Chapter 19

Its been a wild past day so far. Me and Sonic got to seaside city where the chaotix lived but eggman and starline beat us to it. They infected so many people and Charmy is missing. I can only think the worst of what happened. I searched all over the city while Sonic covered me and I couldn't find him. The poor kid is either lost or a zombot and I'm hoping it isn't the second option. Me and Sonic made up our minds to go see Cream before it's too late. We've taken the night to rest first before we headed off. Knowing Eggman I know he'll go to their village and infect it just to piss off Sonic. I just hope it isn't the same case for Cream and Vanilla.' They are literally like the mother and sister that I don't have. Sometimes I just wish for vanilla to adopt me. I swear to chaos if anything happened to them, let just say that I'll be done with playing the "nice" card. Currently me and Sonic are at floral forest. The place where Cream and Vanilla live. But eggman had already started infecting.

With Eggman and starline.

Dr. Starline: I don't understand, doctor. This village is too remote to be of any strategic value. Why are we going out of our way to infect it?

Eggman:[while speaking on the microphone] Its twofold, my dear starline. Once fully converted, this lush green space will turn into a veritable minefield of metal virus infection vectors that not even Sonic can avoid. And he'll run right into it all because he has some dear friends here! What better way to break his will than hit him where it hurts! Having fun Sonic? Hahaha!

With Sonic and Y/n

Sonic:[irritated] When I'm done here we're gonna have words eggman!

Y/n:[angrilly] I swear if you hurt my sister and my mother then I will break your necks!

Sonic laughs at Y/n's protectiveness.

Sonic: You're awfully cute when you're angry.

Y/n:[Blushes] Now isn't the time for that!

Sonic switches back to serious mode. Sonic kicks a zombot away from a citizen and Y/n hits it away with her hammer.

Sonic:[whistles in delight] Nice shot!

Y/n:[blushes darker] Stop complimenting me! You're distracting me from the zombots![hits a zombot in the head]

Sonic:[smirks slyly] I'm distracting you huh?[kicks a zombot] What are you gonna do about it beautiful?

Y/n blushes darker. 

Y/n: Beautiful?!

Sonic: You are beautiful. 

Y/n:[smashes a zombot] Stop doing that!

Sonic:[sarcastically and playfully] Doing what? Whatever do you mean?[kicks spin attacks a zombot] Y'know, you look cute it that new dress.

Y/n:[punches a zombot] You're doing it again! You're flirting with me! 

Sonic:[kicks a zombot] What if I am?

Y/n:[strikes a zombot] Stop or I will bash your head in!

Sonic:[drop kicks a zombot] I mean you could do that. But why would you want to do that to this handsome face my strong lady?

Y/n: We have other things to do- Wait-"strong lady".  

Sonic: Yup. I mean I'm not wrong. You are my strong lady.

Y/n:[kicks a zombot] I'm not your strong lady. You're saying it like I belong to you or something.

Sonic runs up to her. He holds her waist and brings her closer to him. He then lifts her chin so that they are staring at each other. 

Sonic:[in a serious yet loving tone] Maybe I don't want anybody else to have you? Maybe I want you all to myself? You don't know. 

Y/n blushed Knuckles red and Sonic simply laughed at her face and let her go. 

Y/n: Stop! We have to see if Cream and Vanilla are okay!(Why do you toy with my feelings? Why do you make my heart beat so fast? Why do I just love you so much? Is this what Amy feels when she's around you? Please make the harsh yet fast beating in my chest go away. If I take anymore of his flirting then I don't know what will happen. )

Sonic: Fair enough.(Dear chaos her blushing is just too cute. I just have the strong urge to just grab her back and give her a kiss on her soft, plump lips. No! Don't think like that Sonic! We have work to do!)

Y/n jumped in Sonic's arms and he dashed to creams house.

With cream and Vanilla.

Cream is at the window watching the chaos unfold.

Vanilla: Cream! Close the shutters and get away from the window!

Cream: Y-yes mother!

Cream obeys and run to her mother who is pushing the book shelf to the door.

Cream: Our neighbors are in trouble! I should go help!

Vanilla: This isn't like your adventures with Amy rose or the others! You're still a little girl! We're not heroes like them!

Cream: But I'll have cheese with me! He'll help look after me! He always does!

Cheese: Chao- Chao! 

Cream: And you'll have chocola to look after you!

Vanilla stoops down to Creams level.

Vanilla: You're a brave little girl and I know you've done amazing things. But I can't allow you to go out there. Stay in here and protect our home. Okay?

Cream:[sighs] Yes, mother.

Cream turns to Gmerl. 

Cream: If I stay to protect the house, will you go and help the village Gmerl?

Gmerl:[gives a thumbs up] Request acknowledged. Proceeding to assist Village defenses to protect, Cream, Vanilla, and family.  

With Starline.

Dr. Starline: Even with a low population density, this village is succumbing rapidly to the metal virus.

Dr. Eggman:[while sitting on his throne] Such efficiency is the sign of true genius wouldn't you say?[smirks] Attention all zombots! Pile up on Sonic! Lets see him run off a full infection! Make sure to leave Y/n alone.

Back with Sonic and Y/n.

Sonic and Y/n run past the zombots. Sonic notices that they aren't moving to pile up on him.

Sonic: Huh. Lucky break.

Y/n: Don't jinx it.

Sonic: I hear you sweetie.

Y/n:[blushes] Stop it!

Back On the face ship.

Cubot: Uh Boss? They ain't moving. Atleast, not in the way you told them to.

Eggman:[surprised} HUH?!

Orbot points to the chart on his screen and Starline looks at it.

Orbot: Actually, boss. There's been a steady decline in zombots responding to your voice commands since we started. 

Starline walks to Dr. Eggman.

Dr. Starline: How is that possible?

Eggman: Well... It is a virus. Spreading from exposure may be prompting random mutations in the coding.

Dr. Starline: "May"? Didn't you account for that possibility?

Dr. Eggman: Its working. Isn't it? Like you said, the virus is spreading as intended. I can work out the bugs in post.

Dr. Starline: But if it get out of control-!

Dr. Eggman:[stands up and stretches] Then I'll find a way to control it! Nnngh! You've ruined my good mood. I'm going to get something to eat.

Eggman walks away and Dr. Starline walks over to orbot.

Dr. Starline: Orbot... May I confide in you?

Orbot: Provided you keep my next break a secret?

Dr. Starline:... Yes?

Orbot: Deal! Now what's on your mind?

Starline: Ever since he started his conquest of this world, I've been fascinated by Dr. Eggman. His brilliance, his tenacity, his charisma. I devoted myself to robotics and the search for arcane powers because of him. Whenever I reached an impasse in my research, I'd ask myself: "what would eggman do?" I've done so much, driven by what I thought I knew about him but... I'd always assumed Sonic defeated him because he was so unnaturally powerful. But now it looks like the real reason is cause Eggman can't adapt to or plan for the long term. 

Orbot: Eh... Its a fifty-fifty  to be honest. Big idea, big execution, Sonic shows up, "I hate that hedgehog", Big explosion. Rinse, repeat.

Starline goes into thought.

with the hedgehog duo.

Sonic spin attacks a zombot saving a mother and her baby. Sonic knocks it off its feet and Y/n hits it elsewhere.

Sonic: A shuttle is coming! Everyone evacuate! 

Y/n: Head north to the glade!

Sonic's Pov

Every time I hit a zombot it makes my infection spread faster. I need to go for a run to burn it off, but I can't leave Y/n to handle the villagers by herself. The last thing I want is for her to get hurt thanks to a zombot. I can't just run in place or do donuts-won't be fast enough. I still haven't found cream either. Maye she's holed up at her place? I'm practically there, so-

Normal POV.

Sonic's train of thought was cut off as he is knocked off his feet by Gmerl.  Y/n quickly catches Sonic in a bridal position.

Sonic:[smirks] Looks like I'm back where I belong.~

Y/n drops Sonic on his butt. 

Sonic: Ow! Did you cross some wires Gmerl? I thought we were friends?!

Gmerl: Sonic. Designation: Friend. Analysis: Infected with the same Material as villagers. Assessment: You will transform too. Highest level to creams safety. I will not allow that. 

Y/n: Fair enough but he can keep it under control.

Gmerl: Assessment:  Infection has spread beyond Fifty percent. Conversion  imminent. You are an immediate threat.

Gmerl tries to kick at Sonic but is blocked by Y/n's hammer and pushed back.

Sonic: Thanks.

Y/n: You're welcome.

Sonic: Gmerl I can run it off! Or maybe you can help? You can bond with machines right? You can bond with me or another zombot, and-

Gmerl: Negative. Metallic virus infrastructure incompatible. I cannot control it. It cannot affect me. Elimination is only option. If you can reduce you threat level by running then run.

Sonic: There are people that still need my help!

Gmerl: You cannot help. You are a threat. Reduce threat level or be eliminated.

Sonic: I can't fight you and the zombots! Quit being a jerk!

Gmerl: Top priority: Keeping Cream safe. Your compliance is not mandatory. Warning: Arming Missiles. 

Sonic looks down at his hand and sees the metal virus creeping.

Sonic:[irritated] Fine, Have it your way. Y/n stay here and grab Cream.

Y/n nodded and Sonic fan off.

Gmerl: Y/n get behind me.

Y/n obeyed. 

Gmerl: Commencing purge.

Gmerl shoots his missiles at the Zombots. Cream runs out of her house.

Cream: Gmerl Stop!

Cream goes infront of Gmerl.

Cream: You've got to stop.

Gmerl: I must protect Cream. Creams commands, I do not. Please specify parameters.

Cream: You can protect us but your going too far!

Y/n moved from behind Gmerl and beside cream.

Gmerl: Proximity to residence has remained no greater than twenty meters.

Y/n: That's not what she means! You attacked Sonic!

Cream: He's our friend! He would never do anything to hurt us! You know that!

Gmerl: Sonic is infected. Sonic is a threat.

Cream: Sonic is a victim! I asked you to protect the village and you attacked someone who's trying to save it!

Gmerl: I.. may not have operated optimally.

Cream: And these zombots are victims too! You can't go and blow them up!

Y/n: Cream?

Cream: Yes Miss Y/n?

Y/n: It's not gonna hurt the at all. They are just gonna regenerate whatever part he blows up.

Cream: Oh...

Y/n: But you're not wrong, Its still wrong to blow them up in the first place.

Gmerl pushed back Y/n and cream. 

Gmerl: Logic error. Zombots are a threat. Please specify. 

Cream: They didn't want to be robots! They don't want to do bad things! You shouldn't punish cause eggman is making them do it! Eggman made you into a scary robot too, remember? All you did was fight and destroy. But our friends did destroy you! Tails fixed you. You got t come and live with me. Don't they deserve a chance to be fixed? Shouldn't they be happy?

Gmerl pushed a zombot away.

Gmerl: New mission parameters Accepted. Only non lethal force authorized. Delay, detain. disable. 

Cream hugs Gmerl in happiness.

Cream: Hooray! Thank you! Be sure to apologize to Sonic when he gets back.

Cream lets go of Gmerl and he flies off with two zombots in his hand.

Y/n: I'll protect you cream. If you see me get touched by a zombot, don't worry. Apparently I'm immune to their touch. 

Cream: Okay!

A scream is heard from Creams house.

Cream: Mother?

Y/n: Lets go check it out! Hurry!

Cream and Y/n rush to the house to see vanilla surrounded by zombots.

Vanilla: Cream! Run!

Cheese flies and hits a zombot.

Cream: No! Don't touch it! Stop just come with me!

Chocola also attacks a zombots. 

Cream: Chocola! Don't.

Y/n stands in front of them with her hammer.

Y/n: Guys run! I'll be fine! The virus doesn't affect me! Just run!

Vanilla grabs Cream and makes a dash for the door

Cream:[cries] No! We can't leave them!

A zombot blocks the door stopping Vanilla in her tracks. Sonic spin dashes it out of the way.

Sonic: Stupid zombots! I just got clean too. 

Y/n came running in with zombots behind her. 

Sonic: Crap. Cream, kiddo I need you in there and now. This is bad but cheese wouldn't want you to get caught. He'd want you to be brave. 

Y/n: We need you to be brave. Okay?

Cream:[Sniffles] O-Okay.

Sonic: We know you can do this, get your mom and head to the north glade. Get to safety. We'll get everyone out of here then find a way to fix this- right?

Cream:[wipes her eyes] Yeah.

Cream grabs Vanilla and flies her out of the house.

Vanilla: Thank you Y/n and Mr. Sonic! Take care of yourselves!

Sonic: We'll be fine! Keep safe!

Sonic and Y/n watch as Cream flies off with her mom.

Sonic: I swear she's alot like your younger self. You know what I thought when you won your first battle?

Y/n: What?

Sonic: I thought that you were going to grow up into an amazing person, and you did. 

Y/n blushed. 

Sonic: Cream is also gonna be an amazing person. 

Y/n: Enough complimenting-

A zombot almost jumped on them but were intercepted by Gmerl who comes flying in.

Sonic: Thanks.

Gmerl: You are welcome. I am sorry.

Y/n: That was fast.

Sonic:[smirks] Just how I like it.

Y/n: Cream and Vanilla are heading to the north glade. You make sure the shuttle gets off okay. We'll cover you here.

Gmerl: Understood. Initiating new mission parameters. 

Gmerl flies off. Sonic sees cheese and chocola about to fly off. He runs inside, grabs two jars and runs back out to cover them with the jars.

Sonic: Oh no you don't! Zombots on the ground? I can trip them. You two flying around? That could cause some trouble. Sorry guys.

Sonic looks at the flying shuttle that is now passing by with a smile. A zombot almost attacks him but in intercepted by Y/n.

Sonic: Thanks.

Sonic gets a beep on his communicator in his ear. He answers it.

Rouge from the communicator: Sonic? This is Rouge. Do you copy?

Sonic: Yo, I copy.

Rouge: Are you and Y/n busy?

Sonic: Just wrapping up some personal business.[dodges  a zombot]

Rouge: I just got intel that eggman is en route to sunset city.

Y/n: Not sunset city! 

Sonic:[with sass] We know your friends with like half the population Y/n. We get it.

Y/n:[with sass] Its quarter of the population thank you very much!

Rouge: Anyways, Shadow and Omega are already heading there to intercept but..

Sonic: You wouldn't mind the extra help.  Got it! See you there!

The communication is now cut.

Y/n: We both heard eggman try to turn the zombots against us. If he converted an entire city that would be way more zombots than he can't control.

Sonic: This'll go from bad to worse, to nightmare overnight. We better push it and get there fast.

Sonic grabbed Y/n and put her in the bridal position. He then ran off to sunset city, not realising that both cheese and chocola have broken out of the jars.
