Chapter 43

After explaining to Chu Yuechan in as much details as he remembered, William sent her away.

After sending her away, William sat on the ice cold floor and wondered.

'What to do now?'

Well at first William just wanted to try and become the strongest person out there.

But having spent 4 years in this world has cooled down his ambition by quite a lot.

Though still thought that being overly powerful will be great.

He just didn't feel the amount of excitement he did before.

Staring at the ice ceiling, William actually felt bored....

Seriously if we take away cultivation then this is an extremely backward world.

The only form of entertainment in here is a freaking love hotel filled with shitty 50+ old hags who look like a 20 year old and act like a 15 year old.

Ahem don't ask how he knows all this....

'Tsk the only other form of entertainment is to beat up some random young master which pops up in every now and then in a martial arts novel.....'

'Those shitty useless young masters who last like 10 pages of actual content...'

'Hm arrogant young masters...'

Then an idea suddenly hit William.

'Aren't I also a young master?'

He totally forgot that he was a member of the Xiao family as well.

"That's it!"

William said as he stood up.

"I will become the most arrogant of all young masters!! the best out there! a young master who lasted for 20--no for atleast 50 chapters!!!."

Having made up his mind William was in high spirits once again.

Meanwhile a disciple who was passing by the room staggered and almost fell when she heard William laughing like a maniac.


With amazing speed William managed to return back to the Xiao familie's residence.

With his current powers he was easily able to spot that the strongest powerhouse in his family was in the early stages of Emperor Profound Realm.

And he appeared to be his grandfather as well.


A cruel father and a hidden grandfather as well! he was simply destined to be a young master!

"But before that....."

Suddenly a golden flame surrounded William as his body started changing.

In no time his teenager body shrunk and returned back to the child form with burning red hair and scarlet eyes.

No way in hell they would recognise him if he were to go in with his teenage form.

So he turned back.

And yes he was able to switch between the forms.

It's a cultivation world don't go asking for logic.

With a step, William appeared before his father.

Xiao Juetian was just about to drink his read when a pair of red eyes appeared before him.


William had a weird look on his face as he looked at his father, he never knew the old man could shout like a little girl.

Xiao Juetian collected his breath, he was almost scared to death just now, then remembering how he screamed like a little girl made him want to dig a hole and die.

With sharp look in his eyes he pointed at William and said in an angry voice.

"You little brat! such guts! you've only been away for a few weeks and now you have no respect for your father? Hah! stop flying and come down when I am talking to yo--y-y-----"

Xiao Juetian started shuttering as he stared at the floating William wide wide eyes.

"You can fly!!!!"

It was simply absurd!

Only sky profound realm cultivators were able to fly.

But this....

Xiao Juetian felt that he was hallucinating.

Aren't you a bit too exaggerated?

You were only away for a few weeks and now you have returned as a sky profound realm cultivator?

Even I your father am only at the 9th stage of sky profound realm!

Are you even human?

Won't you just ascend if you were to go out for a year?

Actually William could ascend right now if he wanted to...

Though it will probably end up giving Xiao Juetian a heart attack....

The bewilderment was quickly converted into joy.

"You...what happened?"

He was dying to know how his youngest child managed to reach sky profound realm.
(Note- he can't sense William's cultivation realm and is just assuming that he is in sky profound realm.)

Seeing his father's questioning gaze, William started telling the story he had prepared beforehand.

The more he listened to William's story the more dumbfounded he became.

'So you manage to somehow find a God's inheritance ground, slept through the entire trial and ended up obtaining the inheritance which helped you break through?'

'Wonderful! the amount of bull*hit you can come up with at such a young age is simply wonderful!'

"Listen here son I might be old but I'm not that old!"

William saw Xiao Juetian doubtful gaze but he couldn't care less about it.

What? You don't believe me?

What can you do if you don't?

I'll just keep repeating it till you have no choice but to believe me!

So after playing dumb and not replying to any of Xiao Juetian's further inquires, Xiao Juetian was left with no choice but to believe his son's bull*hit.

"So where is that dragon god's trial ground you speak of son."

'Finally we are getting to the important details.'

William quickly explained where the trial ground was located.

"Wasteland Of Death..."

Xiao Juetian frowned when he heard the name of one of the forbidden grounds.

Honestly the sudden turn of events were a bit too much for him to swallow.

"Oh I almost forgot I have a gift for you father."

Before Xiao Juetian could react a drop of Azura blood appeared before his eyes.

"Is this....."

Xiao Juetian asked with a hesitant voice as he felt the  massive powers coming out of the blood.

"Indeed it is the reward I received from the trial."

After completing his trial William received ten drops of Azura Dragon God's blood, 8 of which he ended up using while upgrading his body and now he was left with two unused ones.

William didn't have any use for these drops of blood, although he could exchange them for divine points, seeing the massive 200 million he had, he decided to give these drops to his parents instead.

"This gift is too precious son I cannot accept this-------"

"Yes yes yes here you go."

Having no intention of listening to the stupid 'Oh how can I take something which my son got from his encounter' plot, William directly threw the drop in his father's forehead.


A loud dragon's roar shook the entire Xiao residence as a majestic power descended on the place.

"Who is it?", Xiao Wuqing, William's grandfather suddenly appeared in the room and saw a scene which almost shocked him to death.


Xiao Wuqing asked in a confused voice as he stared at the familiar figure with burning eyes.

3rd level of Emperor Profound Realm!

The old man was so shocked he couldn't beath.

Xiao Juetian's white hair turned black once more as his old body returned back to the prime of his life.

Xiao Juetian released a breath of turbid air as he opened his eyes and stared at his son.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something but in the end hesitated and closed it back up.

But in his heart Xiao Juetian decided to give his son whatever he wanted from now on, he would do his best to fulfill whatever desire his son has in the future.

Then Xiao Juetian turned to look at his father Xiao Wuqing.

The old man started questioning him like crazy and Xiao Juetian just repeated what William told him.

After hearing the story Xiao Wuqing slapped Xiao Juetian's head and said in anger.

"Listen here son I might be old but I am not that old!!"

Then William and Xiao Juetian looked at him with a weird expression.

Why does this feel so familiar?

They were indeed father and son!


William left the room, leaving his father and grandfather to plan things themselves.

He already gave them enough hints, the two shrewd old men should know what to do next.

Walking through the familiar passage, William arrived before a particular room.

"Mother it's me."

Suddenly sound of hurried footsteps rand out from behind the door as a woman suddenly opened the door with a huge force almost destroying the poor inanimate object.

Seeing the pair of watery eyes looking straight at him, William felt a bit awkward.

"I have come bac------"

Before he could continue a pair of hands quickly picked him up and pulled him in a tight hug.

William wanted retort by saying that this amount of force should have ended up suffocating a normal kid but held himself back when he heard the muffled crying sound.

"I'm so glad that you're okay...."

William felt helpless, for some reason he was just unable to say anything when he was in her presence.

It felt like his body's natural reaction.

'It's not like I hate it though.....'

William thought as he enjoyed the familiar warmth coming from the hug.

It was funny how he, someone who could destroy the world if he stepped hard enough was finding comfort in the arms of his mother who wasn't even a sky profound realm cultivator.

Indeed some things just couldn't be explained with words, you have to experience them yourself to understand.
