
Btw before u start da story...
U must know that in this au, none are dead, none have made nations, and more. Just pretend that DSMP isn't real here but hybrids are. Despite the town name being L'manberg and all.

It all started when Tommy saved his family...

It was a gloomy afternoon, the SBI family was shattered to pieces.
Tommy's mother was dead, and their father, dear old Philza, freaked about it.
And it wasn't a normal type of freaking out, it was a suicidal attempt.
And Tommy's brothers weren't there to stop their father, only Tommy was there.
So of course, Tommy, being the kind 10-year-old he was, came to stop his father.

The door swung open with a loud harsh slam
"T-Tommy?" Philza croaked out, still wielding a knife aiming at his chest,
"Dad..? What-What are you doing...?" Tommy stared dumbfounded at his father, as ushed tears threatened to fall
"Tommy, I...I just can't do this anymore...Your mom...she was my..- she was my everything...I-I just can't.." Tommy's father sobbed, as he harshly drew the knife closer to his broken heart.
"Dad, please....please don't d-do this...what..-what about me? What a-about Techno, or-or Wilbur..?" Tommy questioned with sad sincerity, walking towards his sobbing father carefully.
"I...I don't know.." Philza faltered with his answer, as the knife in his hand slowly went loose, slightly farther away from the sad man's chest
The tears finally fell from Tommy's face, falling to the carpeted floor.
"Tommy...please don't cry...I-I..I just, I can't... it's too...just too painful," Philza laughed through his painful sobs, as his body tremored with agony.
"Dad, please just...just think about it. Mom...mom was our mom too!" Tommy yelled as tears ushered down his face, hoping that maybe his father could just, think about it.
Tommy saw his dad clenching the knife once more, unfaltering. 
Guess the choice was made.
"I-...I'm sorry...take care of your big brothers' fo-"
But Phil never managed to finish his sentence,
Tommy abruptly jumped towards his dad, thrashing his hand out to get the knife. Aiming to take it far, far away from his dad.
But it appears that Tommy wasn't too careful,
"Tommy!" Philza screamed as Tommy dropped the knife,
the knife making a huge deep slash in Tommy's hand, and the wound dripped with streaks of red.
Tommy halted his movements as the adrenaline rushed away, only the feeling of pain remained.
The pain grew and grew, and Tommy could do nothing but cry as he writhes in pain.

"Shit shit shit shit, Tommy oh my god I was so stupid...I can't believe I fucking tried to kill myself. I need to look after my kids!" Phil yelled to himself, trying to calm himself down while wrapping Tommy's arm with bandages.
"I need to look after...you," Phil said pointedly at Tommy, who stopped crying a while ago.

And after that scenario, Tommy's brothers found out about it.
And that's how the SBI's love for their youngest, grew and grew.
As it slowly turned from protective, to possessive...
Because according to them, they wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Tommy.

Tommy obviously figured it out, like the big man he was. 
At first, he didn't acknowledge it.
But as time went on, he grew tired of it, taunting his family for it.
But the more his family's possessive tendencies grew, the more he decided how he could use it to his advantage.
Now Tommy wasn't really up for manipulation, especially towards his family, his beloved fucking family...
But he decided to do it anyway, because it's fun, simply only that.
Plus he could get what he wants easily, easy peasy lemon squeezy innit?

Present day...

Today was quite a boring day...

Tommy was sent by his family to get some snacks for them, from the new cafe that recently opened.
He ordered the food already and was already walking back, surely nothing could go wrong innit?
But oh was he wrong,
"Hey, Tommy!" a snobby voice screamed.
Tommy abruptly stopped, turning his head sideways to look at the person that yelled his name.
Holy shit.
"K-Keith?!" Tommy yelled with fear, holy shit holy shit holy shit that's his fucking bully from school.
"Hey, long time no see dude." Keith laughed with malice in his voice.
"Hehe- uh...yeah.." Tommy grimaced, hoping that his bully would just let him go.
"Remember your daily beatings..? I really missed those." Keith smiled, slowly approaching Tommy.
Oh fuck Tommy's screwed.
Tommy sprinted through the path, hoping to lose Keith through the crossfire of people.
But Keith continued to chase him, still on his trail. 
Tommy took a left, then a right, then a left, until he eventually stopped at a dead end.
"Oh shit oh shit oh shit," Tommy muttered to himself, as his bully walked in front of him, 
"You've got nowhere to run Thomas," Keith snickered as he threw a punch at Tommy.
Tommy staggered a bit.
Well shit, guess his daily beating was about to begin innit.

Tommy refused to cry, so he stayed there, on the floor, getting beaten to a bloody pulp by one of his school bullies.
It wasn't Tommy's fault that he couldn't defend himself, it's just that.....he just can't defend himself.
He was puny compared to Keith, Keith looked like a bloody jock to Tommy.
So Tommy stayed there till the beating was over. 
Keith laughed with anger lacing his tone, still using Tommy as a punching (and kicking) bag. Guess he was taking his anger out on Tommy, Tommy thought with a grimace. 
Keith finally finished, not saying a single word as he walked away from the bloody mess on the alleyway floor.
When the footsteps finally lessened, Tommy stood up with a stagger.
Tommy looked up at the sky, it was sundown, which means...
"OH shit!" Tommy yelled limping a little as he slowly walked to the outskirts of the street, his family was gonna kill him if he didn't arrive home soon.
Tommy looked below him, wincing when he noticed some wounds seeping with blood on the concrete slate floor, also remembering that he sorta lost the food he bought from the new cafe.
"Well damn, not much I can do now innit," Tommy muttered to himself, huffing as he continued his way to his house.
Good thing that his house was near, the bad news is that he has bruises and wounds and that he lost the food that his family told him to get. 
Oh well,
Tommy continues to trudge himself home, he could see his house getting closer and closer. 
The more his house grew closer to his view, the more his nervousness began to grow.
And finally, he reached his house, dinging the doorbell to let his family know of his arrival (mansion technically cuz the craft family be rich as fuck), 
The door swung open quickly, with a frazzled-looking Wilbur behind the door.
"Tommy where the FUCK had you been?!" Wilbur yelled as he pulled the young blonde inside, hugging him tightly.
"Well...I may have gotten into trouble." Tommy huffed as his older brother loosened his grip."
Wilbur eyed Tommy up and down, finally noticing the bruises that his little brother had.
"Tommy, what the hell happened to you?" Wilbur whispered darkly, holding Tommy's wrist tightly.
"I-uh...." Tommy hesitated for a moment, he knew that if he told his bully's name, his family would surely kill him, and most definitely not hold back. 
To be honest, it sounded quite okay to Tommy.
But then again, his bully, no matter how bad he is, doesn't deserve to die. 
But again, technically his bully did bring nothing but pain to Tommy.
"I kinda met my bully.." Tommy said, grimacing a little as he eyed his brother wearily.
Wilbur's eyes grew dark and sharp as he immediately picked Tommy up.
Tommy sputtered as his big brother carried him bridal style upstairs, holding on to his brother's arms for dear life hoping that he won't fall off the sturdy arms and fall down the stairs to his death. 
"WILBUR PUT ME DOWN!" Tommy screamed as he continued holding the arm tightly, too scared to flail around. 
Wilbur snickered a little, finally reaching the top floor. 
Finally, Wilbur let Tommy down and Tommy immediately shot a scowl at Wilbur. 
Wilbur rolled his eyes, dragging Tommy by his shoulder to the nest (aka Dadza's room).
Tommy gulped a little, knowing what was coming.
"Tommy! Where were you, you little shit!" Philza fussed, only stopping when he saw the bruises his son had.
"What happened Will?" Philza asked Wilbur who stood behind a nervous Tommy.
"Tommy said he encountered some bullies, which HE never told us about," Wilbur said with anger, practically fury seething through his words.
Tommy looked behind Philza, seeing red glowing eyes who stared right back at him. 
Tommy gulped, shit. 
Philza huffed before pulling Tommy, dragging him to his nest, and coddling him in front of Techno. 
Techno immediately pulled Tommy onto his lap, embracing him in a bone-wrenching hug, yet careful enough that it won't hurt Tommy's bruises.
"Names. Now." Philza said, crouching down to look at Tommy's eyes.
Wilbur walked towards the nest, sitting next to Techno.
Tommy grumbled, looking back up into Philza's eyes.
Guess he had to.
"Keith..." Tommy begrudgingly huffed out, as Wilbur reached his hand over to play with Tommy's hair.
Tommy sank to Wilbur's touch and Techno's warm embrace.
Philza approached the nest, settling down on the left side of Techno, stretching his wings out as a symbol of protection.
Techno saw as Tommy slowly drooped his eyelids, chuffing with fondness.
Wilbur chuckled a little as Philza cooed at his youngest son,
"It's okay runt, just sleep," Techno said gruffly in that usual monotone voice, yet filled with love and possessiveness.
"I- lost the food.." Tommy whined slightly as he shifted closer to Wilbur, yet still in Techno's arms.
"It's fine mate, just close your eyes. We'll patch you up when you're asleep to make it less painful." Philza said with fondness as he watched his youngest burrow closer to the heat source.
And slowly Tommy felt himself lose touch with reality. 
"Mine," Wilbur whispered, grinning as he did so.
"Ours," Techno gruffly said, growling in anger.
"Boys," Philza said with a cold icy tone, reminding them that their youngest is still asleep.
"Ours.." Wilbur begrudgingly agreed, hearing Techno huff with confirmation and approval.
Tommy was already fast asleep before managing to see his family's wide grin that bared their teeth too sharply to be kind, as his family started planning for a murder.

The next day

Tommy blinked slowly, as the world came around him. 
"urgh.." Tommy mumbled as he slowly woke up,
noticing that he was in the nest alone and that his wounds were patched and healed. 
Tommy stood up shakily, still wary of sleep. 
He went out of the nest, going downstairs to make himself some breakfast.
He hummed a little tune as he turned, going to the kitchen.
When he arrived at the kitchen, he noticed that no one was there.
"Hmm, seems I'm alone," Tommy chuckled to himself as he grabbed some Greek honey yogurt inside the fridge, took a spoon out, and leaped onto the sofa.
He grabbed the TV remote and opened up youtube, deciding that he would watch his favorite YouTuber.
"I recreated Willy Wonka's chocolate factory in real life!-" The video started off.
Tommy sank back to the plushy couch, opening the yogurt, and diving into it hungrily.
Tommy delightfully watched the video with rapt attention, still taking spoonsful of yogurt into his mouth.
Suddenly there was a sound of a door creaking,
Tommy immediately paused the youtube video, chucking his head back to see who had entered the house.
He let out a sigh of relief when he saw his family trudging inside, turning back to unpause the youtube video.
hold up- was that blood?
Tommy whipped his head around, doing a double take as he saw his family covered in specks of red. 
"Sorry, Keith.." Tommy grimaced to himself as he continued eating his Greek honey yogurt.
"Toms! You're awake," Wilbur smiled as he dropped his coat on the coat hanger, going over to sit next to Tommy on the couch, despite being covered in specks of blood. 
Tommy groaned as he sinks further back to the couch. 
Wilbur whined as he was ignored,
"Hah loser," Techno poked his head out of the kitchen, laughing gruffly.
"Shut up!" Wilbur hissed as he turned his head quickly to send a scowl at Techno.
Tommy chuckled as he finally acknowledged Wilbur, pulling him into a soft hug, which Wilbur crooned at.
"boys," Phil gave a warning tone as he walked to the living room, placing himself next to Wilbur on the couch.
"He started it," Wilbur immediately said,
"Bruhhh," Techno grumbled as he walked to sit next to Tommy on the couch.
Philza gave a fond look at his 3 kids, as he ruffled Tommy's hair.
And so they sat, whatever video Tommy pulled up.
"I hope you guys didn't take it too far.." Tommy muttered, squashed between his two brothers.
"Don't worry sunshine, you don't have to worry about him anymore." Wilbur grinned sadistically, tilting his head a little at Tommy. 
Tommy snorted, turning his head back to watch the video.
And so as the comfortable silence fills the room, Tommy acknowledges the fact of his family's possessiveness but does absolutely nothing about it.
It's because he craves this attention, it might seem greedy, but he does.
It just settled right for him.
And so the day passed as he snuggled closer to his possessive family.
