Crime duo bonding

Just the Crimeboys doing crime together in these short stories of different aus I made for fun :D

1. (kid! Tommy and Teen! Wilbur au)
Tommy ran around his brother, Laughing loudly as he tugged his brother's arm.
"Wilbur!! Let's go there! Pleaseeeee," Tommy begged as he continued to pull Wilbur's arm.
Wilbur scoffed with a fond smile, "Fine, just quickly," Wilbur muttered as he followed Tommy's excited footsteps off to the distance.
 "Hurry up Wilbur!!" Tommy yelled, waiting for Wilbur in the far-off distance,
"Coming you gremlin," Wilbur chuckled as he continued walking at a slow pace towards Tommy. Tommy sputtered, finding great offense to that.
"Excuse you bitch, I'm not a fuckin gremlin!" Tommy angrily thrashed as he a scoffed at Wilbur
"I'm the biggest man alive!" Tommy grinned, as he continued walking to the offside,
"Whatever you say, child," Wilbur smiled. 

2. (Separated! Tommy and separated! Wilbur au)
"W-...Wilbur..?" Tommy stuttered, slowly walking toward the figure,
"Tommy..? What-" Wilbur stuttered before running over to Tommy, hugging him tightly,
"Oh my god Tommy," Wilbur muttered silently as he cradled his little brother's head closer to him.
Tommy bawled as the tears finally fell, he shakily put his hands around Wilbur, And they both stayed, hugging tightly and firmly.
The silence was filled with sobs, cries, and yells of anger
of sadness
of joy.
But both were content with each other.
 Wilbur silently felt tears smother down his face, as Tommy continued muttering silently, as his sobs grew louder with pain.
Oh, what had the world done to them?
To split them up,
to break them down.
But yet here they are,
together once more,
once again.
This time, without a revolution carving on their backs.
And so forth once more,
both were content.  

3. (The Smiles! au/ I'm gonna make this full story soon I think)
"Toby- Toby, you gotta listen to me big man!" Tommy stuttered viciously as he held his hands up, backing up closer to Wilbur.
"Tommy you can't just escape this, tell us what we need to know, and then you can leave!" Tubbo laughs with a grimace as Ranboo held Tubbo's shoulder, trying to steer him away from the conversation.
But Tubbo wasn't one to back down, Tommy knows.
Wilbur scowls as he holds Tommy's arm, "Look Tubbo, can't you just let us be? Why do you think Tommy would know something like this anyway?" Wilbur says accusingly,
"I-.." Ranboo stuttered, damn they do make a good point.
 "Tommy, you've been acting suspicious recently," Ranboo says with a tone of regret and pity, "We just need to know the truth,"
 "Well, I don't fucking know anything about whatever the fucking "Smile" is!" Tommy yelled defensively, as Wilbur tightened his hold on Tommy's arm.
Tubbo scowled menacingly as he approached Tommy slowly, shrugging off Ranboo's attempts on holding him back.
 He shoves a finger on Tommy's chest,
 "I'm on to you.." he mutters with anger before turning around,
dissipating onto the foggy streets with Ranboo on his tail.
Wilbur let out a huff as he hugged Tommy tightly, feeling Tommy shaking with fear.

4. (Dead! Wilbur and Servant! Tommy/an au where gems have powers and Ranboo is king and is mean) I don't think ima make this to a story sooo-
"No no SHIT It wasn't supposed to go like this!" Tommy bawled as he held Wilbur close, "Tommy, It's too late now. I offered you a position yet you declined. It's your fault he's dead isn't it?" Ranboo slowly walked over to the dishevelling child.
 "Fuck off you fucking bitch!" Tommy screamed as tears continuously poured out of his eyes. And all Tommy got as a response was a laugh.
That was all Tommy could think,
their...their fucking plan was supposed to go nicely!
Ranboo wasn't supposed to arrive this fucking early.
 He and Wilbur were supposed to finally be free, maybe live somewhere far away from this hell hole,
the plan was fucking simple.
But of course, Tommy's luck would always fail in the end.
 "Come on Tommy, I'm giving you a last chance here, you could join me, or you could die. The choice should be quite simple." Ranboo said as he continued walking closer, slowing his pace a little.
 Tommy huffed as he shakily stood up, putting WIlbur's body down.
 "Come on Tommy, make your decision," Ranboo smirked,
 Shit shit shit shit-
 "How 'bout.."Tommy paused, pretending to think while the tears still continuously slid down his face.
Ranboo listened intently with a wolfish grin.
"No!"Tommy screamed with anger as he ran towards Ranboo at full speed, catching Ranboo off guard.
 Tommy kicked and thrashed, flinging himself onto the Sonava bitch.
Punching Ranboo in the fucking guts as best as he could.
He knew Ranboo was stronger than him, but you never know till you try, right?
Absolutely not.
The outcome was bad,
Would never recommend it, Tommy could tell you that.
Ranboo immediately pulled out the crystal, trapping Tommy as the crystal transformed into translucent green vines.
And soon, Tommy started to levitate off the ground.
"I gave you a choice Tommy, sadly you have picked the wrong one," Ranboo said with pity, yet his tone was laced with nothing but anger.
 Tommy's eye twitched,
"And I don't fucking regret it."
And before Tommy knew it, he was falling.

5. (Never Met (kid)! Tommy and Never Met (Teen)! Wilbur/basically they never met and kidnapping slash surprise adoption ensues)

Tommy stared excitedly at his brand-new friend,
 "My name's Tommy! How bout you, sir?" The child asked with happiness radiating off of him, "Uh...the name's Wilbur kid, don't wear it out." The man chuckled tiredly,
this child really made him remember himself long ago.
He recalled when he was once filled with fire and determination.
"I'm not a kid!! I'm a big man!" The child screamed angrily, but the anger dissipated shortly after.
 "Since we're pretty much not strangers anymore, wanna hang out?" Tommy grinned widely, Wilbur chuckled amused at the kid, "Sure Tommy, but haven't your mom ever taught you about stranger danger?"
Wilbur asked confused. 
"My mom's dead," Tommy said, still somehow holding a wide grin. 
"Uh....I'm sorry for your loss... How about your dad..?" Wilbur asked awkwardly, this was his first time getting a response like that, especially from a kid.
"Dead too," Tommy huffed, still having his huge smile. 
Wilbur stared at the kid, 
What the fuck..?
"Anyways sir, wanna go hang out now?" Tommy asked again, this time jumping on the balls of his feet. 
"But what about your guardian..? Who's going to watch you-" Wilbur asked before noticing how Tommy stopped at that. 
"What's- what's a gur-..guarid- guardaian?" Tommy said, confusion clear on his face. 
Wilbur huffed, 
"First of all, It's guardian. Second, a guardian is someone who takes care of you, you should have one, right Tommy?" Wilbur explained, 
"I don't have one...I take care of myself! I'm a big man!" Tommy grinned again, as his teeth gleamed brightly under the sun. 
Wilbur gasped, 
free little brother?!
"Hey Toms," Wilbur started off, 
"Yah?" Tommy asked, an adorable sound to Wilbur's ears. 
"How do you feel about being my little brother and coming home with me?" Wilbur smiled as he bared his teeth.
"But we were supposed to hang out together.." Tommy said as he sniffled a bit. 
Wilbur noticed the tears welling up in Tommy's eyes. 
oh fuck-
"No no no no! Sunshine! We can still hang out! Don't cry, I was asking if you want to live with me?" Wilbur slowly said, dropping to his knees as he tried to console the child. 
Tommy sniffed his nose as he wiped his tears using the back of his hand. 
" with you..?" Tommy asked slowly, looking at the curly brunette teen in front of him. 
"Yeah! We can hang out every day! And you can meet my older brother and my dad!" Wilbur laughed, speaking fondly of his family.
Tommy gleamed brightly, 
"YAH!!!" Tommy yelled as he jumped up and down in excitement. 
Wilbur grinned widely.
"I can't wait to show you to Phil and Techno, they're gonna love you, Toms," Wilbur smiled, standing up from his slightly bent crouch, and grabbing the child's hand. 
"Now come on, didn't you say you wanted to hang out with me?" Wilbur said with fondness at the glowing child next to him. 
Tommy smiled widely, 
"Let's go, big man!" Tommy yelled as he dragged Wilbur with him into the city.
