A 2nd Meeting

"Hi, I'm here to see the CEO" I tell the lady at the front desk. She looks up at me skeptically.

"Who are you exactly?" She asks.

"I'm the daughter of the CEO of Smart industries" I lie. I am definitely not the CEO's  daughter although many people tell me I look like her. By the weird look she gives me, I'd say she doesn't believe me. She picks up the phone and dials a number.

"Can I get security down here." She says.

"Are you serious!" I exclaim pulling out my best rich girl act. "I have been sitting in a hot car for over an hour to get here and you want to call security? Why? Cause I'm a foreigner? Is this how you treat all of your foreign guest. I'll make sure to go online and post that to my 4.7 million subscribers."

"Please calm down, I'll check with CEO Bang."

"Thank you," I smile and take a seat.

"Ms. Miller" the lady says after a while, "CEO Bang will see you now." I get up and follow an escort to Mr. Bang's office.  The escort knocks the door.

"Come in" I hear from the other side. We walk in.

"Ms. Miller, what brings you in here today?" He asks. I wait for the guide to leave before answering.

"In reality? I'm not really CEO Miller's daughter."

"Then who are you?" He asks and I can see his hand inch towards the phone.

"I am y/n l/n. I've sent you multiple emails and I'm here to see my brother." I say proudly.

"You're the one who's been stalking my employees, " He exclaims.

"I have only been searching for my brother. Please sir, I am desperate! I just want to meet him," I look at him with teary eyes.

"You sure are a good actress. Fine." He buzzes his secretary.

"Yes sir?" She asks.

"Send in Han Duri."

"Yes sir," she hangs up. After an awkward moment or two, the door opens. When I see him it's like the whole world stops. Realizing I've always had another part of my identity that I've been blind to for forever, realizing that he's spent his life not knowing where he came from or who his biological family was. I immediately tear up and I just want to run away. He probably doesn't even want to know me or want anything to do with me. I fall to my knees crying, allowing all my doubt to take over.

"Miss are you okay?" He asks running next to me. Hearing his voice just makes my tears double. His voice is so much like mine.

"No, no, I'm not okay." I cry. After I run out of tears, I stand up with his help.

"I'm y/n," I say with a bow.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Han Duri," He models the bow.

"They chose quite the name." I mumble.

"What was that?" He asks.

"Nothing, it's nice to meet you too," I smile.

"May I ask why you were crying?" He says.

" It's just... I'm sorry to drop this on you but I have to let you know. Y-you're my brother." I say hesitantly.

"What? No, no. You must be confused, I don't have a family." He says shaking his head.

"Yes, yes you do. A mom, a dad, and me, your twin sister." I say taking a step closer to him. After a moment, he asks,

"Were you abandoned too?" I look down.

"No." I mumble.


" I wasn't abandoned..." I say.

"What?" He looks appalled.

"I know this is a lot to take in, but please it took me a long time to find you, all by myself, can you join me for a meal to talk about it?" He sighs and thinks for a moment before nodding.

Memories to create and bind, the bond of siblings.

