It's Always the Parents' Fault

I get home  and head to my room. I close the door and lock it before I begin to allow my tears to fall. I feel terrible. It wasn't until now that I realized how much finding him would hurt. He must've spent his life trying to remove the thought of a family and now that he has come to terms with it, I'm here to ruin it. I feel so bad.

"Honey?" I hear my mom call from the other side.

"Go away!" I shout.

"Did you meet him?" Mom asks.

"Go away!" I yell even louder.

"Okay, but dinner's ready if you want it." She says and I hear her footsteps recede. I continue to sulk until I fall asleep. When I wake up, I head strait to the kitchen where my dinner sits on the table. As I eat I look over at the clock; 6:39. It's still pretty early. My phone buzzes in my pocket. I answer.

"Hello?" I say

"y/n" I hear my dad ask on the other side.

"Hi dad" I smile sadly.

"Hi hon, how's Korea?" He asks.

"It's great everything I've ever expected and more." I say.

"You didn't expected much." 

"My point exactly" I joke, he laughs.

"So...have you met him yet?" he asks after a pause.

"Yea, he looked a lot like me, especially when I have my hair in a bun. He was so nice. It was like a direct reflection of me. And he sounded like me to, it was like talking to myself. And dad?"


"He smelled like cake. Maybe he had just eaten cake but, it was the most wonderful thing ever!" I laugh.

"I'm glad." He says.


"Yes hun?"

"I'm still mad. More at mom than you but that's 'cause I miss you so much." I hear him sigh on the other side.

"I know y/n and I'm sorry. It was a burden to keep your brother from you but it was easier than the truth."

"You still haven't told me the truth." I pout.

"Didn't your mom tell you. We only wanted a daughter and couldn't support both of you so, we gave your brother up for adoption."

"Mom did tell me that, and that's part of the reason why I hate her more, but I don't believe either of you."

I only trusted myself, my brother, and...him.

