li-ve with my-myself if something happened-d to you." She says her eyes wide and glistening with tears, "go, before it's too late."

I pick her up and start to walk towards the door but get stopped by two tall guys and female figure in the middle of them. I back away with Tris still in my arms.

The female figure steps forward so I can see her face. My eyes grow wide as I see who it is. I shake my head, this can't be real. An evil smirk spreads across her face as she crosses her arms.

"Hello Tobias." 
