A/N: it has been kinda long since i didn't update this story or the other one, the yuwin one. i apologize cuz' currently, hell has started.

i will try to write more chapters but i cant promise that much cuz' hell is here.


by the way, this chaoter would be kinda short sorry.

anyways please enjoy this chapter.


"cue bird's chirping."


jaemin rolled around his bed, grabbing a pillow to cover his ears.

"can those birds shut the hell up?!", he muffled into his pillow.

jaemin swore that he could hear cursing from the apartment...

after 10 minutes of unsuccessful sleep, he finally woke up.

he was usually cranky every morning due to the lack of sleep. he always had night-time part time jobs to keep him afloat and pay his rent.

you see, jaemin had come from a pretty decent family. but he wanted to try to be independant and his parents unwillingly let him go. he could ask his parents for money anytime but he just doesn't want to be a burden to them.

such a great son. (i mean, all parent's dream)

he started his usual morning routine and went to the tiny kitchen of his.

he had just bought a new coffee machine as his old one broke down after too much work.

jaemin really loves his coffee.

he brewed some black coffee to-go while cooking some eggs and bacon.

nananananana nananananananananana."
(actually counted the "na" irl oops)

he hummed as he was cooking. the coffee brewer dinged, signallimg that the coffee was ready. he quickly ate his breakfast right off the pan and took the cup of coffee out with him as well as his suitcase for his new school.

"goodbye. even though you are tiny i would miss you."

he talked to the apartment as if it can reply back.

and of course, it would not be jaemin if he did not bring his beloved coffee machine with him.

he swung open the front door and stepped his foot out.



jisung cursed as he stubbed his toe to the table right beside his bed.

he was awoken by stupid birds and probably a scream.

bet its his annoying, shitty neighbour.

none other than the na jaemin.

jaemin amd jisung was never on good terms as they had their fueds as neighbours.

one time, jaemin's loud ass music keeps jisung awake at night. after several minutes of keeping up with it, jisung cannot hold it in anymore and stormed out off his dorm. he banged his fists onto jaemins door and demanded the music to be turned down. jaemin of course, grudgingly turned down the music.

and so, they hated each other's guts.

jisung held his right foot in agonizing pain and rocked back and forth. his toe was already swelling up and turning so red in colour.

and great, its his first day at the new school.

yay life!

jisung limped all the way to the living room and got some bandages that he never used in the 4 years living at that apartment.

he wrapped his red toe with it and took a bath.

after the bath, he went to the kitchen and micorwaved some leftover cheese sandwich from 3 days ago.

he ate it and for him, it tasted like heaven.

he savoured the taste but then a "ding!" from his phone reminded that he needed to leave for school.

he grabbed his suitcase and ran to the door.


two boys came out at the same time. ( hehe came out of wut)

two boys that did not pay attention to their surroundings.

two boys that bumped into each other.

two boys that despised each other.


( i am incredibly sorry guys...)

they both said it at the same time as they regained their senses.

"what are you doing?"

"living. what about you?"

"preparing to die."

jisung snickered.

"good for you."

jisung then went to the elevator without saying a word with jaemin following him suit.

they entered the elevator ans had an awkward silence. their fingers touched when they wanted to press the floor number.

and that added more tension.

jisung and jaemin both did not have their own cars.

so, jisung walked to the bus stop with jaemin behind him. by now, he was thinking that jaemin was following him. but he pushed that thought aside.

the bus came and they both got on the bus. the trip was long as the academy was counted far from where they lived. it took an hour before it finally arrived there. by then, those two were the only ones in the bus (excluding the bus driver himself).

jisung was seriously thinking that jaemin was following him.

they arrived onto the lobby of Whitecross Academy and jisung hopped out of the bus first.

jisung then saw jaemin also coming out of the bus from a corner of his eye.

"stop following me!!!"

jaemin stopped and looked at jisung in confusion.

"you think i am following you? ha as if."

"then what are you doing?"

"i go to school here you idiot."
