Y/n's traits and whatever.

Name: Y/n L/n

Gender: female

Age: 13

Species: Hedgehog

Race: Mobian

Eyes: e/c

Hair and fur : F/c

Skin: s/c

Sexuality: Bisexual(meaning she's attracted to both genders )


Kid(mainly by sonic), Kiddo, Ray of sunshine, peanut (vanilla mainly because she's so small), Child (by shadow), Hammer buddy (by Amy), Miss Y/n (By cream). Adorable [by everyone including eggman]

Personality: overall a pleasant person to be around, Sweet but protective over her friends, kind to almost everyone, determined to prove she's strong and take care of herself without sonic protecting her. 

Likes: Her friends, Making new friends, Hugs, Fighting, Basically almost anything positive. Wisps, cute things. 

Dislikes: Starline flirting with her, Not making a new friend, Being teased, Her personality reminding others of dogs, Not smiling, seeing her friends hurt. Sonic having To come and save her, People scolding her or doubting her abilities especially by Sonic. Heights, Closed spaces, and the dark.(it brings back serious memories that might bring her into a panic attack if she's alone. She will start crying hysterically if left alone.


Clumsy, child like but can be responsible and serious some times which shocks everyone, Smiles A lot and lives by the motto that she made herself  "I got no time to be sad, if I'm sad then the world is doomed".  Loves to be praised especially by her heroes sonic and shadow, her eyes will sparkle and her tail will wag uncontrollably which causes everyone to awe at her cause she's so adorable. Will make herself feel pain to make others see another day. Will do anything to protect her friends. Tends to purr when someone pats her head or scratches her ear. Makes friends very easily. Magnet for pain. If she don't like you then you got something seriously wrong with you. 

What others think of her


Thinks she's the embodiment of innocence beauty and cuteness and Will make it known to her. Loves to make her mad because he finds her face adorable. Will break someone's bones if anyone hurts her or made her upset. Loves to make her flustered by petting her head or scratching her behind the ears to make her purr. Knows everything under the sun about her cause he almost never leaves her side. Worries about her constantly because of how oblivious, friendly and clumsy she is. Will have a cuteness overload whenever she purrs or clings to him when she's half asleep. Doesn't like when she doubts herself especially her beauty. 


Thinks of her as his little sister and tries to teach her how to use a gun while also trying to ruin her innocents at the same time to piss off sonic. Is internally indebted for helping him remember what Maria asked him to do. Doesn't like how innocent she is and is surprised sonic is trying to keep her innocents for as long as he can. Will burn anyone alive if they toy with her feelings or make her upset.


 Thinks she's adorable and acts like a mother/sister figure to her. Loves how innocent Friendly and cute she is,  It reminds her of that of a puppy.


Thinks she's an amazing person and loves that she actually supports her and sonic being together but knows that eventually sonic might have some feelings for Y/n. Loves how loyal she is despite making friends with the enemy. She would kill anyone who dares make her sad. She thinks of her as a sister. Even though Y/n ships her and Sonic, she thinks Y/n and Sonic would be better off as a couple. Her reasoning is, Her and sonic have a lot in common and they hang out everyday. She thinks it's cute when sonic becomes over protective of her. Plus they know each other better than they know themselves and Amy has caught them in moments them make her die of how cute it is. An example is when they tried baking, She caught them in a flour fight and they didn't stop till they realized Amy was watching. And another thing is, Sonic Will admit that y/n is beautiful even to her face which flusters her and finds it adorable and will beat anyone who thinks otherwise. 


Loves her a lot she, Y/n babysits her and does anything she asks. Loves her childlike personality which makes her more relatable to her. 

Cheese: thinks the same as cream.

Vector: Thinks she's better than charmy but loves as if he was her father.

Vanilla: Loves her as her own daughter.

Knuckles: Loves her like a sister.

Charmy: Likes to play video games with her and over all this she's awesome.


Thinks of her as a child that needs to be disciplined.


One of the only mobians he tolerates.


Thinks of her as his sister but has a strange connection with her. Loves how energetic and happy she can be.

Whisper: Feels drawn to her personality. 

Tangle: Instant BFF vibe from her.

Jet: Thinks she's hot and tries to flirt with her 24/7.

Storm: Loves how nice and understanding she can be at times.

Wave: Tries to get jet to leave her alone but thinks she's okay.

Metal sonic:

Thinks the exact same as sonic but tries to get her on his side whenever they encounter.

Tails: Likes how serious she can be and loves when she uses her brain. Over all loves her a lot but hates it when she pets his head.

Eggman: Doesn't like how she's on the side of good. But loves her personality.

Starline: Thinks she's beautiful and tries to charm her despite being in his early 30's and tries to get her on his side. Thinks she has more potential at being bad than being good. IS A PEDO.

Surge: Hates how friendly she is but eventually becomes her friend. 

Kit: Loves the positive vibe he gets from her and loves the praise he gets for everything he does even though it confuses him.

Blaze: Thinks she's adorable but always tries to shield her from danger.

Jules the beetle: Thinks she should tone down the energetic personality.

Orbot and Cubot: Loves everything about her.

Deadly six: Want her to join their side because they see something in her that no one else does.

Gmerl: Will protect her at all cost.

Belle: Thinks of her like a sister.

 Rough and tumble: Thinks she's cute but scared of her like she's the devil herself. 

What Y/n thinks of them:


She thinks he's amazing and when they were younger she would refer to him as the greatest hero to ever live. Now she thinks He needs to let her have a little freedom but loves him more than her life but never says it to his face.


Loves how edgy he is and tries to get him to teach her how things work. Thinks of him like an older brother.


Calls her sis by accident.

Amy: Thinks of her like her BFF and Sister.

Cream: Thinks she should protect her at all cost.

Vanilla: She calls her mom in private but tends to call her that in public by accident.

Silver: Has a strange connection with him but loves him like her brother.

Blaze: Calls her sister.

Metal sonic: Thinks he's adorable but hates it when he hurts sonic.

Eggman: Best frenemy ever.

Gmerl: Likes how much he protects cream but doesn't like how he counts down when she's going to get hurt and its always accurate.

Tangle: BBF Vibes.

Whisper: Complements her on how awesome she is.

Tails: Thinks of him as her baby brother but loves to pet his head.

Knuckles: She makes him teach her how to fight. But calls him bro.

Orbot and Cubot: She thinks they're awesome.

Surge: Doesn't like how mean she is to kit but tries her best to be her friend.

Kit: thinks he's adorable.

Belle: Sister from another mister.

Omega: Thinks he's awesome.

Team chaotix: Loves them like her family.

Babylon rogues: Hates jet, Loves the other team members.

Starline: Doesn't want to touch him with a 100 foot pole aka he's a fucking pedo.

Deadly six: Thinks there scary but masks it with her friendly attitude.

Rough and tumble:  Hates them with a burning passion.

Jules: Loves how shiny she is. 

Things to note about her: 

She falls in love a very easily and always gets her heart broken. An example is when she met an old friend, She fell in love with his looks and did anything he asked. He tended to toy with her feelings, calling her his girlfriend and stuff. When she found out what he was doing, her heart was broken into pieces and she wasn't herself for months. When Sonic and Shadow found out they killed him and didn't bother to hide the body.

Whenever she has a crush she gets all shy and is very desperate for their attention. If she's in a relationship or thinks she is, she will be all shy and blush if you so much as compliment her. She wouldn't want to leave her lover's side no matter what, normally she'd have to be dragged away from them. 

But when she's ready she can put her significant other in their place. There significant other is absolutely shocked at first and immediately listen to her every command when she has that serious look on her face. If she wanted she could back them go on her knees for her entertainment. 
