A/N: jeno gotta get a whole chapter to himself :)))

i still feel bad that jeno would be the single one :(

but there would be a surprise ;))))))


jeno was walking on the street, going to his new academy.

he clutched his map tightly as he walked down the lonely and cold road.

"s-seorie r-roa-"

he read out loud as the map showed hin that he was on seorie road.

"b-but... t-this is i-in the m-middle o-of n-nowhere."

he looked around him and gone was the road and it was replaced with a forest. wilted trees in the colour of shit were surrounding him. he walked and walked, not sure of where he was going but he just kept walking.

after a few minutes walking, his legs were getting so tired that he needed to take a short rest. he sat down on the forest floor and took the time to look at the scenery around him.

trees, trees and trees. there were no signs of animals or and humans as there were no camps, campfires or even huts. there was no water so jeno was also thirsty.

"where am i?", he thought.

after sitting for a long time, he eventually stood up and began to walk again.

while he was walking, he heard a rustle coming from the back of him. he stopped walking and the noise behind him also stopped. it seemed like there was someone following him.

"who's there?", jeno asked without even turning back.

no response.

he slowly turned around to see...

"LEE F***ING JENO!!!!"

oh shit! a monster!!!

jeno finally woke up to his screaming mother.

his mother had a slipper on her left hand, probably wanting to slap jeno with it.

he sat up straight and was still half-asleep.

"ugly monster...", he muttered.

his mother's face became more red.

"wait... mom?"

before jeno could apologise, he received a slap onto his face by a slipper.

and guess who hit him?

none other than the "ugly monster".

it was a nightmare in real life too for lee jeno, a 19-year old boy.

he got back up and started apologising before his mother can slap him across the face again.

after apologising, he went into the bathroom and saw his face on the mirror. there was a red imprint of his mother's slipper.

it was embarassing for him to go to his new school with a red mark of a slipper on his face so after his shower, he took a bag that he never brought out from his cabinet.

a makeup bag.

usually, boys would be so embarassed to have some makeup or wear any type of makeup upon their face. well, jeno was ome of them.

jeno already had a beautiful face, what was the use of makeup? well...

when jeno was at middle school, he was bullied. bullied for the ugly cuts he had on his face, his face in general.

"your face looks like a girl's."
"ew, bitch."
"are you even a boy?"
"nah, he's too girlish to be one."

all those types of comments, jeno experiened. so, he started to use makeup to make him look better and the bullying eventually stopped. he never touched the makeup bag again as it brought back the pain and memories he had to go through during his childhood.

nonetheless, he placed some foundation on his cheek and evenly spread it. soon, the foundation covered the bruise entirely and jeno was impressed.

he went downstairs and saw his mom standing over a stove.

"hi mom."

jeno's mom turned around and smiled at her son.

"i made breakfast, let's eat."

they sat down and started to eat the food prepared.

"by the way, where did the bruise go?"

jeno stopped eating amd pretended not to know.

"huh? what bruise?"

"oh. i thought there was a bruise, i wanted to give you some ointment."

jeno nervously chuckled.

"nah, there was no bruise whatsoever."

the rest of breakfast went by with comfortable silence as they ate their food. it was time for jeno to go when the clock striked 8.

he brought all the things he needed and made his way out the door before hugging his mom and saying his goodbye.

there onwards, he took his car and drove to school.
