
"Teach me the divine techniques of the Moon God Realm."

William focused all his attention on Dongxue as he awaited her reply.

Seeing Dongxue not saying anything, a frown appeared on William's face.

"Tell me the profound techniques of the Moon God Realm.", William said putting more pressure in his voice.


This time Dongxue's body trembled a little as an unwilling expression appeared on her face.

Just as William was wondering if anything went wrong.


[The power of the current body is too low to exhibit the full power of the skill 'Authority Of Love'(SS) due to this the host is unable to make the target do anything that he/she is unwilling to do.]

William's brows hardened as he read the message.

After thinking for a while, William said.

"Tell me all techniques that you know, Which do not belong to the Moon God Realm."

This time the calm expression returned to her face as she started reciting the names of a multitude of techniques.

After he gave the command, William didn't have much hope of finding a good profound technique after all would a person belonging to the moon God realm know any good technique which didn't belong to the moon God realm?.

But still thinking that even a normal technique from the God realm will be better than ninety percent of the techniques found on this planet, William decided to carefully listen to her words.

"Monkey stealing pouch, Ying-Yang reversal, Ascending to True God in a single day...."

Just when William was about to give up after hearing those unreliable names.

".....[transmigration]....., Great Way of the Buddha...."

Hearing the unexpected name, a glint passed through William's eyes.



Lightly closing the door behind him, William exited Dongxue's room.

Moving his eyes, William calmly looked at the pannel.

[Profound skills:-

*Great Way Of The Buddha*(Not Initiated)

*World Ode Of Phoenix(5th and 6th level)

'I didn't know that the Rage God is not a member of the twelve star fact the Rage God's legacy is not an exclusive technique belonging to the Star God Realm it's actually known by almost all the Royal realms It's just that using it is too hard as you require the profound veins of a True God to even start practicing the [Great Way of the Buddha] which is not a hard requirement for those at the Royal realms.....but since they already have their own complete legacies, Not many of them bother practicing it and even those who did gave up after reaching the first level as the pain was too much for them.'

'An unexpected but welcomed encounter....', William thought as a glint passed through his eyes.

[WARNING! WARNING! only two minutes are left, please exit the body or unknown consequences my occur.]

Seeing the message, Just as William was about to exit the body.


A maid ran up to him in a hurry.

"Master please look at the young miss for some reason she won't stop crying."

In a hurry the maid pushed the baby in William's arms who was too slow to stop her.


Holding the crying baby, William stopped himself from leaving the body as he might end up dropping the baby on the ground.

Frowning in his mind, William calmly looked at the baby who was crying loudly with her nose dripping out in his hands.

Just as William was about to hand her over to the maid, The baby opened her tearful eyes and looked at William.

Looking at William, The baby all of a sudden stopped crying.

But instead of a blank expression, a smile full of happiness appeared on her face.

'But I deactivated [Authority Of Love](SS) after exiting the room....', William tilted his head on confusion.

'Well it dosen't matter.', He thought as he extended his hand to give the child back to the maid.

"Young Miss is really fond of you Master", The maid said as she saw Xia Qingyue  using her small hands to grab onto William's sleeves as if refusing to let go.

Just as William was about to hand her over.


[Unique constitution "Nine Profound Exquisite Body"(Not activated) discovered.]

[Unique constitution "Heart Of Snow Glazed Glass"(Not activated) discovered]


[Would you like to exchange the child for 500,000 divine points?]

For a moment William was stunned as he saw the message.

Then slowly his eyes narrowed as a multitude of thoughts went pass his mind.
[P.s- the reason why the divine points in exchange for Xia Qingyue are kinda low is because her her powers are not yet activeted.]
